
作者&投稿:贠兔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

例如:trainee(接受训练者)employee(雇员) appointee(受任命者)expellee(被驱逐者)addressee(收件人)toastee(接受祝酒者)detainee(被拘留者)inter- viewee(被采访者) 2.加在某些不及物动词后构成名词,表示含有主动意义的"施动者",即执行某动作的人。一般说来,这类动词没有加后缀-er或-or的形式。例如:returnee...

10)inter-, intel-, 表示“在……间,相互”international, interaction, internet 11)intro-, 表示“向内,在内,内侧”introduce, introduce 12)medi-, med-, mid-, 表示“中,中间”Mediterranean, midposition 13)out-, 表示“在上面,在外部,在外”outline, outside, outward 14)over-, ...

谏腾15835672751问: “the very”什么意思?为什么可以加the? -
仙游县瑞奇回答: the very意思是就是…,正是….加the是表示强调,说明程度深. 例如: from the very beginning 从最初开始,首先. in the very act 当场,在作案时. to the very last 直至最后,至死,战斗到底. at the very start 一开始.例句: It has been a ...

谏腾15835672751问: interaction是可数名词还是不可数名词? -
仙游县瑞奇回答: 不可数名词,是互动的意思. 比如: People with a very individualistic approach which they find a great effort to communicate may prefer to see a task through from start to finish with a minimum of interaction. 很自我的人发现与人沟通很费劲,他们会倾向于喜欢(独立地)将工作从头到尾甚少与人沟通协商(原意是互动的意思)地做完.

谏腾15835672751问: 高分急求:SAT作文高级衔接词 -

谏腾15835672751问: 求英语高手,一篇写不同地域对待时间的不同态度的英语作文.急!!! -
仙游县瑞奇回答: People in the western cities do pay attention to planning. Every quarter of an hour they need to be plan and fill in their own work or activities on schedule, whether to participate in business activities or social interaction, people are very punctual. ...

谏腾15835672751问: sat作文多少词 -
仙游县瑞奇回答: 仅将一些经验推荐给你以供借鉴:SAT作文的满分为12分,考生要在25分钟时间内,依据试题要求,写出一篇完整的议论文.作文的字数没有硬性规定,但作文的篇幅约有一张半A4纸的大小.考生要用铅笔写作,写满作文规定的篇幅,一般要...

谏腾15835672751问: interaction是什么意思 -
仙游县瑞奇回答: 你好! interaction 英[ˌɪntər'ækʃn] 美[ˌɪntɚˈækʃən] n. 互动; 一起活动; 合作; 互相影响; [例句]Direct manipulation and gesture based interaction is expected, and anything that resembles desktop software will feel out-of-place on the tablet. 直观的操作和基于手势的互动同样是必须具备的,任何类似桌面软件的玩意在平板上都显得那么的格格不入.

谏腾15835672751问: 如何查找基因之间相互作用的数据库 -
仙游县瑞奇回答: 在NCBI主页上方search栏左边有一个database选择框,点击下拉三角形选择nucleotide(如图红框)在search栏输入基因名搜索即可.以人的orc1基因为例,在搜索结果中选择mRNA和complete cds序列的结果都可以,如下点击进入序...

谏腾15835672751问: 到了一为加拿大朋友家里,写一封感谢信给他,英语作文 -
仙游县瑞奇回答: Dear teacher ,I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English and speaking English. During these days in your class, I have learned much from you and it is very helpful to me. Firstly, you let me know what is the west thinking...

谏腾15835672751问: interaction是可数名词还是不可数名词?如题有没有出处? -
仙游县瑞奇回答:[答案] 不可数名词,是互动的意思. 比如: People with a very individualistic approach which they find a great effort to communicate may prefer to see a task through from start to finish with a minimum of interaction. 很自我的人发现与人沟通很费劲,他们会倾向...

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