
作者&投稿:严依 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

不是 bee、be 、she……你看,这些e 都发音 但大部分“元音字母+辅音字母+e “ 结尾的词,e 是为了帮助前面的元音字母发重读开音节的音而存在的,这时候的e不发音


bee —— became make —— made speak —— spoke take —— took say —— said 1)is, am -was are-were 2) begin-began ring-rang drink-drank swim-swam give-gave sing-sang sit-sat run-ran have-had make-made e-came eat-ate 单词的过去式 A. 原形与过去式和过去分词完全相同. cost---...

秘密 secret 依靠 depend 十年 decade 决定 decide 成为 become

deep,深的 creek,小河 creep,匍匐 teem,充满 heed,注意 week,周 cheer,欢呼,喝彩 between,在...和...之间 cheese,乳酪 cheek,脸 weep,哭泣 keep,保持 keen,敏锐的 jeer,嘲笑 pioneer,先驱者,创始人 engineer,工程师 employee,雇员 refugee,难民 steel,刚 bee,蜂蜜 feet,脚 sightseeing,观光 ...


有哪些e e发音的单词
e e发音的单词:see、bee、meet、feel等。以下是相关解释:在英语中,包含字母组合ee发音的单词有很多。其中,单词“see”表示看到的意思,非常常见且实用。字母组合ee在此单词中发音为长音\/i:\/,非常清晰。此外,“bee”表示蜜蜂,这个词中的ee同样发长音\/i:\/,非常易于辨识。...

你这个问题貌似很强大啊!发<e> face neck elephent egg 发 shit bit little sit 发长元音 通常是两个e连在一起发,he she bee see knee sheep cheese 发长音【ə:】通常不单独发此音,需和其他字母组合发音如 learn 暂时就想到这么多了,望采纳。

含有e,ee,发音为\/i:\/的单词有be有英 [bi] 美 [bi], bee蜜蜂英 [bi] 美 [bi],fee费用英 [fiː] 美 [fiː] ,deed行为英 [diːd] 美 [diːd] ,indeed真正的英 [ɪn'diːd] 美 [ɪn'diːd],free自由的英 [friː] 美 [...

不一样。help里的e就发[e],属于短音标 而bee里的e发 [ i:],属于长音标

以侧18361251465问: 动词怎样才能变成现在完成时的动词呀 -
额尔古纳市利普回答: 呵,这个容易,现在时变完成时,只需在该动词前面加上助动词have,had,has,然后再将该动词do改为过去分词done就行了,举个例子:we win the game right now -----we had won the game yesterday.希望能帮到你哦

以侧18361251465问: 英语八种时态构成 -
额尔古纳市利普回答: 你好,我是世纪雅思学习的,通过学习我总结了点经验,和你分享一下:一般现在时 do 一般过去时 did 一般将来时 will do 现在进行时 is(am are)doing 过去进行时 was(were)doing 一般过去将来时 would do 过去完成时态 had done 现在完成时 ...

以侧18361251465问: 英语词组“调查”怎么说? -
额尔古纳市利普回答: 调查 [diào chá] investigationinquiry survey to investigate to survey (opinion) poll 关联词条:look-seeinvestigateindagationInquisitionseeing into i ndagatorsearch indagateresearchsearch into see into ynquiry look over inspection inquisite

以侧18361251465问: ...Dalkoff, who has been a professional - __22__ - for the last twenty - four years, mostly in advertising.As a boy, Dalkoff was terribly shy and - __23___. He had ... -
额尔古纳市利普回答:[答案]21—25: BCDAC 26---30: BCCBA 略

以侧18361251465问: 英语高人再次留步~ -
额尔古纳市利普回答: about , hungry, can, dinner. let's , restaurant. there. ask, by. restaurant, di...

以侧18361251465问: 【英语】The article suggests that when a person - ----- - under unusual stress he…… -
额尔古纳市利普回答: 答案 B解析 这句话 suggest后面是一个when引导的从句 其主句 he should be especially careful to have a well-balanced di...

以侧18361251465问: () to the doctor right away, he might have been alive. - 上学吧
额尔古纳市利普回答: 有 A is to B what C is to D ; 如:Honey is to a bee what milk is fo a cow.

以侧18361251465问: 爱的英文字母怎么拼写 -
额尔古纳市利普回答: 爱:love, 英 [lʌv] 美 [lʌv]双语例句: 1. Our love for each other has been increased by what we've been throughtogether. 我们共同经历了这些风风雨雨后,彼此更加相爱了. 2. You'll never love anyone the way you love your baby. 你决不会像疼...

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