
作者&投稿:虞阳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

高中英语:seat与sit 用法
呃。。你说的是不错,seat oneself 此处seat作动词 be seated 我是这样理解,看成习惯用法,语法作用类似于adj.这样你上面的问题就可以解释了 find接宾语him再接宾语补足语的结构,而此处seated作为形容"him"状态的词,所以作为宾补也是很合理的 同理,remain作为系动词的用法里,有直接加adj.的用法,...

am seated
When I am seated, I watch him drive off, wanting, as I do more and more often now, to protect him from the world’s sharpest edges,当我坐下,我看他开车,想,我现在在越来越多的时候要保护他,即便是在世界动荡的边缘.the way he always tried to protect us. I wish I could ...

放在座位上To cause or assist to sit down:使坐下:使或帮助…坐下:The ushers will seat the members of the bride's family.引座员会引导新娘的家人就座To provide with a particular seat:给安排座位:提供一个特别的座位:The usher seated me in the back row.引座员给我提供后排的一个...

呵呵,又是seat。。。你是要问当动词吧?可以查下牛津中高阶词典,都有比较详细的解释。在学校里考的主要是两种用法:1.be seated.几个简单的例子:please be seated.请就坐 please remain seated until the plane has come to a halt.飞机停稳前请不要离开座位 (这里的remain相当于be,同为系...

我只说较难的:Seat为及物动词。本题Seat后无宾语,所以用被动。同理那个feel也是及物词,其后无宾语,用被动。(被动语气的两大标志:1 含有be及其的变形词如been。2 仅由一个动词的过去分词构成,而不含其它助动词,如seated是被动形式,而 have seated 确不是被动)这是“及物不及物”判断法...

1. seat vt.“使...就座\/坐下”。1)结构:seat sb\/sth\/oneself + (介宾\/副词).如:The usher seated us in the front row.引座员让我们在前排就座。She seated herself on the table.她坐在桌子上。2)该结构变成被动语态,即:be seated + (介宾\/副词).2. dress 1) vt.“给…...

be seated 坐下,坐着 12.A 13.A 14.C pay attention to doing注意做某事 15.A 一般过去时 16.A iron and steel works 钢铁厂 17.A 18.B make use of 利用、使用 19.A 东西卖得好,直接说sell well 20.A take time to do sth 21.A 22.B 23.B 厨房的灯整夜都亮着。24.B 25....

The concert usually takes place at the People's Square,with the audience ___ on the ground. A:Seating B:seated C:be seating D:to seat 音乐会有观众,合情合理。2、___as it was at such a time, the movie attracted much attention A Being released B released ...

这里的be seated 是固定用法,如果要说坐下,固定搭配是be seated 或seat oneself 因为seat 的意思是 给…提供桌位,(使)就就座 而sit 过去式sat 坐,可以直接说sb. sit 而不用被动语态

...am seated , I watch him drive off wanting, as I do more and m...
always tried to protect us 他总是试图保护我们的方式。the way 后面跟从句,省略了that(he always tried to protect us)原文翻译如下:(亲,你打错字母,弄掉了逗号,确实不好理解。给你纠正了。)When I am seated,I watch him drive off,wanting,as I do more and more often now,to ...

肥克19156706219问: be seated 与seat的用法 -
织金县联邦回答: seat作动词时是一个及物动词(vt.),后面一定要跟宾语(即使是跟反身代词) 主要意思如下: 1.使就座;向…提供座位;落座 The usher seated us in the front row.引座员让我们在前排就座. She seated herself on the table.她坐在桌子上.=...

肥克19156706219问: He was seated是被动语态吗?为什么用was?用is不行吗? -
织金县联邦回答: 这里seated是分词形容词,表坐着的一种状态,前面到底用is还是用was,要看具体上下文哈

肥克19156706219问: He was seated on the beach.with his head down and his eyes fixed the ground.这句中的was seated 是什么用法?
织金县联邦回答: 楼上解释都错了,根本不是被动,就是自己坐在那的.seat这个动词较一般动词不同,seated可以作形容词用,前面接be动词,表示一种状态.句意是他坐在沙滩上,低着头,眼睛盯着地面. 希望对你有帮助~

肥克19156706219问: be seating还是be seated? -
织金县联邦回答: 1. 两者都是正确的,不过be seating的用法比较少用.2. 解释: 1)关键是要理解seat作为动词的用法. seat作为动词时,意思是“使(某人)就座”,为及物动词,其结构为seat sb. 此短语倒过来即为sb be seated. 2)也就是说sb如果作为...

肥克19156706219问: seated和seating的区别? -
织金县联邦回答: seated 是形容词 例如:我坐在操场上 翻译:I was seated on the gound. seating 是动词seat的正在进行分词 名词意思是座位 看看这题知道怎么用了 . The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ____ on benches, chairs or ...

肥克19156706219问: 英语中被动语态和虚拟语气怎么用? -
织金县联邦回答: 虚拟语气 在虚拟语气中,除了记住一套与时态相对应的规范用法之外,以下几点也是不容忽视的:l、名词性从句中要用过去时或should+动词原型构成虚拟语气.如:It is time we went home.2、would rather,hadr ather后的从句动词用相当...

肥克19156706219问: 我不明白seat不是不能用被动吗?那when everyone was - __the meeting began.为什么答案是选seated的呢?was seated不是被动吗?呵呵.比较傻! -
织金县联邦回答:[答案] ...楼上说的是错的... seat恰好是及物的,也只有及物动词才能用被动 seat是可以用被动的

肥克19156706219问: he was found - ---- - in front of the TV set.为什么不填s -
织金县联邦回答: 他的回答是错误的. seat这个单词比较特殊,这里的答案一定是seated.

肥克19156706219问: she was seated by the window.这句话中seated是什么词性? -
织金县联邦回答: be seated 这里的seated 可以看做是形容词,充当句子的表语,意思是: 就座的; 固定的; 有…座位的.如:He was comfortably seated in a soft reclining chair.他舒舒服服地坐在柔软的躺椅上.seated adj. 就座的; 固定的 《新英汉大字典》望采纳 谢谢

肥克19156706219问: Seating和Seated的用法详细! -
织金县联邦回答:[答案] seated 是形容词 例如:我坐在操场上 翻译:I was seated on the gound. seating 是动词seat的正在进行分词 名词意思是座位 这是我们高中老师讲过的,seated用法比较特殊,需要记忆,高考经常考的.

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