
作者&投稿:梅享 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1)B e 常读作[b] 或位于词尾不发音。词例:bed, book, bright; comb, lamb, tomb, climb2)C c 常读作[k], [s] 词例:cold, clean cat; nice, city, decide有时读作[ʃ] 词例:social, musician, precious3)D d 常读作[d] 词例:day, desk, add,动词加-ed 时 -ed 的读法-ed前是清...

http:\/\/www.namipan.com\/d\/715d776923a6f5363a530e6293d27045d3147ef75a128701 http:\/\/www.rayfile.com\/files\/3016cb7d-05b2-11de-9668-0014221b...2009-7-1 TOHOSHINKI 28th single - Stand By U 【320K】 http:\/\/www.namipan.com\/d\/TOHOSHINKI%20%2028th%20single%20-%20Stand%20By%20U%20(...

94000130 FFFB0000221E8435 00000001D0000000 00000000@全作品最喜欢121E7EC4 00000FFF@资金最大021E7EB4 05F5E0FF@回合始终为1021E7EC0 00010001@一直改变路线1121E7EC0 00000001@战斗后获得资金最大1222D832 0000E1A0@战斗后获得经验值最大1222D72A 0000E1A01222D780 0000270F@战斗后等级991201B532 0000E1A0...

推荐(好听度不分先后)Craig david的rise and fall和Insomnia 英国最有前途的R&B男歌手...个人最爱的2首歌,前一首抒情但是节奏感很强,后一首更是带有很强的节奏感,让人听了不自觉的想扭动起来 Ne-Yo 的because of you , Closer ,Mad ,Miss Independent ,Part Of The List 号称美国R&B...

...时候小猪在船上吹着风的BGM 'Stand by me stand b
Ben E. King演唱 《stand by me》When the night has come 当夜幕降临 And the land is dark 黑暗笼罩大地 And the moon is the only light we'll see 狡黠的月光是我们唯一的指引 No I won't be afraid, oh I won't be afraid 我们不会害怕,不会恐惧 Just as long as you stand, ...

I would stand in line for this〖我愿为此排队等候〗There\\'s always room in life for this〖生命中总有机会〗Oh baby, oh baby〖噢 宝贝 噢 宝贝〗Then it fell apart, fell apart〖土崩瓦解 四分五裂〗Oh baby, oh baby〖噢 宝贝 噢 宝贝〗Then it fell apart, it fell apart〖土崩...

...I'm tall. I stand ___ you. A.between B.behind c.above
B 我很高。我站在你后面behind prep.(表示位置)在…的后面;支持;(表示顺序)在身后;(表示比较)落后于 adv.在后面;向后;在后面较远处;(落)在后面

b161cc976967ca38c01Begin.avi 131.07Mhttp:\/\/www.namipan.com\/d\/Begin.a ... ea33807e77d00103108Believe(Bridge Ver).rmvb 31.13Mhttp:\/\/www.namipan.com\/d\/Believe ... f0f33126d88e416f201Believe(Ver2 in L.A).rmvb 28.37Mhttp:\/\/www.namipan.com\/d\/Believe ... 922d573c2cafee6c501[TVHB]...

I just had to stand there, ___ ( stare) at b
这是动词现在分词表示伴随状语的用法。 因为是被别人盯着看,所以用被动语态。翻译:我不得不站在那里,被那些人盯着看。

between the two buildings()a monument A is standing B...
C stands 这是全部倒装。当介词短语(between the two buildings),here\/there 放句首时,常见。Here comes the bus.

钟离卓15642421718问: 语法,什么样的动词后面+ing -
横县阿苯回答: 1.英语动词加-ing,通常是在原形词尾直接加-ing构成:cough—coughing,climb—climbing,stand—standing,fight—fighting 2.以-e结尾的动词 (1)如果动词原形以一辅音加一不发音的-e结尾,一般应去掉e再加ing:write—writing,hope—hoping,...

钟离卓15642421718问: stand, mind 后面加什么动词 agree 后面加什么介词? -
横县阿苯回答: stand 表示忍受的时候 后加v-ing 而表示站立,通常后面是没有动词的,但是会有很多介词短语可以使用,如 stand by/for/at/up...mind 表示介意,后加v-ing agree on sth表示同意某事 agree with sb表示同意某人

钟离卓15642421718问: stand+in+n. +doing吗 -
横县阿苯回答: 不是,这里不能把stand+in+n. +doing看成一个固定结构. 本句中stand 是谓语动词,in+wind 是介词词组表示地点(在风 中) ,waiting for...是伴随状语,表示他站着的同时在做什么事. 英语中表达两个动作同时发生经常采用这种 谓语动词 + doing 的结构.例如:He stood beside the window,looking into the sky.t他站在窗户旁凝望着 天空.He always sits at the table reading the newspaper.他总坐在桌子边看 报纸.

钟离卓15642421718问: 初二上学期学的哪些词后面+doing,哪些+to do,什么时候用过去式复数 -
横县阿苯回答:[答案] 这个很复杂,我说的不一定全,反正常用的就是下面这些: 一、不定式的基本形式: to+动词原形,有时可以省略to. 二、 ... 动词不定式作定语,一般要放在被修饰词的后面,不定式与所修饰的词构成动宾关系. We have lots of work to do. Would you ...

钟离卓15642421718问: behind和after之间的区别是什么 -
横县阿苯回答: 1、针对对象不同 after主要是指时间的先后次序,而behind主要指位置的前后. 例如: Lily decided to visit her friend after 8am. Lily决定在早上八点后去拜访她的朋友. The national stadium is located behind the hill. 国家运动场在山岗的后面....

钟离卓15642421718问: headstrong是什么意思 -
横县阿苯回答: headstrong音节划分:head▪strong 生词本 英 [ˈhedstrɒŋ] 美 [ˈhedstrɔ:ŋ] adj. 任性的,刚愎自用的 双语例句 1. She was very headstrong, and very together. 她非常倔强,又非常精干. 来自柯林斯例句2. The trouble with her is that she is ...

钟离卓15642421718问: divided we stand 歌词 -
横县阿苯回答: 歌曲名:divided we stand 歌手:darkthrone 专辑:hate themDivided we stand Knucklescraping pain Unlocked and insecure To be all open wounds Down there I see you No no, further Feebly twinkling Stellar filth Redeemers wacked up like ...

钟离卓15642421718问: they are standing behind the wall一般疑问句 -
横县阿苯回答: They are standing behind the wall(他们正站在那堵墙的后面) they(主语)be+ving(正在进行时态)后面就是状语了!改成一般疑问句:Are they standing behind the wall?(他们正站在那堵墙的后面吗?)

钟离卓15642421718问: please stand behind the yellow lie什么意思 -
横县阿苯回答: 你确定你没打错吗..如果是please stand behind the yellow line,应该是站在黄线后的意思..- -

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