
作者&投稿:斗购 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

坦能堡号,4000T,前德国客轮,39年改装成布雷舰,40年和另外两艘德国布雷舰(一艘是汉斯施塔特·但泽号,还有一艘好像是PRESSUE)集体触雷沉没; Xanten号,原德国海军1915级扫雷舰,一战后卖给罗马尼亚,1941年德国海军购回作为布雷舰使用。400T。 M6063号,前法国海军岸防舰,德军缴获后先作为护卫舰SG13,后改装为辅助...

体温:T (Temperature)正常值:口腔温度 正常 36.2~37.2℃ 腋下温度 正常 36~37℃,肛测温度 正常 36.5~37.7℃ 血压:BP (Blood pressue)正常值:成人血压:收缩压(SBP)小于140,大于90mmHg;舒张压(DBP)小于90,大于60mmHg;收缩压≥140mmHg和(或)舒张压≥90mmHg,为高血压;收缩压﹤...


下面简介几艘德国布雷舰:路易斯皇后号,2000T,原德国小型客轮,39年改装成布雷舰,装备水雷200枚;坦能堡号,4000T,前德国客轮,39年改装成布雷舰,40年和另外两艘德国布雷舰(一艘是汉斯施塔特·但泽号,还有一艘好像是PRESSUE)集体触雷沉没; Xanten号,原德国海军1915级扫雷舰,一战后卖给罗马尼亚...

a children from a wealthy family will be more successful in their...
1.Their parents can send them to a better university, which requires a lot of money.2.Their wealthy parents' network is wider, and the kids can benefit from more useful people's help.3.They don't have the pressue to make a living before they know what they really want. ...

why famous people shoulder more responsibilities
people who stay in one spot can develop a lifetime friendship,and such a friend will give a hand without hesitation if trouble comes .In the second place ,when people move to different places,they usually are under pressue from strangeness.A person may feel lost and tense in ...

Lulu Santos的《Replay》 歌词
I didn't know that I could hurt you girl,the pressue but its way too hard.makes me wonder,was it worth it girl?And just when I realized,who I'm so much like,considered a goof-up,such a sa' loser.Can I get a replay girl,whats there to live for,my lifes on zero,...

l want to be a...英语作文,作业,急急急。50词
and such a friend will give a hand without hesitation if trouble comes .In the second place ,when people move to different places,they usually are under pressue from strangeness.A person may feel lost and tense in a place where streets,stores and schools are all different. As ...

英语作文 我能行 帮我写写啊! 快我就要啊!
and such a friend will give a hand without hesitation if trouble comes .In the second place ,when people move to different places,they usually are under pressue from strangeness.A person may feel lost and tense in a place where streets,stores and schools are all different.As a ...

英语作文 我能行
and such a friend will give a hand without hesitation if trouble comes .In the second place ,when people move to different places,they usually are under pressue from strangeness.A person may feel lost and tense in a place where streets,stores and schools are all different. As ...

梅贱19179747286问: ipad能换主题吗 -
嘉黎县他格回答: 可以! 工具/原料 ipad(越狱) cydia商店 步骤/方法 1 打开ipad的cydia商店,这个商店和app store类似,不过是越狱之后才能有的哦2 在cydia商店的主页我们就可以看到【Themes】,点击进入3 我们可以看到几个选择,有专供iphone4使用的...

梅贱19179747286问: 魅族主题怎么提取出来? -
嘉黎县他格回答: 先替换帖子中那个试用主题的附件,有了试用主题后,如果你试用了XX主题后,用RE管理器提取data\data\com.meizu.customizecenter\theme下的所有文件 复制到 system/custom22:48 2014/12/24izecenter/theme下(不用改权限),然后结束试...

梅贱19179747286问: 刷了miui以后怎么换主题啊 -
嘉黎县他格回答: 〆. 发表于 2012-4-6 15:22data\system下建文件夹theme,不用改权限,主题放到MIUI/theme.注意DATA是用RE进的根目录重新刷了你做的包子,可以改主题了,谢谢可是储存卡的问题还是被悲剧,还是要重启啊,伤不起

梅贱19179747286问: 三大虚拟键,长按最右边的这个键怎么出来这个了 -
嘉黎县他格回答: 这个很简单 首先选择需要全屏显示的activity 到AndroidManifest.xml文件旗下找到需要全屏显示的activity 加上一句这个android:theme="@android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.Dialog.NoActionBar" ok 列举图片

梅贱19179747286问: qq4.7怎么换主题? -
嘉黎县他格回答: 1.准备:你的手机必须得root,并且安装有最新版re文件管理器! 2.在网上下载一个QQ主题包并解压! 3.打开QQ4.7,进入主题随便点击一个下载手机qq4.7体验版申请地址:点击进入 4.用re文件管理器进入data\data\com.tencent.mobileqq\...

梅贱19179747286问: 关于that的指代问题1.H was the author of more than 100 books for boys in the second half of nineteenth century {that} focused on the theme of success coming ... -
嘉黎县他格回答:[答案] 1.that 引导定语从句,修饰先行词books, 即that指代more than 100 books . that作定语从句的主语2.that 引导定语从句,修饰先行词plant and animal life-forms ,即that指代plant and animal life-forms ,that作定语从...

梅贱19179747286问: 红米当前主题的文件夹在哪? -
嘉黎县他格回答: storage文件夹是一个储存总称,你的内置与外置储存都在此目录下,你用es浏览器 或者re浏览器都可以看到

梅贱19179747286问: qq4.6怎么换主题 -
嘉黎县他格回答: 之前使用4.5版本时,装个QQ主题管理器,更新一下,各种奇葩主题就有了,而现在QQ4.6出了,却发现非官方主题更换不了,很郁闷有木有? 于是各种找教程,可是网上的教程大多无头无尾,残缺不全!实践起来略有难度!今天,我就把各个...

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