
作者&投稿:丁芳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

No.6. Have a good day, Maggie!No.7. What do you often do in your spare time?No.8. How long have you been at this school?No.9. Can I take a message for you?No.10. Oh, my God! Time really flies!第三题:听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。下面你将听到五组对话和问题,每组对话和问题...

9、言为心声。One's words reflect one's thinking.10、一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。Once bitten, wice shy.11、忍耐是良药。Patience is the best remedy.12、乳臭未干。Wet behind the ears.13、贪小便宜吃大亏。Penny wise, pound foolish.14、时钟不能倒转。One cannot put back the clock.15、...

我想和你谈一些之前我们提过的话题--高三年级的学生是否应该进行体育训练。55%的人认为他们每天应该进行体育锻炼,比如做早操,打乒乓球,打篮球。但是它们不应该占用太多时间。体育锻炼可以强身健体、抵抗疾病。体育让他们的大脑得以放松使得他们更有效的复习 相反,45%的学生认为进行体育锻炼是浪费时间而且...

有深度的英文短句 英文短句唯美小清新(68句)
1、Observation is the best teacher.观察是最好的老师。2、If i can see you after a long year,How can i greet?With silence,with tears.3、Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse.好人越夸越好,坏人越夸越糟。4、One man‘s fault is other man’s lesson.前车之鉴。5...

帮忙翻译 谢谢
I have gone that swimming pool twice.Eveveytime only myself was swimming there.It seems that the swimming pool belonged to me.I feel so happy.

Jews and anyone else who didn't conform to the Christian Church. During this time 'witch' almost always referred to women and is evident with words like hag and crone. The reasoning behind this was that women were considered the weaker sex and thus were easily tempted by the de...

陀重15280364278问: “TWICE”和“TWO TIMES ”的区别是什么?“TWICE”=“TWO TIMES 吗? -
望谟县瑞培回答: 英语中,频度、频率的表达规律: 一次once 两次twice 三次及三次以上 就用它们的基数格加times.如:three times、four times等. 英语中一般不会用two times的短语表示两次. 所以,请记住,以后不要想当然的认为two times=twice了. 那是中国英语.

陀重15280364278问: time和twice均表示倍数,但用法有什么区别吗? -
望谟县瑞培回答: times 是用来表示三倍以上.如:three times ...four times ....(也可以表示次数) twice 只指 两倍,或两次

陀重15280364278问: twice和two times的区别 -
望谟县瑞培回答: twice=for two times once和one time的意思是不一样的,one time是"一次;有一次"的意思,侧重单纯表次数.而once 是一次(只做过一次),侧重“曾经”的意思.

陀重15280364278问: twice等于two times 吗?为什么用two times 来做题是错的?还有“两次或三次”用英语怎么说? -
望谟县瑞培回答: 不等于. two times表示的是两倍 就是数学中的那种.two or three times相信我 是这个答案

陀重15280364278问: 到底用two or three times还是twice or three times -
望谟县瑞培回答: 表示次数时,没有two times的用法.只有三次及以上用times. 表倍数用two times,两倍.

陀重15280364278问: 三次与三倍都是three times吗 -
望谟县瑞培回答: 是的,time可以做时间,这时候是不可数的,当它表示次数的时候则是可数的 once 一倍 twice两倍 three times 三倍 倍数表达: 1、“A+be动词/谓语动词+倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as+B”,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”.例如: Asia is four ...

陀重15280364278问: 英语单选:I have been to New York () so far. A one time B three times C two time D two times -
望谟县瑞培回答: 选B 当time表示次数,不能用two times,应该用“twice”,因为只有等于或多于(3次)的时候,才能用times,即:once,twice,three times,four times,five times.

陀重15280364278问: 一年两或三次 用英语翻译 -
望谟县瑞培回答: 两次 two times, twice 三次 three times, thrice Two or three times a year 的完整形式是 用 Two (times) or three times a year 同一句里用 two times 和 three times 是为了使句子“前后一致” 很多英语老师和语言纯正癖者会坚持你必须这样说.我也是(前)英语老师,我认为 twice or three times a year 是可以接受的.

陀重15280364278问: 在句子中once 和twice 可以用one time和 two time代替吗? -
望谟县瑞培回答: time表示不可数名词,意为“时间”. 表示可数名词,意为“次数,倍数”. eg:What time is it? Time and tide never wait for men. I go to the movies three times a week. The size of the new museum is four times larger than the old one. “次数”的...

陀重15280364278问: time 表示倍数时可以加s吗 -
望谟县瑞培回答: 应该加的 一倍 once 二倍 twice 三倍 three times 三倍及以上 time均加s

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