
作者&投稿:贝左 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This hat becomes you.这顶帽子你戴很合适。This hat is in the latest style.这帽子是最新式的。A hat is a covering for your head.帽子是头的遮盖物。Emily was carefully adjusting her hat before a mirror.埃米莉正在镜子前仔细把帽子戴好。A woman can't have too many hats.一个女人不...

ah t能组成什么单词?
I look ridiculous in this hat.我戴这顶帽子看上去很可笑。She was hatted a big white straw hat to match her pink dress. (动词)她戴了一顶白色的大草帽来配搭那件粉红色的连衣裙。

1、She loved wearing her favorite hat when going out for a stroll.她喜欢戴她最喜欢的帽子散步出门。2、The little boy put on his baseball cap and eagerly ran out to join his team.小男孩戴上他的棒球帽,兴冲冲地跑出去参加他的球队。3、He took off his fedora hat and placed it ...

造句:1.He will wear a black hat tomorrow.他明天会戴顶黑色帽子。2.She wants to buy a beautiful hat for a wedding.她想买顶参加婚礼用的漂亮帽子。3.Look ! That little girl, wearing a flowery skirt and no hat is cute.那穿着花裙子没有戴帽子的小女孩看起来很可爱!

hat造句:1、 He used to fight at the drop of a hat.他总是一看到信号就大打出手。2、 You look absolutely priceless in that hat!你戴着那顶旧帽子很滑稽!3、 She paraded up and down in her new hat.她戴着新帽子在人前走来走去。4、 He generally wore an old,shabby hat.他...

n. 帽子。vt. 给……戴上帽子。vi. 供应帽子;制造帽子。n. (Hat)(中)(广东话·威妥玛)核(人名)。变形:过去式hatted、过去分词hatted、现在分词hatting、第三人称单数hats、复数hats。hats造句。1、My girlfriend and I bought the same hats but in different colors to prevent ...

英语造句whe's ... Ⅰt's... 一问一答
Where's my hat?我的帽子在哪里?It's on the bed。在床上。满意请采纳,谢谢

用如下词语造句: at,are,looking,hat,which,Anita,you...
回答:Which hat are Anita and you looking at? 阿妮塔和你正在看哪顶帽子呢?


I severed the man who was wearing a hat
我为那个戴着一顶帽子的男子服务。The man who I served was wearing a hat.我服务的那个男子戴着一顶帽子。同样,I bought the books which are on the counter.我购买了柜台上的那些书。The books which I bought are on the counter.我购买的那些书在柜台上。两种不同的句子,句意翻译的...

蒸华17725693014问: 用what提问的句型(不少于30组)有问有答,并翻译 -
环县马来回答:[答案] What the date today?今天是几号?答:It's____________ What day is today?今天星期几?答:It's______________ 我只知道这两个了

蒸华17725693014问: 用what造句并回答(带中文) -
环县马来回答:[答案] What 's wrong with this picture? 怎么弄成这样了呢? what's your name? 你叫什么名字? 如有问题请追问,点击 【选为满意答案】

蒸华17725693014问: 用what造句四年级题,一问一答 -
环县马来回答:[答案] What is this? (这是什么?) It's an apple. (它是一个苹果) 望楼主采纳哦~~(≧∇≦) ㊗️💯✔️

蒸华17725693014问: 用what造句,十句,并写出中文 -
环县马来回答:[答案] What is it? 这是什么?What is your name? 你叫什么名字?What time is it?现在几点了?What colour is your car?你的车是什么颜色的?What did he...

蒸华17725693014问: 用what,which,who,whose,when,where,why,how各造一问一答 -
环县马来回答:[答案] what:Waht's your opinion? I think is's a good idea.Which:Which pencil do you like best? The blue one is my favourate. Who:Who is you sister? The girl in red. Whose:Whose lesson do you want to take? Miss Zhang,I think. When :When does the class ...

蒸华17725693014问: 用“what... is that ...”造句,并翻译. -
环县马来回答: What pleases me most is that he has passed the exam. 最令我高兴的是他通过了考试. . ----------------------------------- 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

蒸华17725693014问: What+begoingto造句一问一答 -
环县马来回答: What are you going to do this afternoon? I'm going to do my homework . (希望能帮到你,也希望你能给我好评哦,你的好评是我最大的鼓励!谢谢~)

蒸华17725693014问: 英语作业 仿照例句用What造句 -
环县马来回答: 1.What beautiful cushions! 2.What a nice dress! 3.What wonderful velevet curtains! 4.What an amazing Persian carpet! 5.What fancy chairs!

蒸华17725693014问: how和what的用法(问句)请举例说明.比如对一个人的品质提问,用what和how分别造句对进展提问,用what和how分别造句还有更多······ -
环县马来回答:[答案] 同一个中文意思你 认为他怎么样?我们分别用what和how引导的句子翻译,那 就是What do you think of him?和How do you like him?这两句英文翻译比较普遍.这两个句子用来对人 的品质进行提问.对于询问进展.比如中文意思是这件事进行得怎么样...

蒸华17725693014问: what how 感叹句英语造句谁能给我用What造40个感叹句,并转化成How -
环县马来回答:[答案] How clever a boy he is! How lovely the baby is! What noise they are making! What a clever boy he is! What wonderful ideas (we have)! What cold weather it is!How big the room is ! What a good teacher we have! How very smart my dog is ! How long the ...

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