
作者&投稿:汲香 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

夔匡13820213216问: 英语句子结构分析 They were also more concerned with the reputation of the university,wit -
晋州市盐酸回答: rating,现在分词作后置定语. highly,副词,修饰rating.

夔匡13820213216问: 求大家给我一个关于悉尼大学的英文介绍 -
晋州市盐酸回答: About the University University of Sydney students and researchers come from all over the world and all backgrounds to prepare for a life of challenge and change.We are unique among Australia's leading universities in the breadth of disciplines we ...

夔匡13820213216问: University大学这个英语单词孩子怎么好背,容易记住 -
晋州市盐酸回答: 把单词拆开来分词根和后缀来记 universe 是宇宙和经验领域的意思 所以university 就是可以学习很多众多领域的地方,所以是大学

夔匡13820213216问: 求总英语写一篇关于《怪兽大学》的概况.100词内.回答得好评 -
晋州市盐酸回答: After visiting Monsters Inc.—Monstropolis' most profitable and best-known scaring company—on a school field trip, a young monster named Michael "Mike" Wazowski dreams of being a scarer when he grows up. Eleven years later, Mike is a ...

夔匡13820213216问: 澳洲大学好吗 -
晋州市盐酸回答: 1.澳大利亚国立大学 Australian National Univ,Canberra 2. 澳大利亚阿得雷德大学Univ of Adelaide, Adelaide 3. 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学 UNSW, Kensington, NSW 4.Melbourne 澳大利亚墨尔本大学 University Australia Melbourne 5. 澳大利亚昆士...

夔匡13820213216问: university的字母拆开是什么意思 -
晋州市盐酸回答: university [,ju:ni'və:siti] n.大学,高等学府,来自三个拉丁词根(前缀、后缀)的组合,uni+vers+ity,uni前缀,表示一个,单一的,同一的;vers词根表示弯曲、转向,ity后缀是表示行为、品质、属性、状态的抽象名词结尾.所以university大学的字面意思就是:大家走到一起共同学习的地方,

夔匡13820213216问: 雅思作文 what to learn in university -
晋州市盐酸回答: what to learn in university Here are five soft skills you can practice during your degree. * Teamwork BWherever you work, there's a strong chance that you'll have to get along with a variety of people. That's one of the reasons that teamwork ...

夔匡13820213216问: 英文介绍多伦多大学 -
晋州市盐酸回答: 杰出专业大学设本科学士学位300个,硕士学位148个,博士研究生学位95个.其中以统计学,经济贸易,商科,生物,财会,计算机科学,建筑学,工程学,心理学,法学,教育学,医学等尤为杰出. 本科专业 艺术和人文学院:英语;法语;语言学;教育学;人文学 社会科学学院:心理学;人类学;社会学 商学院:统计学;金融/银行学;工商行政管理 理工学院:计算机科学;生物科学;医学预科;牙科学预科;建筑学 研究生专业 艺术和人文学院:教育学;图书馆信息管理;心理学 社会科学学院:法律和法律研究 商学院:工商管理与行政机构 理工学院:医学;牙科学;计算机信息科学;生命科学;工程和应用科学

夔匡13820213216问: the development of our university为题写一篇英语作文,120字左右,急! -
晋州市盐酸回答: The development ofuniversity Our university was established in 1957 as a technical college. The number of the full time students had remained 4500 in the first 40 years on a relatively small campus. However, our university has experienced a rapid ...

夔匡13820213216问: 一所大学就本质而言英语作文 -
晋州市盐酸回答: With the development of society,people attached more importance to the kid's education. And it's quite unniversal for the senior high school students to further their education in university nowadays. However, people's views on university are various....

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