
作者&投稿:浑眨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


if need be如果需要If need be, I can come early tomorrow.如果需要的话,明天我可早来。need[ni:d]n.需要, 必需缺乏; 穷困; 困难; 危急[常用复]需要的东西be in need of food需要食物daily needs日用品 =There is no need to hurry). 不用着急。satisfy one's needs满足某人的需要from each ...

概括less 和less than相关词组 搭配
I was given less cake and fewer biscuits than she had.我得到的蛋糕和饼干比她少。There is much less difficulty than I thought.实际困难比我想象的要少。词性变化 adv.不及,较差 Jane's less beautiful than Mary.简不如玛丽漂亮。较少;较小 Try to shout less.少喊两声。n.较小的量...

这是很多仙后一起整理出来的 亲一定要珍惜哦。呵呵 无论哥哥们以后会怎么样,我们一定要一直陪着他们走下去 呵呵,回头看看,哥哥们真的付出了很多 光日文的歌曲就有这么多 呵呵,亲好好收藏哦。歌曲都非常好听 一、日文专辑 1st Album - Heart, Mind and Soul 2006\/3\/30 01. Intorolude 02. ...

If there were less sympathy in the world, there would be less trouble in the world. ( O. Wilde )如果世界上少一些同情,世界上也就会少一些麻烦。(王尔德) Many a man's reputation would not know his character if they met on the street. ( E. Hubbard )许多人的名声如果在街上遇到自己的品德...

no less等于not less吗?
no less是一个词组,常用于表示惊讶或钦佩,竟然,居然,如:She is having lunch with the Director,no less.她竟然在与主管一起吃饭!not less却不能单独使用.要比较的是no less than 和 not less than no less than...(强调大数量)不少于,多达,not less than则是少于,区别在于前者强调了多,表达...

读音是:英\/ˌnʌnðəˈles\/美\/ˌnʌnðəˈles\/ 主要用作副词(adv. ),作副词时译为“尽管如此,但是”。nonetheless =none the less 第二站:常见短语搭配 Nonetheless Two 不过两个 nonetheless ad 还是 ; 仍然 ; 不过 cbut ...

M: mannerless无樯桅的 marrowless无比的 masterless无内容的 matchless无意义的 matterless极大的 meaningless无会员的 memberless不宽容的 merciless无奶的 milkless不用脑子的 mindless不快乐的 mirthless没有灰泥的 motionless不动的 musicless不和谐的 N: nameless无名的 napless没有绒毛的 ...

less KK: []DJ: []a.(little的比较级)1. 较小的,较少的[+than]He has less strength than I.他力气比我小。ad.(little的比较级)1. 较小地,较少地;不如[+than]Thunderstorms are much less common in Ireland than in England.爱尔兰的雷雨远较英格兰为少。n.1. 更少的数(量,额)[U...

adv.较少地;较小地;更小地 adj.较少的;较小的 prep.减去 n.较少;较小 less不是只能做比较级的意思,也可以单独做形容词,副词等使用。1.there is less furniture in the room now.2.your should hurry up.there is less time left.3.I have less books than you.4.there is less ...

漫园13815956426问: 【英语语法】Unless 和 If not 能互换吗? -
德清县蜂胶回答:[答案] 除非我有一架直升飞机,否则我是不可能在那个时候赶到S地的.\x0d一般的英语语法书和辞典都会谈到,连接词unless的涵义和if...not相同,它们可以互换使用.例如:I shan't go unless he asks me.等于I shan't go if he doe...

漫园13815956426问: 很简单的英语语法if...not和unless之间的句型转换怎么回时事,请讲明白一点 -
德清县蜂胶回答:[答案] if...not和unless通常是可以换用的.但在下列情况下,两者是有区别的: 1.unless多引导真实条件句,if...not可以引导真实条件句或非真实条件句. He won't be able to pass the final exams unless he works hard. 除非他努力,否则就通过不了期末考试. He ...

漫园13815956426问: if...not和unless怎么转换 -
德清县蜂胶回答:[答案] You'll be late if you don't hurry.= You'll be late unless you hurry.I can't catch the train if I don't get up early.= I can't catch the train unless I get up early.

漫园13815956426问: unless 与if not
德清县蜂胶回答: 第一个不可以.因为它引导的是非真实条件分句.他没出车祸我才惊讶,但这里表示只是猜测.他还没出车祸.换成unless就变成他已经出车祸了.第二个应该可以换.因为使用unless说明飞机失事已经发生了.是事实.下面是它们的区别,unless在意义上...

漫园13815956426问: unless和if not的区别
德清县蜂胶回答: unless 与 if…not 的用法区别 一、有时可与if…not互换,但此时通常只限于从句所引出的情况为主句情况的一种例外,即此时的unless意思是except if.如: Unless you start at once you'll be late. =If you don't start at once you'll be late. =...

漫园13815956426问: 用unless=if not 造句 2个 -
德清县蜂胶回答:[答案] unless意为 除非故造句可为:unless you clean the classroom ,the teacher will be angry=if you don't clean the classroom ,the teacher will be angry.除非你打扫教室,不然老师会生气.he won't get good grade...

漫园13815956426问: unless 与if not帮我分析一下例句:I'll be surprised if he doesn't have an accident.(这句可以用unless来换么?为什么)I'll be back tomorrow unless there's a ... -
德清县蜂胶回答:[答案] 第一个不可以.因为它引导的是非真实条件分句.他没出车祸我才惊讶,但这里表示只是猜测.他还没出车祸.换成unless就变成他已经出车祸了.第二个应该可以换.因为使用unless说明飞机失事已经发生了.是事实.下面是它们的区...

漫园13815956426问: 用unless=if not 造句 初中水平 2个 -
德清县蜂胶回答: unless意为 除非 故造句可为:unless you clean the classroom ,the teacher will be angry=if you don't clean the classroom ,the teacher will be angry.除非你打扫教室,不然老师会生气.he won't get good grades unless he study hard=if he don't study hard he won't get good grades.除非他好好学习,不然他便不会考好成绩.我英语水平一般,句子是否正确,还请楼主多加鉴定!还是希望能帮到你!谢谢!

漫园13815956426问: Unless可以相当与if…not,可以与否定句连用吗?
德清县蜂胶回答: unless conj.可以与否定句连用 如:如果不,除非 I won't apologize unless she apologizes first. 除非她先道歉,否则我不道歉. prep. 1. 除...外 应该理解好怎句的意思,说的是(如果)不介意更换航班的话,下午就可以飞去纽约unless意思显然不通,而provided that 表示:倘若;以...为条件 I will go, provided that you go too. 你也去的话我就去 there is nothing to discuss当然是否定句所以24题应该选unless,表示除非

漫园13815956426问: unless=if not
德清县蜂胶回答: 应该是:如果他也去那个派对我就不去(我认为如果这么翻译用too有问题,原句应该是:I will not go to the party unless he goes to there,too.如果他不去我也不去) eg:I will not go unless I hear from him. =I will not go if I do not hear from him. 如果他不通知我,我就不去.

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