
作者&投稿:路苇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



这个故事告诉我们什么道理,英文 !!风和太阳(The Wind And The Sun) O...
first, this story educate people do not to take things for granted, on the other hand, it tells you that if you want someone to do what you want him to do, making him do it voluntarily is more efficient than using force....

热点话题英语alking point talking point 。热点的英文:一、hotspot 英 ['hɒtspɒt] 美 ['hɒtspɒt]热点,热区 1、At present, the system construction and value for enterprise agility is in hotspot.对企业敏捷性的体系构建与评价是目前研究的一个热点问题。2、Con...



N like lng iersed in e rld f bks,and faily ebers ave ld e,Layijiege is e bes. alking abu y faily,en I ill alk abu y faily as. nly ree peple y faily , y grander , grandfaer and y n. y grandfaer is a engineer,I a very severely n peaeie,e ur e a...


alking to the moon空间链接 要能用的
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茆冰13522371469问: 美剧行尸走肉到现在一共出了几季,每季多少集阿? -
曲沃县曲克回答: 行尸走肉到目前为止一共出了6季.第六季的前八集已经更新完了,现在是在冬歇期,第六季的后半部分从2016年的2月份开始更新. 第一季一共是六集. 第二季一共是13集. 第三季一共是16集. 第四季一共是16集. 第五季一共是16集. 第六季应该也是16集了.

茆冰13522371469问: java编程,输入月份判断季节 -
曲沃县曲克回答: 代码喝注释如下: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) { System.out.print("Please input the month to check:"); intmonth = newScanner(System.in).nextInt();//月份//月份不在1~12的情况,提醒输入错误 if (month <= 0 || month > ...

茆冰13522371469问: 有关你最喜欢的季节的英语作文60字 -
曲沃县曲克回答: 例:夏天 My favorite season is summer.In summer, I usually go to swim with my classmates.In summer holidays,I like to have a trip with my parents. This summer holiday, we went to the beach.The weather was so hot and dry.We swam in the sea. The...

茆冰13522371469问: 最讨厌的季节英语作文带翻译60字 -
曲沃县曲克回答: In winter, I don't like you into the light snow solar term, the weather became colder and colder, people trembling in the cold morning, is the most cold, you see cars on the road driving too slow, not to the swiftness of the past Look at the people walking...

茆冰13522371469问: 描写季节的英语作文,简单一点 -
曲沃县曲克回答: 写一篇50词英语短文,对父母亲喜欢的早、午、晚餐食物作简要说明.要求用上本模块所学的表达方式.

茆冰13522371469问: 完形填空:It was the golden season . I could see the yellow leaves  1  on the cool  2 . In such a season, I liked walking alone in the leaves, listening to the ... -
曲沃县曲克回答:[答案]1—10 DADCA ABCAC 11--20 ADABC ABABD 略

茆冰13522371469问: 用英语写一段话,写你最喜欢的季节和为什么喜欢这个季节.最少6句话. -
曲沃县曲克回答:[答案] My favourite season is spring. In spring,the sun is shining brightly. The flowers are smiling . The birds are singing in the tree. The weather is warm. In the park,there are many people. Some are playing on the swing . Some are walking in the park. Some ...

茆冰13522371469问: season用英语怎么读? -
曲沃县曲克回答: 一、season音标: 英 [ˈsi:zn] 美 [ˈsizən] 二、释义: 1、season做名词时意思为:季节,季;时期;活动期,时令;暂时 例句:Autumn's my favourite season. 秋天是我最喜欢的季节. 2、vt.使适应,使适用;调味 例句:Season the meat ...

茆冰13522371469问: 英语翻译我最喜欢的季节我最喜欢的季节是秋季,秋天是一个浪漫的季节、丰收的季节、温和的季节.秋天它不像春季那样生机勃勃,但是它满载收获.秋天它... -
曲沃县曲克回答:[答案] My favorite season is fall,autumn is a romantic season and harvest season,a mild season.It is not as vibrant autumn spring,but it full harvest.Fall passion rising,as it is not summer,but it is mild romantic.It did not like the sky fall,winter snow,but it has a ...

茆冰13522371469问: 五年级英语,1.2.3题,很少,必采 -
曲沃县曲克回答: 1 season2 first3 April4 birthday5 count6 autumn二1 mine 2 fifth3 Dec. 4 hot5 taking 6 walking7 running 8 can't三1 B 2 you 作主格时,答案是B; you 作宾格时,答案是C3 A4 C5 C四do : B C F play : A E Hgo ; D Jhave: G I不明白可追问;如果对你有帮助,别忘了采纳和点赞哦!Thanks!May you be happy every day and make great progress !

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