
作者&投稿:巫杰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Halten Sie Galopp hinter dem Auto auf der Autobahn. Alles war einfach und sehr schön und die Sth sth Ich wusste nicht, diese Filme können nicht in das Roadmovie klassifiziert werden, Hale Straße, nachdem alle, war auch von berührt... erst, ich muss wiessen, wie dein 大学生活...


nnen nicht in das Roadmovie klassifiziert werden,Hale Straße,nachdem alle,war auch von berührt...

爱新觉罗莺13946666889问: 雅思阅读whale strandings的答案 -
沅江市赛莫回答: B A B D C (猜测版)

爱新觉罗莺13946666889问: 鲸鱼英语作文 -
沅江市赛莫回答: 11月底,在澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州的国王岛,大批巨头鲸和瓶鼻鲸搁浅海滩.尽管救援人员帮助不少困在海滩上的鲸鱼重返大海,还是有80多头鲸鱼在烈日下无奈死去.新华社报道如下:Up to 80 pilot whales and bottle nose dolphins died after...

爱新觉罗莺13946666889问: 六年级关于鲸鱼的英语作文 -
沅江市赛莫回答: In particular, is the giant whale mass stranding of whales is not uncommon, even in the same group of whales stranded in a few days in a row, but because it has always been hard to understand. According to the scientists speculate, as the whale to ...

爱新觉罗莺13946666889问: 关于whale前面要不要加定冠词的问题 -
沅江市赛莫回答: 本题a whale 的泛指是通过说“任意一个”而来的 如果说a whale is the largest就成了任意一个鲸鱼都是世界上最大的了,这个明显不合乎逻辑.详细如下: 表类属性的话一般有三种形式即,a whale 和 whales,the whale都可以....但在这个题目里...

爱新觉罗莺13946666889问: 关于拯救鲸鱼的英语作文80字 -
沅江市赛莫回答: Nowadays,the whales is in danger.Because many countries kill them for different use,they are dying out.To protect our earth and ocean,especially the diversity of creatures.we must realize that we should take effective measures to protect them.If the ...

爱新觉罗莺13946666889问: Who were not among the original group of Imagist poets? - 上学吧找...
沅江市赛莫回答: whale是一个英语单词,名词, 1、作名词时意为“鲸;巨大的东西”.例句:We may live to see the extinction of the whale.人类或许能亲眼见到鲸的灭绝. 2、作动词时,使遭惨败,打败的意思.例句:He used to whale me when he was sober ...

爱新觉罗莺13946666889问: whale怎么读octopus -
沅江市赛莫回答: whale 英[weɪl] 美[hwel, wel] n. [动] 鲸,鲸鱼; 巨大的事物; v. 捕鲸; 击打,猛击; [网络] 鲸鱼; 惠尔; 蓝鲸; [例句]After the kill the men and old women collect in an open space and eat a meal ofwhale meat.捕杀过后,男人们和老年妇女们聚...

爱新觉罗莺13946666889问: "鲸鱼"用英语怎么说? -
沅江市赛莫回答: Whale 鲸不是鱼类,而是哺乳动物.鲸类动物的共同特点是体温恒定,34℃-36.5℃左右.皮肤裸露,体毛退化,仅吻部有少许刚毛,没有汗腺和皮脂腺.皮下的脂肪很厚,可以保持体温并且减轻身体在水中的比重.头骨发达,但脑颅部小,颜...

爱新觉罗莺13946666889问: whale 英文简介最好是英文加中文的,介绍一下whale -
沅江市赛莫回答:[答案] LIVING IN THE OCEANWhales are large,magnificent,intelligent,aquatic mammals.They breathe air through blowhole(s) into lungs (unlike fish who breathe using gills).Whales have sleek,streamlined bodies t...

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