
作者&投稿:在乖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ere也有三种发音:1. ere通常发\/ɛə\/:there, where2. 在个别词中ere却发\/Iə\/:here3. ere在个别词中发\/rə\/:different

魔兽争霸炎魔的台词,好像是fire the way
Fire way,you will be cleaned by fire!(火焰之路,你会被火净化)You`re `ere I live 你来了,我便得到了生命 Fire away. 你可以退下了 You may speak 你可以说话 I`m lit 我被点着(火)了~~I`ll reduce all to ashes. 我把一切变成灰烬 I`ll like away(Fire away. 你可以退下了...

\/iə\/ 和\/uə\/发音的单词,急求(至少每个音标三个单词,单词要简单...
\/iə\/:hear、year、here。\/uə\/:tour、gourd、flower。hear 英 [hɪə(r)]   美 [hɪr]v. 得知;倾听;听到;听证 How did you hear about us? How did you hear about this job?你是如何得知我们的?如何得知这个工作的?近义词 listen 英 ['lɪsn]...

首先,孩子要对音标有个初步的认识,其次,要把单词做一个归类。就像我们的拼音一样,有平舌音、翘舌音、前鼻韵母、后鼻韵母一样,可以把发音相同的单词汇集起来,多读一读,读出语感。一、26个英文字母及发音音标如下:A a [ei] B b [bi:] C c [si:] D d [di:] E e [i:]F f [...

死亡先知:You call to me? 你在呼唤我?,If that is your wish. 如果那是你的意愿。地狱领主:I am the Darkness! 我就是黑暗!As you order! 随时候命兽王:i hear the call of the wild 我听见大自然的呼唤了,what lies before me 我前面有什么 影魔:You`re `ere I live 你来了,...

able was I ere I saw Elba是什么意思?
Able was I ere I saw Elba的意思是落败孤岛孤败落。倒过来念同样是一样的;孤是国王的自称;中国古代称诸侯封地为国,一国之长称王。前704年,楚国子爵熊通僭越称王,是为楚武王;在此之前的夏商周三朝,王是至尊君主的称呼,等同于“天子”,如殷纣王、周武王。自秦始皇称“皇帝”后,王与皇始...

here中ere发音为:[iə]where中ere发音为:[ɛə][iə]常见的有:(eer):beer deer(ear):ear nearhear(ere)here(ea)idea [ɛə]常见的有:(ear) pear bear (air) chair air hair pair (are) care (ere) there where here 英 [hɪə(r)] ...

I wanna make you mine forever 个吗几 的 尼奥斤嫩 黑 吗gan怒森 nun 都不嫩 内 够心够 Give me a perfect day Oh I’ll stay by your side 难 波搜 内 慢 怕内 特king够 Ki得黑都 qiong恩那里 哦够呀 Qio恩你蛮 加特 她噶哦 够呀 Him的(n) 拿了急kio 巴拉巴句 航撒狼 闹...

here中ere发音为:[iə]where中ere发音为:[ɛə][iə]常见的有:(eer):beer deer(ear):ear nearhear(ere)here(ea)idea [ɛə]常见的有:(ear) pear bear (air) chair air hair pair (are) care (ere) there where here 英 [hɪə(r)] ...

英语字母及字母组合发音规则 一. 元音: 单元音:[i:] [ i ] [e] [A] [E:] [E] [B:] [Q] [C:] [C] [u:] [u]双元音:[ei] [ai] [au] [Eu] [Ci ] [iE] [Z[] [uE]1. [ i: ] 字母组合:ee:three tree green sheep meet b...

泊萧15629767946问: 去年暑假你在中国吗?用英语 -
扬州市力蜚回答: Were you in China last summer holiday? 希望可以帮到你

泊萧15629767946问: Were you in china?No,I wasn't.什么意思? -
扬州市力蜚回答:[答案] Were you in china? No,I wasn't 你是在中国吗?不,我不是

泊萧15629767946问: Were you in China last week? -
扬州市力蜚回答: Yes,I was./No,I wasn't.

泊萧15629767946问: Were you in China? No, I wasn't.是什么意思? -
扬州市力蜚回答: 你在中国吗?不,我没有.Were you inChina? 是个一般疑问句,其中的were是are的过去式.No,I wasn‟t.中的wasn‟t 是was not的简写.

泊萧15629767946问: 我想问老外,你住在中国吗? 是Do you live in China? 还是Are you live in China? -
扬州市力蜚回答: 1.这个句子中是Do 个人学习所得 一个英语句子中只能有一个动词 其中动词包括两种 一种是 实意动词(也就是有实际意义的动词 比如:live 住的意思 eat 吃 look 看 lisen 听等等 你可以根据他的汉语意思来判断) 另外一种是系动词 例如 am is are...

泊萧15629767946问: Were you in China? No,wasn't. -
扬州市力蜚回答: no,I wasn't.你没有主语肯定不行啊

泊萧15629767946问: 你在以色列吗?我以为你在中国.用英语怎么说 -
扬州市力蜚回答: 你在以色列吗?我以为你在中国. Are you in Israel? I thought you were in China. i thought 表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态 " 我已经觉得你在中国." you were 主语+动词过去式.这就是为什么你问 "你在以色列吗?" 时间里发生 满意请采纳,谢谢

泊萧15629767946问: you were in china( )two years.(用介词填空) -
扬州市力蜚回答:[答案] you were in china(for )two years.

泊萧15629767946问: we love you in China !有语法错误吗? -
扬州市力蜚回答: we love you in China !有语法错误吗? 实际上是 我们在中国爱你.怎么改?To give you our love from China Our love is given to you from China

泊萧15629767946问: you were in china( )two years.(用介词填空) -
扬州市力蜚回答: you were in china(for )two years.

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