
作者&投稿:兆壮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

兴趣:看电影、听音乐 特长:跳舞(Jazz)、唱歌、日语 喜欢的艺人:V.O.S 幸运数字:08 加入SM ENT:2000 SM Open Audition,之后被选送日本参加日韩双人组合争霸战 练习生时间:七年零三个月 室友:泰妍、允儿(出道至09年7月)、Jessica(09年7月至今)昵称:长腿、食神 参考资料:百度百科 ...

puton 增加(体重);发胖 p.10pound\/paUnd\/ n. 磅(重量单位);英镑(英国货币单位) p.10folk\/f@...haunted\/hO:ntId\/ adj. 有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的 p.13ghost\/g@Ust\/ n. 鬼;鬼魂 p.13trick\/trIk\/...enter\/ent@(r)\/ v. 进来;进去 p.54support\/s@pO:(r)t\/ v. & n. 支持 p.54Picasso\/pIk{...

这是我用十年收集的英文歌曲,每一首我都听过,包括曲名和演唱者,抱歉没有链接,但我还是忍忍心全给你了,因为你的分高呀 A Place Nearby Lene Marlin Colors Of the Wind Everywhere Michelle Branch M2M > Everything you do I Don't Know How To Love Him 万世巨星主题曲 NO NEED TO ...

加入SM Ent. 时间:S.M. Casting System合格 (2006年)训练时间:7年(金俊勉口述)亲近的公司艺人:EXO全体成员,SHINee,宋茜、崔雪莉、郑秀晶、Amber、Luna(f(x)),圭贤、利特、厉旭,东海(SUPER JUNIOR)最喜欢的食物:紫菜包饭 常去的地方:汉江 经常性的习惯:边说“啊啊啊”边开嗓 "真的...

Beads 述说之珠 Griswold's Legacy - 格瑞斯华尔德的传奇 Griswold's Redemption 格瑞斯华尔德的救赎 Griswold's Heart 格瑞斯华尔德之心 Griswold's Valor 格瑞斯华尔德的勇气 Griswold's Ho否r 格瑞斯华尔德荣耀 Heaven's Brethren - 天堂的信徒 Dangoon's Teaching 丹弓的教导 Haemosu's Adament 黑...

超HI韩国英文歌牛B热 DjPeco(Ent Dj伟仲 - 全英文 Dj伟仲 - (吾H DJ-NIC太空激情热 DJ小砜07开场曲热 POP顶级-女Hi 热 Rise And F 经典英文舞曲 DJ小热 意大利顶级嗨曲-dj热 荐 DJ小砜2007中英 DJ小砜2007中外 hey guy(re YE YE YE终极 DJ伤心_VS_DJ热 DJ流行djyoyo热 DjLanDy佳楠...

求:《贫民窟的百万富翁》插曲《Jai Ho》谁唱的

网易娱乐有 http:\/\/ent.163.com\/09\/0108\/16\/4V58HO37000334PD.html 参考资料:http:\/\/ent.163.com\/09\/0108\/16\/4V58HO37000334PD.html

900*759 http:\/\/danbooru.donmai.us\/post\/show\/244428\/black_panties-black_thighhighs-blush-bra-breast_ho 1280*1024 http:\/\/danbooru.donmai.us\/post\/show\/244429\/black_panties-black_thighhighs-blush-bra-breast_ho (点击网页中“Size: 1280x1024 (743.3 KB) ”才能得到该尺寸)...

jpg http:\/\/i53.photobucket.com\/albums\/g46\/hey_ho0\/gd-1.jpg http:\/\/i2.sinaimg.cn\/ent\/m\/p\/2008-12-06\/U2519P28T3D2282932F326DT20081206215316.jpg http:\/\/i144.photobucket.com\/albums\/r199\/fereva94\/1321889488.jpg 有好多,可是,再也找不到鬼鬼和王子的甜蜜合照了……...

须史18524923577问: I went on a holiday.是什么意思? -
平山区迪北回答: 我去度假了.

须史18524923577问: went to holiday 对吗? -
平山区迪北回答: 去度假有如下几种说法,绝对正确1. go on holiday2. Go on a vacation3. leave for a vacation4. take a vacation5. go on vacation6. Go Holiday

须史18524923577问: l went()on my holiday填空 -
平山区迪北回答: 亲,本题正确答案为:l went (shopping) on my holiday.我在假期的时候去购物了.解释:went是go的过去式,go shopping固定短语:去购物 .看懂了吗?请采纳,谢谢支持!

须史18524923577问: We went on holiday last year/They've got a car.改成否定句. -
平山区迪北回答:[答案] We went on holiday last year 否定句We didn't go on holiday last year. They've got a car. 否定句They haven't got a car.

须史18524923577问: he went on holiday. i went on holiday(both...and...)使用括号中的单词,使句子成为复合句
平山区迪北回答: Both he and me went on holiday 望采纳、谢谢

须史18524923577问: on holiday是什么意思 -
平山区迪北回答: on holiday 度假 双语对照 词典结果:on holiday [英][ɔn ˈhɔlədi][美][ɑn ˈhɑlɪˌde] adv.在度假; Most readers of this paper went on holiday this month. 本报的多数读者本月都去度假了.

须史18524923577问: 什么went on holiday(填who\when\where\what -
平山区迪北回答: where .这是个过去时,问的是:你去哪里度假了.望采纳,谢谢

须史18524923577问: she went on holiday after she had taken the examination.(英译汉) -
平山区迪北回答: 她考试完后去度假了楼下的那个,注意这个句子的时态,是went on

须史18524923577问: We went on holiday last year/They've got a car.改成否定句. -
平山区迪北回答: We went on holiday last year否定句We didn't go on holiday last year.They've got a car.否定句They haven't got a car.

须史18524923577问: went we our Canada holiday on to连词成句 -
平山区迪北回答: We went to Canda on our holiday

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