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然后就看那大妈瞪着我问:excuse me? 我就特傻地继续问:Bedroom,u know where u pee and poo =.= 大妈想了想就微笑地和我说:I’m sorry honey we don’t have a bedroom in school, but if u r looking for a bathroom it’s down the hall. 我当时就汗了,把bathroom说成bedroom=.=||| 28.来...

and , ant, ask, ate, art, act, are, air, add, age, ago, arm, any, all, awe, axe, aye, azo, ash, arc, ado, aft, aim, aid, alp, apt, Ark, awl but, bee, bad, bat, beg, bag, boy, ban, ben, bay,bye, buy, bed, bel, bet...

there was a hole in the Ambassador's hat which had been made when someone fired a shot through his office window. The Ambassador was lucky, for he was not wearing it at the time.(78 words)The Ambassador of Escalopia was in his office when university students set the Embassy ...

Beat Box基础三音篇 1. K=KICK 大鼓音 发音方法:‘不’,近似于’不’.发音技巧:连续发出’不’,你会注意到在说这个字的时候会带有一点鼻音和’U(WU音)’,之后需要的便是去掉这两个音,你会感觉到口腔里有一口气被挤压出去,这就是大鼓音 注意事项:大鼓音做好是不会用到胸腔出气,是很自然的口...

New Wongsakorn Poramathakorn--Pana SarachaiPoo Praiya Soandokmai--Oranoot Thathep\/NootFai Nichanun Funkaew--Kunthida Thathep\/NoiPol Poolaphat Attapanyapol--Sawat SarachaiShane Nattawat Plengsiriwat--RangseeNai-Yana Pamee--Kaew Thathep个人履历姓名:Wongsakorn Poramathakorn昵称:New职业:...

主演:Num Sornram,Poo Praiya类型:泰国电视剧 首播:2008年10月31日 泰国CH7台 big因为杀父之仇追赶num,又因为poo哥的夺未婚妻之恨而追逐poo哥,num帮助了poo哥,所以对方感恩地将有妹妹照片的项链送给了num。num看到照片,对里面的女孩儿莫名地一见钟情。poo哥和女友流落荒岛别墅,那里曾经属于一对夫妇,而这对夫妇...

Poo Praiya Soandokmai--Oranoot Thathep\/NootFai Nichanun Funkaew--Kunthida Thathep\/NoiPol Poolaphat Attapanyapol--Sawat SarachaiShane Nattawat Plengsiriwat--RangseeNai-Yana Pamee--Kaew Thathep个人履历姓名:Wongsakorn Poramathakorn昵称:New职业:泰国男演员(7台) 生地:Hua Chiew 医院生日:1980.12.29...

是很自然的口腔和嘴的动作,如果你在练习过程中感觉有不妥的地方,就试试能不能轻松的做20个KICK,若能,那说明你做法应该为正确 语音教程 2. H=HIHAT 镲 发音方法:‘刺’,近似于’刺’ ‘仄’近似于轻声’仄(ZE)也可以发 ‘的’这个音发音技巧:牙齿自然闭紧,舌头放在上牙和口腔的连接位置,然后...

neffy poo =nephew poo 爱称 hat stand 帽子架 or rather 更确切地说 wince 赶紧避开 lapping noisily 舔 He pines if he's away from me.: have a desire for something or someone who is not present. 想念 He nodded curtly . 匆忙地,简短地 namby-pamby 感伤的,娇饰的 wishy-...

bbox四元素是wind water fire earth很经典一般学完三音之后都会学这个我给你;wind:殴死 阿死 拉斯 利死 必死 啊 西督 萨怕 T-K S T-K 达斯 T-K S T-K 必 T-K S K 西都 S BOM T-K S BOM T-K T-K S T-K BOM T-K S BOM T-K T-K S T-K 屋罗 S T-K...

机废17358284163问: 不定冠词a/an+名词和the+名词表示类指的区别,并举例. -
札达县其仙回答: a/an 表示一个或一种,例如:an apple,a kind of.也表示前面没有提到过的一件东西或事情. 而the可以表示一类,例如:the poor指穷人们,the Smiths 表示史密斯一家,也可以表示特指,也可以表示独一无二,例如:the earth.还有除了二胡以外,其他的乐器都必须加the.

机废17358284163问: 什么是 what is poverty -
札达县其仙回答: What's poverty? 贫穷是什么? 说明: poverty |ˈpɒvəti; 美 ˈpɑ:vərti|[不可数名词] the state of being poor 贫穷;贫困 Many elderly people live in poverty . 许多老年人生活于贫困之中. to alleviate/relieve poverty 缓解 / 解除贫困

机废17358284163问: what a poor thing是什么意思 -
札达县其仙回答: what a poor thing这可怜的东西 例句1. What a horrible thing to do. 做这样的事简直太可怕了! 2. What a poor specimen that child is! 那孩子真不幸!为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!

机废17358284163问: poor woman -
札达县其仙回答: What a poor woman! 感叹句:WHAT A +形容词+单数名词+主语+谓语!/ WHAT+形容词+复数名词/不可数名词+主语+谓语! HOW +形容词/副词+主语+谓语!

机废17358284163问: 初中英语完形填空 -
札达县其仙回答: I sat down to read under an old tree in the park. I felt my life was _ hopeless_, for my whole world was dark.A young boy ran up to me, out of _ mind__. He stopped right before me and said __excited, “ Look what I found!” In his hand was a flower,...

机废17358284163问: be,what,a,dog,it,poor连词成句 -
札达县其仙回答: be、what、a、dog、it、poor连词成句:What a poor dog it is!多可怜的狗!

机废17358284163问: ( )What a poor dog! It - ------A death B dies Cdead D is dying -
札达县其仙回答: 1. D 表示“快要死了”2. D 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

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