
作者&投稿:富天 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

侨径15953439625问: 有没有描写道路的句子,帮帮忙把 -
祁门县三协回答: 人生仿佛是一个纸盒子,如果你敢于捅破它来揭晓里面的奥秘,那就是尝试. 亚洲一家穷人,在经过了几年的省吃俭用之后,他们积攒够了购买去往澳大利亚的下等舱船票的钱,他们打算到富足的的澳大利亚去谋求发财的机会. 为了节省开支,...

侨径15953439625问: 光明的前途用英语怎么说? -
祁门县三协回答: 前途是光明的,道路是曲折的. While the prospects are bright,the road has twists and turns. 总之,前途是光明的,道路是曲折的. In a word,while the prospects are bright,the road has twists and turns. 前途光明的一代 a golden generation. 前途光...

侨径15953439625问: through用法
祁门县三协回答: hrough prep(连词). (1)从……通过,穿过 e. g. The River Thames flows through London. 泰晤士河流经伦敦. 比较:across是从平面或表面穿过,如across the street, 而along 是沿着……走. (2)在……中,一直到 e. g. She nursed me ...

侨径15953439625问: across、over、through得区别 -
祁门县三协回答: across &through &over的区别 三者都有“穿过”、“通过”的意思,但用法各不相同.across多指从一定范围的一边到另一边,且在物体的表面上或沿着某一条线的方向而进行的动作,其含义常与介词on有关.如: The students ran across the ...

侨径15953439625问: weave怎么读 -
祁门县三协回答: weave [英] [wi:v][美] [wiv] vt.& vi. 编,织; 迂回行进; 穿行(以避开障碍); vt. 编排; (把…)编成; [例句] They would spin and weave cloth, cook and attend to the domestic side of life 她们纺纱、织布、煮饭以及料理家务. [复数]weaves

侨径15953439625问: across和through的区别 -
祁门县三协回答: across和through的区别主要是: 1、through 强调从人群或物体中间穿过,该动作在三维空间进行.eg: The sun goes through the window. 阳光透过窗户. The stream runs through th forest. 2、across 指在某一空间从一段到另一端或呈十字交叉穿过,该动作在物体表面进行.eg: She went across the street to do some shopping. Can you swim across the river?

侨径15953439625问: “前途是光明的,道路是曲折的!”标准的英语怎么说? -
祁门县三协回答:[答案] 前途是光明的,道路是曲折的. While the prospects are bright,the road has twists and turns. 总之,前途是光明的,道路是曲... The road zigzagged through the mountains. 道路曲折地绕过山谷. The road weaves through the valleys. 那预示他前途光明. That...

侨径15953439625问: 分析句子 The river was through the city.中through是否表语,the city又是作什么成分. -
祁门县三协回答: was through 构成系表结构,做谓语,was是系动词,the city做宾语

侨径15953439625问: 关于英语几个"穿过去"的用法 -
祁门县三协回答: pass意为:路过,经过”eg:I just walked pass the shop、 across是介词,可与go组成固定动词短语go across 指穿过 cross为动词,它与though极易混淆:(都指穿过) cross特制平面上的穿过 eg:dont cross the street , its dangerous! though特指空间上的穿过 eg:I go throug the building(我从楼中穿过)put on 强调穿的动作eg:put on yuor sweater ,its cold outside! dress 强调穿的状态 eg:she dress a dress(她穿了一个裙子)

侨径15953439625问: get wet through 和 be wet through意思是一样的吗?它们可以互换吗? -
祁门县三协回答: 意思当然不一样. get wet through表示动作 翻译出来是弄得全身湿透,表示的是你从干的到湿透这个动作 be wet through 意思就是全身湿透 表示的是你湿透的这个状态.ex.It was raining heavily outside just now and I didn't bring my umbrella. I got wet through on my way back home, so now I am wet through. 刚刚外面雨下的很大 而我没有带伞.我回来的回路上把自己弄得湿透了,所以我答现在浑身湿透

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