
作者&投稿:释菁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

分别是外接耳机 声音输出 视频输出 声音输入 视频输入

谁能帮我把这段中文翻译成英文 急用万谢 就这一段了 感谢英语大大_百度...
if the pulse disappeared for cardiac massage. C if the scalp bleeding, such as direct compression hemostasis by gauze clean. If a head injury, blood and cerebrospinal fluid from the nose, ear outflow, it must be wounded procumbent, ipsilateral downward. Left ear, nose outflow of...

电脑前面板的耳机和麦克风连线中 R-OUT 是什么?怎么接?
2接GND,3接MIC2,4不接,5接R-OUT、L-OUT、R-IN、L-IN都可,6同5的接法、7不接、8为空,9同5、6,10同5、6。你的应该是这样接的,MIC IN 接1和3(注意红线接为1),GND接2,4为空,5和6接EAR R或EAR L都可,7为空,8没有,9和10(同5和6),一般接七条线就可以啦!

和五官相关的 英语习语有哪些
go in at one ear and out at the other 左耳进右耳出,当耳旁风 pick up one’s ears 竖起耳朵听 up to the(one’s)ears 深陷在(债务等中),债台高筑 wet behind the ears 乳臭未干 be on one’s ears 在发怒 be all ears 全神贯注地倾听 give ear to 听,倾听,注意 give one...

in arrears 拖欠 in as much 既然 in at one ear and out at the other ear 一耳进一耳出 ...as[As]adv.同样地, 被看作, 象prep.当做conj.与...一样, 当...之时, 象, 因为[域] American Samoa, 东萨摩亚abbr.[军] Air to Surface, 空对地Assymb 〈化〉砷 (arsenic)AS=Academy of ...

go in one ear and out the other是什么意思
go in one ear and out the other 去当耳边风 双语对照 词典结果:go in one ear and out the other [英][ɡəu in wʌn iə ænd aut ðə ˈʌðə(r][美][ɡo ɪn wʌn ɪr ənd aʊt &...

In one ear and out the other.什么意思
左耳进右耳出的意思, 即是听到的内容太复杂或太沈闷等等原因而使你听完後迅速忘记, 装不进脑里.

美国习惯用语讲座 第3讲:it goes in one ear and out t
您好 我是世纪雅思的老师很高兴能帮助你 It goes in one ear and out the other.to play by ear 今天我们要讲两个和耳朵,也就是ear有关的成语。中国人经常说那些不听劝告的人对别人的话总是“一个耳朵进一个耳朵出”,把它们当作“耳边风”。美国也有完全相同的说法。他们是这样说的: "It...

http:\/\/images.colorful.cn\/2006\/09\/09\/bfee80aa-6de8-4d90-b92c-269cc9fffa45.jpg 标准前置音频线定义 http:\/\/cimg2.163.com\/catchpic\/3\/3D\/3DD1209688AF9BFE34B8B829B9B32077.jpg 音频线接法 http:\/\/www.0943.cn\/pc\/yj\/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=99 详细图解文章 你如果是AC97的...

bend someone ear与某人喋喋不休 blow it out one’s ear胡说八道 chew someone’s ear off对某人喋喋不休 have an ear for music有音乐方面的天赋 fall on deaf ears和没有心思的人说话;没被理睬 good ear 辨别声音 keep one’s ear to the ground注意听 perk up one’s ear引起注意,坚起...

致钥15968183553问: wear out用主动还是被动,怎么区别? -
北镇市阿仑回答:[答案] wear out表示“主动”时有两层含义:1、wear sth.out(使某事物)用得不能再用、用坏或耗尽 He wore out two pairs of boots on the walking tour.Her patience had/ was at last worn out 她终于忍无可忍了.2、wear s...

致钥15968183553问: wear out的用法例如我的鞋子穿破了应该用被动吗 -
北镇市阿仑回答:[答案] My boots are beginning to wear out . 我的靴子开始磨破了. wear out1.PHRASAL VERBWhen something wears out or when you wear it out,it is used so much that it becomes thin or weak and unable to be used anymore.用坏; 用尽例:Every time she ...

致钥15968183553问: wear out -
北镇市阿仑回答: wear out 此处是说明名词的性质,所以不用被动 例如:The cups wash easily.这杯子好洗.The horse rides well.这马好骑.

致钥15968183553问: 短语wear out是什么汉语意思 -
北镇市阿仑回答: wear out 英[wɛə aut] 美[wɛr aʊt] [词典] 穿破; 用坏; (使) 筋疲力尽; 耗尽; [网络] 磨损; 精疲力竭; 穿; [例句]Every time she consulted her watch, she wondered if the batteries were wearing out. 每次她看手表,都会怀疑是不是电池没电了.

致钥15968183553问: 鞋子穿破了用wear out 是用被动语态吗?人筋疲力尽wear out 用什么语态? -
北镇市阿仑回答: 都是用被动语态worn out, 因为worn out 有 疲惫不堪的,筋疲力竭的;破旧的,耗尽的,磨损的 意思

致钥15968183553问: wear out 有被动吗,快进 -
北镇市阿仑回答: C 鞋子是被穿破,选C

致钥15968183553问: be wore out还是be worn out?网上说be worn out是wear out 的被动,但被动形式不是be+过去式吗?wore是过去式,worn是过去分词啊!实在不懂, -
北镇市阿仑回答:[答案] be worn out 这个是正确的. 被动语态是有be + 过去分词done 构成的 真心希望有帮助(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

致钥15968183553问: 两道选择题 -
北镇市阿仑回答: 1.是被动,表示汽车被卡在水塘里了2.因为用wear out表示累坏了时,说I am worn out.after a long journey的主语是我,所以省略I am,就应该是worn out

致钥15968183553问: 第九题为什么wear out不对 -
北镇市阿仑回答: 第九题:翻译过来意思是:你应该放松你自己,否则你的身体迟早会() Wear out用坏(一般指物品),穿破,(使)筋疲力尽,耗尽 Break down损坏,失败,毁掉 wear out表达 使…筋疲力尽的时候,是主动的, 句子中的身体迟早会怎么样是被动

致钥15968183553问: wear out 可以用于主动语态吗
北镇市阿仑回答: wear out的主语应该是物,不是人

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