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deserve tobe done什么意思?
deserve doing = deserve to be done 动名词的主动形式表示被动意义 deserve.v.值得的,应得,应受 搭配:derserve sth;deserve doing(主动表被动) ;deserve to do sth He has deserved well of his country. 短语:deserve well of 有功于 他有功于国家。They didn't deserve to win. 他们...

get和get to的区别是什么?
deserve doing = deserve to be done 动名词的主动形式表示被动意义 deserve.v.值得的,应得,应受 搭配:derserve sth;deserve doing(主动表被动) ;deserve to do sth He has deserved well of his country. 短语:deserve well of 有功于 他有功于国家。They didn't deserve to win. 他们...

deserve doing
deserve doing等于deserve to be done ,表示被动意义;deserve to do 用于特殊动词,如he deserve to succeed.worthy 常用于worthy of 后加褒义形容词或者形容词组。。。worthwhile 例如:this is worthwhile.it is worthwhile to become a poet.也就是说直接用作表语吧,或者加to do 以上全为手打啊...

众楠15572561759问: underserved中文是什么意思 -
奉节县泊瑞回答: underserved 英 [,ʌndə'sə:vd] 美 [,ʌndə'sə:vd] adj. 服务不周到的;服务水平低下的

众楠15572561759问: popular怎么读 -
奉节县泊瑞回答:[答案] popular 英[ˈpɒpjələ(r)] 美[ˈpɑpjəlɚ] adj.流行的,大众化的;民众的,大众的,公众的;通俗的,普通的,平易的...[例句]Food prices are the popular explanation.食品价格是热门的...

众楠15572561759问: 包含serve这个词组的单词有多少啊~ -
奉节县泊瑞回答: 有十几个吧,下面列出,+s,+(e)d,+edly,+ness都省略了(除非就只有1个变化), 而+r则保留了: conserve conserver cryopreserve deserve deserver disserve observe observer preserve preserver reserve reserver server subserve timeserver underserved unobserved unreserved

众楠15572561759问: experience with underserved populations是什么意思 -
奉节县泊瑞回答: experience with underserved populations 缺医少药的人群的经验 双语对照 例句:1.Wildlife in tropical countries is also under huge pressure, with populations of species falling by 60 per cent in three decades. 热带国家的野生动物也面临着巨大的压力,其物种数量在30年内减少了60%.

众楠15572561759问: 全世界的人是不是一个种群,还有种群跟物种之间的关系是什么 -
奉节县泊瑞回答: 种群(population)生态学上把在一定时间内占据一定空间的同种生物的所有个体称为种群.例如同一鱼塘内的鲤鱼或同一树林内的杨树.population一词源于拉丁语populus,原意为人群,在昆虫学中译为虫口,分类学家译为居群,生态学家普...

众楠15572561759问: 罗马旗帜上的SPQR是什么意思
奉节县泊瑞回答: 是拉丁文“SENATUS POPULUSQUE ROMANUS”的缩写,即“元老院与罗马人民”. 作为罗马共和国与罗马帝国的正式名称,“元老院与罗马人民”(或其缩写形式)被纹饰在罗马军团的鹰旗上以及古罗马很多公共建筑之上.时至今日,你依然可以在当今罗马市的城徽和市内所有的人孔盖上以及大部分公用建筑物上找到SPQR这个缩写词. 对于这个词的完整写法,有几种不同的说法,其差异主要集中在这个“R”代表什么意思.最常见是Romanus(罗马人民)和Romæ(罗马的人民).在图拉真纪念柱和提图斯拱门上的版本都是“Senatus Populusque Romanus”.

众楠15572561759问: "对我们很好","课上得很好,深受同学们欢迎"用英语怎么说? -
奉节县泊瑞回答:[答案] he is goog to us he is good at teaching he is populor with our students

众楠15572561759问: 英语晚会以一首英文个开始,以一首著名的钢琴曲结束(翻译成英文 -
奉节县泊瑞回答:[答案] English party began with an English song,and ended up a populor Piano Music. 希望对你有所帮助.

众楠15572561759问: Chinese medicine is known to many f - - - people.空里填哪个单词 -
奉节县泊瑞回答: foreign中药被许多外国人熟知

众楠15572561759问: His advice prove)to be wrong after two weeks. A lot of people become very rich ——通过 hard work -
奉节县泊瑞回答: proved by 很高兴为你解答! 老师祝你学习进步! 望采纳,多谢你的问题!^_^

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