
作者&投稿:仇民 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

care:英[keə(r)] 美[ker] 照顾,照料; 护理; 照看; 小心,谨慎; 用心; 关心; 忧虑,焦虑; mind:英[maɪnd] 美[maɪnd] 介意; 对(某事)烦恼,苦恼,焦虑; 愿意做; 当心; 用法不同 一、care用作及物动词作“在乎”“介意”“关心”解时,后面常跟that\/wh-或if\/whether引导的从句; 表示“介...

If I Say It, I've Eather Done It, Or It's 'Bout To Happen When I Pull Up In The Louis Truck On 26's, People Dumb Out If Lifes A Craps Game, I'm Rollin' 7's On The Come Out These Rapper's Think I'm Ig-nent, Love Sayin' My Name Cuz Maintainin My Fish Tank...


霜周13440445919问: weather machine什么意思 -
萨嘎县尿嘧回答: 天气制造机器

霜周13440445919问: 有人了解weather master这款户外手表不?在飞机上卖的 说是瑞士机芯 功能很多 想买一块 -
萨嘎县尿嘧回答: 一、WEATHER MASTER 瑞士双时区表、手表、腕表的品牌.二、WEATHER MASTER 瑞士表其中一款的介绍这款独一无二的瑞士手工艺手表是先带旅行者的绝佳伴侣,与旅行爱好者分享旅游的乐趣,手表具双时差区及日期显示,操控简单方便的心跳测量计,温度计,秒表,闹钟计步器,高度计,气压计,指南针等功能.是国际旅游,工作的必需品.瑞士制造.两年国际保养.

霜周13440445919问: 英语使役动词用法.谢谢 -
萨嘎县尿嘧回答:[答案] 英语中具有使役意义的动词较多,跟人们常常说的使役动词不是一个概念.通常我们说使役动词,指的是make, have, let这三... / at liberty 使某人获得自由,释放(犯人等) It's time we set the machine going. 是我们发动机器的时候了. The news set me ...

霜周13440445919问: 下划线是强调的音节 autumn bicycle calculator computer machine satellite weather winter每个单词都有重读的 划出来急.好的多给分. -
萨嘎县尿嘧回答:[答案] 重音很难掌握,以下是我的答案,不敢保证都对,仅供参考: autumn:au bicycle:i calculator:a,a computer:u machine:ine satellite:i weather:ea winter:in 楼主可以到google翻译里听一听英文原音,感觉一下哪个是重音

霜周13440445919问: weather可以加s吗? -
萨嘎县尿嘧回答: weather可以加s,意思是各种天气,例如:in all weathers不论晴雨

霜周13440445919问: weather怎么读 -
萨嘎县尿嘧回答: weather [英]['weðə(r)][美][ˈwɛðɚ] n. 天气, 气象;暴风雨 vt.& vi. 晒干, 风化 vt. 平安渡过, 挨过;[地]使风化 第三人称单数: weathers 过去式: weathered 过去分词: weathered 现在分词:weathering 双语例句 1. an all-weather football ...

霜周13440445919问: weather和climate的区别是? -
萨嘎县尿嘧回答: weather 指某地短时间内(几天内) 的天气情况 What is the weather like today? 今天天气如何? climate 一般指某个地区(范围较大)一段时间(较长) 内的气候情况 如: The climate of Beijing is much colder thab that of Guangzhou. 北京的天气比广州的要冷得多.

霜周13440445919问: life in the future作文(和weather,computer,job,travel有关) -
萨嘎县尿嘧回答: school life in the future What will our school be like in the future?I often dream about it.In my opinion,everything will become better and better.Our classroom will be more comfortable and there will also be a computer on each students' desk.And they ...

霜周13440445919问: weather,climate和pattern的区别 -
萨嘎县尿嘧回答: weather n. 天气, 气象 The weather changed overnight.一夜之间就变天了.climate n. 气候;气候区 Coffee will not grow in a cold climate.咖啡不能生长在寒冷的气候下.pattern n.型, 样式;花样, 图案 She cut a pattern for her own coat.她给自...

霜周13440445919问: 什么是 weather gear -
萨嘎县尿嘧回答: 专用防寒服 Over the course of 18 months, Robinette spent about 300 hours sitting on the beach, cloaked in cold-weather gear, watching crows.在18个月里,罗比内特花了大约300个小时坐在海滩上,穿着御寒衣,观察乌鸦.

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