
作者&投稿:兀有姜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Harry continued up the stairs until he reached the topmost landing...
他拉开抽屉,使劲摇晃着书,站在凳子上用手去够衣橱顶,在床下和扶手椅下爬行。9、他把相片和莉莉的信卷起放进了口袋,继续去寻找下一张纸片。10、他把那张有点破烂的相片给她看,赫敏看着相片上骑着玩具扫帚横冲直撞的小男孩笑了起来。P.S. 不得不承认《哈7》写得真是好啊。。。

这五十个音的发音规则如下:元音(21个):元音字母a、e、i、o、u以及它们的字母组合,有一个或一个以上的发音。字母y为半元音,有时也可以作为元音字母用。\/i\/ (long e)e me he she we be we ye these (单音节词尾或重读相对开音节中)ee reeds eel peel bee see feet sweet meet ea ...

She heard the pad of bare feet coming down the stairs.她听见有光着脚下楼的轻柔声音。五、page 1、含义:n. 页;页码;侍从。vt. 给 ... 标页码。vi. 翻页 2、用法 page的基本意思是“页”,指书刊、杂志等的一页或报纸等的一版,也可指纸的一张,还可指报纸的“专页”。There are ...

有五种。一、在重读开音节中读[ei]。例如:plane [plein] radio [ˈreidiəu] wake [weik] paper [ˈpeipə]但要记住一个例外:have读做[英][hæv, həv, əv, v]而不是[heiv]。二、在-ange组合中读[ei]。例如:change [英][tʃ...

例:I waited at the top of the stairs.我在楼梯顶端上等着。2、adj. 最高的;最佳的;最远的;获胜的;极好的;最重要的;居首位的。例:...the top corner of the newspaper.…报纸顶端的一角。3、v. 超过(某一数量);居……之首;把(某物)放在……的上面;胜过;自杀;到达山顶...

根据音标写单词 快点哦 谢谢嗯嗯嗯
ear, dear,here\/hear, near, year, cheer, really, theatre, dear, idea bear, pear, air, chair, fair, hair, wear, where, stairs, there\/their, parent, careful, airport, scared sure, poor, tear, usually, February wear\/where, hair, here\/hear, dear, ears, really, , care, ...

The kids came tripping down the stairs.孩子们脚步轻捷地走下楼。4.【俚】服用毒品后处于幻觉之中[(+out)]trip out on LSD 服用LSD迷幻药后产生幻觉 5.旅行,远足 及物动词 vt.1.绊,绊倒 He tripped the pickpocket up by the heels.他用脚后跟把扒手绊倒。2.使失误,使犯错误[(+up)]A ...

Putrid Defiler2,Putrid Defiler3,Putrid Defiler4,Putrid Defiler5,Baal Crab to Stairs Baal Crab Clone D:关于p不能掉的物品物品 Azurewrath Phase Blade qlvl87 Arachnid Mesh Spiderweb Sash qlvl87 Tyrael\\'s Might Sacred Armor qlvl87 因为p的mlvl只有86 E:关于戒指和护身符 戒指和护身符没...

top 英[tɒp] 美[tɑ:p]n. 顶,顶部; (箱子) 盖,(书页等的)上栏; 首席; 陀螺;adj. 最高的; 顶上的; 头等的; 最大的;vt. 形成顶部; 达到…的顶端; 处于…的最前头; 领导;[例句]I waited at the top of the stairs.我在楼梯顶端等着。[其他] 第...

阶梯图:stairs 等高线图:contourf(填充式) contour(一般式) 标注:colorbar填充,clable普通 罗盘图:compass 羽毛图:feather 向量场:quiver 函数绘图:涉及函数句柄 flplot(fun,limits) ezplot(fun,[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax] ezpolar(fun,[a,b]) ezcontour(fun) ezcontourf(fun) 5.5 三维绘图 (1) 数据准备 (2)...

经傅19646211034问: 用upstairs 造句. -
祁阳县正大回答:[答案] upstairs 有两个词性: 1.adv.向楼上,在楼上,上楼 2.adj.楼上的 He went upstairs to go to bed. 他上楼去睡觉. The upstairs bedroom is for you. 楼上的卧房是给你的.

经傅19646211034问: 赖氏英语语法上的选择题:The boys are - -----. A.on upstairs upstairs C.upstair D.upstairs -
祁阳县正大回答: 本句中的upstairs是副词,所以前面不加介词.下句中的upstairs为名词: They actually moved down from upstairs because the rent's that expensive.他们确实从楼上搬到了楼下,因为房租太贵了.

经傅19646211034问: bedroom is upstairs. 这里的upstairs是什么词性? 名词还是形容词还是副词??谢谢 -
祁阳县正大回答: 是形容词

经傅19646211034问: 卧室的英语单词 -
祁阳县正大回答: 卧室 bedroom 、起居室 living room、厨房 kitchen、厕所toilet、书房 study. 词汇解析 bedroom 英 ['bedruːm] 美 ['bedruːm]n. 卧室 adj. 两性关系的;性感的;市郊住宅区的 例句: 1、There was an angry squall from the bedroom. 卧室里传...

经傅19646211034问: 两个不同的英语单词加在一起bag,case,bed,pencil,coat,fire,rain,up,man,stairs, -
祁阳县正大回答: up stairs pencil case rain coat fireman school bag bedroom

经傅19646211034问: 用五十个单词写我的卧室 -
祁阳县正大回答: Look , I have a nice room . Come and have a look . It's small and nice . There is a big bed , a small desk , a shelf and a closet . The bed is near the desk . There is a shelf near the closet too . Many good books are in the shelf . I like the books very ...

经傅19646211034问: Alice is in her bedroom.It is ( ) 是填upstair还是upstairs.Alice is in her bedroom.It is ( ) 是填upstair还是upstairs. -
祁阳县正大回答:[答案] upstairs

经傅19646211034问: 卧室用美语怎么读 -
祁阳县正大回答: bedroom 英 [?bedru:m] 美 [?b?d?rum, -?r?m]n.卧室,寝室adj.城郊住宅区的;两性关系的,男女性爱的例句:I was banished to the small bedroom upstairs我被赶到了楼上的小卧室.houseroom 英 [?ha?sru:m] 美 [?ha?s?rum, -?r?m]...

经傅19646211034问: 单词加法 -
祁阳县正大回答: school+bag=schoolbag up+stairs=upstairs bed+room=bedroom school+bag=schoolbag rani+coat=ranicoat fire+man=fireman

经傅19646211034问: 《金凤花姑娘和三只熊的故事》英语剧本 -
祁阳县正大回答: Goldilocks and the Three BearsPapa Bear,Mama Bear,and Baby Bear lived in the forest. “Ring,”went the telephone.”Come to my house for lunch,” said Auntie Bear. “Yes,we will come,”said Mama Bear. She set out bowls of stew to cool for...

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