
作者&投稿:却蕊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

area英 [ˈeəriə] 美 [ˈeriə]n.地区; 领域; 区域,范围; 面积,平地;[网络]面积; 地区; 区域;[例句]60 years ago half the French population still lived in rural areas.60年前有一半法国人仍然生活在乡村地区。[其他]复数:areas 形近词: norea ocrea ...

He and Adam, his best pal (Matthew Broderick), even visit a bee farm, which looks like forced labor of the worst sort. Their instant analysis of the human-bee economic relationship is pure Marxism, if only they knew it. Barry and Adam end up bringing a lawsuit against the human race ...

求一篇 英语作文 城市和城镇哪个好 大概250-300字
Some people enioY the convenience of the city. First, there are many public places of entertainment, such as parks, cinemas, exhibitions, nightclubs and so on. And there ale also quite a number of schools, universities and scientific research institutions that provide good education. ...

The farm and surrounding area was flooded.农场和周围地区遭洪水淹没。(房间、建筑物、处所划为某用途的)地方,场地,区a part of a room, building or particular space that is used for a special purposethe hotel reception area旅馆接待处a play\/parking\/dining area游戏场地;停车场;用餐处...

求一篇英语作文标题是:Which do you prefer to live,in the country or...
when I buy some food in local I just know for sure that its quality is farm-fresh. I also have chances to do lots of outdoor activities. In short, I'm more likely to eat healthier food, get more exercise and stay stress-free.In conclusion the country is a far better pl...

"Crazy Town animal" produced by Walt Disney Pictures of 3D animation, a modern urban animals, each animal in here have their own homes, Plaza ...Otis wants to goof around, but has to be responsible and protect the inhabitants of the farm. He and his friends Pip the mouse, Abby the ...

姬姜15144708931问: city与urban的区别 -
鲤城区葛根回答: city与urban的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、含义不同 city n. 城市;都市;全体市民;特许市;特权市. City. n. (伦敦最古老的金融商务中心)伦敦商业区. urban adj. 城市的;都市的. 二、用法不同 city city是可数名词,意思...

姬姜15144708931问: 翻译下这段话
鲤城区葛根回答: 在世界各地,人们为了到城市去而离开乡村的农业工作.然而,现在在城市里对于使用它们附近所种植的农产品需求量却渐渐增加.都市农业正抓住这个机会并在世界上某些最大的城市里面出现.莎碧娜德特里克说,根据研究表示,都市农业是一个可以让妇女比男性赚取更多收入的工作.

姬姜15144708931问: 1楼养鱼,2楼养猪,6楼种植西红柿……城市垂直农业是指在城市的多层建筑物里模拟农业环境,通过垂直农场 -
鲤城区葛根回答: 小题1:B 小题2:D 试题分析:小题1:根据材料,城市垂直农业是指在城市的多层建筑物里模拟农业环境,且是自循环体系生产,所以关键因素是技术水平,B对.粮食需求、气候变化、政策是重要影响因素,但不是关键,没有技术水平是无法实现的,A、C、D错.小题2:根据材料,城市垂直农业生产的是农副产品,是为满足城市蔬菜、肉、蛋、奶的需求的生产,附加值相对较高.谷物生产附加值低,占地面积广,不受城市垂直农业影响,①错.这种密集生产模式,不会减轻农业生产的能源消耗,可能因改变生产条件导致消耗会增加,②错.在楼内生产,可以规避灾害,有利于农产品的稳定供应,③对.多层大楼分层进行生产,节约耕地,降低农产品生产成本,④对.所以D对.

姬姜15144708931问: 到底什么是URBAN -
鲤城区葛根回答: 表示城市,都市. 1、语法:是可数名词,意思是“城市,都市,市”,多指较大或重要的城市.也可表示“全市居民,全城居民”,作此解时是集合名词,常用作单数,可与单数或复数动词连用. 2、例句: In some developing countries more...

姬姜15144708931问: urban是什么意思 -
鲤城区葛根回答: urban ['ɜːb(ə)n] adj. 城市的;住在都市的 The spread of urban areas endangers wildlife.扩大城市面积危害着野生物.

姬姜15144708931问: urban是什么意思
鲤城区葛根回答: urban ['ə:bən] adj. 城市的;住在都市的 urban morphology: 城市形态;城市形态学 Urban traffic: 城市交通;市区交通 Urban Desgin: 城市规划 例句: 1.Traffic is a major urban problem. 交通是城市的一个主要问题. 2.Motor vehicle ...

姬姜15144708931问: urban 和downtown 有什么区别,具体点 -
鲤城区葛根回答: urban(adj.)城市的,downtown(n.&adj.)城市里的商业区(的)

姬姜15144708931问: 谁有老托阅读PASSAGE93?谁有老托阅读PASSAGE93:
鲤城区葛根回答: 老托阅读100篇相对TPO要简单一些,也是伴随托福备考学员的很重要的一份资料,... Some visitors from the east coast were dismayed at the endless urban sprawl and ...

姬姜15144708931问: urban前面用哪个冠词修饰 -
鲤城区葛根回答: urban adj.都市的, 具有城市或城市生活特点的, 市内an urban一个城市

姬姜15144708931问: urban和downtown(adj.)的区别?
鲤城区葛根回答: 从全英文词典dictionary.com来看,urban(adj)means of, relating to, or located in a city /Characteristic of the city or city life. downtown(adj)means of, pertaining to, or situated in the main business section of a city 所以我认为哦,urban 主要指城市的,市内的,而downtown 主要指市中心的,商业区的(最繁华的街区,就像南京新街口)

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