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v=iMYFqhXIW1o 《Loving You》 <---同样也是张靓颖的 *** \/w atch?v=l0AEfAVDOX8 Dolphin-sounding Vocal 海豚音 “海豚音”,是dolphin-sounding vocal的直译,这种比喻很形象,众所周知鲸类的发声音高可以达到人类无法企及的高度。据BBC的说法,理论上的海豚音应该超过小字7组的G 也就是Mariah...

然后按如下步骤进行: f:setup \/iw \/is m *** atch.inf它会问你是否安装在网络上,答是,还要问你 装那个目录下,我是 g:\\work1。安装时选择检查硬件时,要自己选择,而且越少 硬件越好,避免问题。网卡设置时要小心,要设置好irq io之类,协议一定要选 beui,如果要装 tcp\/ip,也要这时设好,以后在改动会很...

蒙郭13463297067问: Either jocne or steven watch tv now.在Steven 与watch中间填写Were、Is、was、are中的哪一个 -
瑶海区康炎回答: either A or B后面的的动词是跟着B的 所以Either Jocne or Steven is watching TV now. 动词要用现在分词,be watching

蒙郭13463297067问: watch sth.和watch sb.doing sth.的区别 -
瑶海区康炎回答: watch sb do sth和watch sb doing sth的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 sb do sth意思:看见某人做了某事,注视某人做某事,看某人做某事. sb doing sth意思:观看某人正在做某事. 二、用法不同 ...

蒙郭13463297067问: 新概念英语 改错题 My wife and I am watch TV now. I enjoy listen to the radio very much. -
瑶海区康炎回答: My wife and I am watch TV now. I enjoy listen to the radio very much.enjoy后接listening Sam was in Denmark in July .in换成 In the way home, Jane told us a joke. In 换成on He often comes to see me,but today,he didn't comes. 后面的comes 换成come 原型.

蒙郭13463297067问: 英语感官动词的用法 -
瑶海区康炎回答: 感官动词有(see,watch,observe,look at, hear, listen to ,notice); 感官动词有一个重要用法:感官动词+宾语+do,在用作被动语态要补出to.例如:I heard her sing an English song just now. She w...

蒙郭13463297067问: ...per hour and each radio news program costs about£4,800 per hour.In the UK,about 19 million people - almost 35% of the total population watch the BBC ... -
瑶海区康炎回答:[答案] DABA 25.D 细节理解题.在第一段的第一句话Many people think that the BBC news programs are better than those on other channels 可知,BBC节目比其他新闻节目更容易理解. 26.A考查细节题.在文章第二段提到It has the world's largest network of ...

蒙郭13463297067问: he used to watch TV 的否定句现在提倡一种还是两种? -
瑶海区康炎回答: 口语中会这么说:He didnt watch much TV before.语法上:可以直接否定usedn't或者didnt use to

蒙郭13463297067问: 填空 I can - (watch)TV. Now I -- (watch)TV. -
瑶海区康炎回答: I can_watch__(watch)TV. Now I_am_ _watching__(watch)TV.意思:我能看电视.我现在正在看电视.

蒙郭13463297067问: watch前加什么介词? -
瑶海区康炎回答: What is the time ( to ) watch now

蒙郭13463297067问: let us watch tv now. 这句话的句子结构是什么? -
瑶海区康炎回答: Let us watch TV now让我们现在看电视吧,这是一个谓宾宾补的结构. 一个祈使句,句子成分是这样的 Let 谓语 us 宾语 watch TV宾补now.时间状语

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