
作者&投稿:戈矩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

take up 有什么具体的用法?请附例句。thank
take up 1.开始从事 When did he take up football?他是什么时候开始踢足球的?2.占用;化去 The work took up all his time.那工作花费了他所有的时间。take-up 名词 n.1.拿起;抬起;举起 2.拉紧;收紧;卷紧 3.(照相机等的)卷片装置 4.【纺】织缩;卷取 take up:vi. 拿起(开始,从事,...


See also our articles on Fan or Impeller Types & Performance and the "Clean-Air" Upright type of vacuum cleaner. Cleaning Effectiveness There are two different ways of viewing cleaning effectiveness. The most common use has to do with the ability of a vacuum cleaner to pick up dirt from ...

I took a vacuum cleaner to clean it smoking, the larger things that I found on the hands, I trouble. Finished, I tired, almost a stand.Through today's domestic work, I know that parents are very tired every day, every day for my cooking, washing clothes, I do, meals to...

vacuum gauge中文翻译
电脑pid自动控温,配备32只逆变式弧电源和逆变偏压,适用于镀制各种特种单金属厚膜层或多钟金属复合膜层。This machine adopts high - level siemens plc concentration control , set up with puter controlled gear shifting vacuum gauge , and a three - flow controller , one set of contra -...

98. vacuum n. 真空,真空吸尘器 99. oral a. 口头的,口述的,口的 100. optics n. (单、复数同形)光学 101. organ n. 器官,风琴 102. excess ...render sth up:hand over or surrender sth;yield sth. 移交或交出某物;放弃某事物: render up a fort,town,etc to the enemy 放弃要塞、城市等被...

这些都是:1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2.burst vi.,n. 突然发生,爆裂 3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)4.blast n. 爆炸;气流 vi. 炸,炸掉 5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的 7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,...

thay have given the flat a vacuum.是什么意思呢?
they have given the flat a vacuum 他们给房间添置了吸尘器 双语对照 例句:1.I have given up my flat in paris because I'm going to live permanently in london.我已经把巴黎的房子让出去了,因为我打算在伦敦永久定居 满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】

代替的英文短语词组: instead of take the place of\/take ones place substitute for in place of 扩展资料 双语例句 1、In semiconductor receivers transistors take the place of vacuum tubes.在半导体收音机中晶体管代替了真空管。2、The city used smart water meters to take the ...

take up翻译成汉语是什么意思
take-up package 卷取筒子;成型筒子;卷装量。take-up unit 收线架 ; 收线装置 ; 引取装置 ; 张紧装置。例句:1、He insisted that we take up the matter at the meeting.他坚持我们在会上把这个问题说清楚。2、Take up all your courage and do some thing your heart tells you to do...

雕桑17085337462问: vacuum up data是什么意思? -
凤庆县小儿回答: 清空数据

雕桑17085337462问: vacuum up data -
凤庆县小儿回答: 要是我没有差错的话,你应该拼错了一个词是update而不是up date 整句话的意思是:真空更新

雕桑17085337462问: vacuum up是什么意思呢?怎么查不到? -
凤庆县小儿回答: 1. Native speakers like using "up" with some verbs to mean "completely" or in a tidy manner. Examples abound. eat up: 吃光 use up: 用光 write up: 整理好(笔记等)2. Perfect examples of "vacuum up": a. I vacuumed up the drawing ...

雕桑17085337462问: vacuum 怎么查不到? -
凤庆县小儿回答:[答案] 1.Native speakers like using "up" with some verbs to mean "completely" or in a tidy manner.Examples abound. eat up:吃光 use up:用光 write up:整理好(笔记等) 2.Perfect examples of "vacuum up": a.I vacuumed up the drawing room.我给...

雕桑17085337462问: MS晶格优化中有两个选项,请问这两个选项的区别在哪 -
凤庆县小儿回答: 很明显,你给的cif文件中没有Si,在MS里build→surfaces→cleave surface截取1 1 9面,然后在Z方向上加一个真空层build→build vacuum slab,真空层厚度自己定义,一般是15埃.加好真空层后即可在Z方向上做周期性了,display style→lattice可建单个...

雕桑17085337462问: vacuum是什么意思 -
凤庆县小儿回答: n. 真空;真空吸尘器;空白 adj. 产生(利用)真空的 v. 用吸尘器打扫 一、读音:英 ['vækjuəm];美 ['vækjuəm]二、例句: The food is kept in the absolute vacuum. 这食物保存在绝对真空中. 三、词汇用法: 在科技用语中vaccum的复数形式...

雕桑17085337462问: 为什么真空包括能延长食品保质期 -
凤庆县小儿回答: 真空包装(vacuum packaging)也称减压包装包装容器内空气全部抽出密封维持袋内处于高度减压状态空气稀少相当于低氧效使微生物没有生存条件达品新鲜、无病腐发生目目前应用有塑料袋内真空包装、铝箔包装、玻璃器皿、塑料及其复合材...

雕桑17085337462问: vacuum是什么意思中文 -
凤庆县小儿回答: 错句! vacuum 本来就是指用真空吸尘器清扫的意思!

雕桑17085337462问: 小车obd2的vacuum代表什么意思 -
凤庆县小儿回答: vacuum [英][ˈvækjuəm][美][ˈvækjuəm] n.真空; 空白; 空虚; 清洁; v.用真空吸尘器清扫; 第三人称单数:vacuums过去分词:vaccumed复数:vacua现在进行时:vacuuming过去式:vacuumed例句:1. We don't live in a vacuum. 我们并不是生活在真空中.2. And it was into this vacuum that napster launched. 纳普斯特就是在这个空白期应运而生的.

雕桑17085337462问: vacuum的中文意思
凤庆县小儿回答: 比较常见的是真空和吸尘器的意思

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