
作者&投稿:淫军 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

滴一滴血第一部的片尾曲是谁唱的 有人知道嘛
加拿大歌手 Dan Hill 的 It is a long road It`s a long road when you on your own and they hurts when they turn your dreams apart and every new town just seems to bring you down Try to find a place of mind can brink your heart It`s a real war right outside yo...

A:It's on the 25th of S(eptember). 9月25号。B:What do people u(sually) do on that day? 人们通常在那天做些什么?A:They often have a party with their r(elatives),eat moon cakes and w(atch)the moon. 他们通常和亲戚一起举行聚会,边吃月饼边赏月。B:W(hat) is a moon...

match =, subject)if match: # match start: match.start() # match end (exclusive): atch.end() # matched text: do_something()else: do_anotherthing() 4.获取正则表达式所匹配的子串(Get the part of a string matched by the regex) regex=ur"" #正...

bonnie and clyde 翻译 高手进
没有是atch; 哦没有您不会看见那 And没有,我不是完善的-未经预约而来的没人这张地面是 But女朋友,与孩子一起使用 I保留您Hermes Burkin袋子 Minolo Blohnik Timbs,飞行员透镜 600下落,奔驰车 ,当您穿着柏帛丽游泳之时 And我不必须担心,只有忧虑是他 She做任何东西必要为他 And我做任何东...

Many children l(ike )watching TV.It's very I(nteresting )and they can see a l(ot )and k(now )many things about other p(laces ).They can l(earn )from the redio,too.But they can learn easily with TV.Why?Beacause they can hear and w(atch )at the same t(ime ),But...

18.ritain,cars,buses and bikes must keep to the l(eft) side of the street.If a person wants to c(ross) a street,he must stop and either look at t(raffic) lights or look at both ways of the street.And i( ) of looking left first,as we do in China ,they look right first. ...

Read and write.(读一读,写一写)
5. do like which best you season Which season do you like best ?13 (6分) Read and correct.(读一读,找错误)() 1. My mother like cooking very much.A B C B likes () 2. Monkeys is naughty and lovely.A B C B are () 3 Tom watch TV last night.A...

C. can atch nothing D. can’t see anything clearly48. How many dangers will animals meet in the deep sea? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.49. When you do scuba diving, you can ___. A. stay in deep water for a long time B. dive very, very deep C. live in deep wat...

仁爱版八年级英语上册Unit 1单元测试卷及答案
a football atch next week. Shall we go and watch it?A.will haveB.hasC.haveD.will be ( )11.—Don’t do that again. Shae on you!—___A.Sorry, I won’t.B.Sorry, I don’t.C.All right, I won’t.D.OK, I won’t....

巫健13885777830问: 英语中watch to do 还是watch dowatch do行吗 watch to do 的to不是应省去吗 为什么有时候加上啊?我很迷惑 -
肥城市安必回答:[答案] 有两个用法. 1,watch sth 表示看到整个过程 2,watch sb.doing sth表示看到正在做某事

巫健13885777830问: watch 后面只能加 do或doing 为什么不能加to do? -
肥城市安必回答:[答案] 你可以看看这里,已经有人回答了 作为动词,有如下用法:watch sb do someshing,watch sb doing something 作为及物动词,后面可以直接跟宾语. 不及物动词,Watch out 注意的意思(以避开某物).

巫健13885777830问: watch怎么用?求大神帮助watch 后面加动词ing,或是 +to do -
肥城市安必回答:[答案] look是强调看这个动作 是不及物动词 就是说 当我们说“看……”的时候 需要在look后面跟一个适当的介词 如:Look at the blackboard carefully! see是强调“看见”这一结果 是及物动词 如:I saw Tom yesterday. watch是有“观看,观察”的意思 强...

巫健13885777830问: 英语中watch to do 还是watch do -
肥城市安必回答: 有两个用法. 1,watch sth 表示看到整个过程 2,watch sb.doing sth表示看到正在做某事

巫健13885777830问: 是watch sb do sth还是watch sb to do sth -
肥城市安必回答: 应是watch sb do sth;而在被动语态中,要还原to,即:sb be watched to do sth. 例句: 1、We can't just sit by and watch you throw your life away. 我们不能眼睁睁地看着你毁掉自己的生活. 2、I wound up the watch and listened to it tick. 我给表...

巫健13885777830问: watch的用法如果表示之前看到某人做某事应该用watch+do还是用watch+doing -
肥城市安必回答:[答案] 如果说是当时看到某人正在做某事,后跟doing;如果是看到他做过,那就是do 这里问你当时在干什么那肯定选B

巫健13885777830问: watch (to) do 与watch doing辨析watch (to) do与watch doing的区别.请再举几个例子可以么? -
肥城市安必回答:[答案] watch +do(不+to )是 “看见某人做过某事”已经做过了、 watch doing 是“看见某人正做某事”是正在做、 I often watch him read books in his bedroom. 我经常看见他在房间里读书、(这件事做完了) I watch him reading books when I go to his ...

巫健13885777830问: 什么时候加do或to do或doing -
肥城市安必回答: do即“做”的意思,通常用于一般现在实,或者某些固定的动词后面,如 watch sb do sth,但也是属于一般现在时时态 to do 是不定时结构,如like to do sth ,它在句子中经常表示将要做某事,是将来时. doing 是进行时结构,也有固定的动词搭配,如enjoy doing sth

巫健13885777830问: watch doing 和watch to do 都可以吗 -
肥城市安必回答: to do 是还没有去做的事情 doing是已经做完了的事情

巫健13885777830问: watch to do和watch doing有什么区别 -
肥城市安必回答: 貌似没有 watch to do这个句型哦.

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