
作者&投稿:壬达 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

内容如下:Pep si - Cola hits the spotT welve full ounces, that’ s a l otT wice asmuch for a nickel, t ooPep si - cola is the drink for you .(百事可乐口味好 ,十二盎司真不少 ,花五便士喝个够 ,百事可乐请享受。 )仿调是汉语的一个突出的特点 ,因汉语是声调语言 ,故仿调...

A.twice as many as 这个句式是对的,英语中倍数的表达法 倍数+as many或者much as。。。但既然是比较,前后都不能省略。 第二个as 后面必须接一个词才行。要么像C一样把第二个as一起省略。 many as twice 句子结构都错了,正确的要像A那样。C.twice as many 把后面个as一...

M: Excuse me, but could you tell me how to get to the cinema?W: Which cinema?M: The Capital Cinema.W: Oh, it’s a long way from here. You’d better take a bus.M: Which bus shall I take then?W: I think you need to take No. 7.M: Thanks a lot.W: You’re welcome.试音...

in (price)at very (low) price for (example)on (sale) for might pounds having their (meals)译文:伦敦的大型百货商场每年有两次促销,分别在一月和七月。一些商品大幅降价。这些商场以极低的价格在橱窗里展示一些奢侈品。比如,一件原价5000美元的貂皮上衣可能只卖500美元,或者一台大彩电可能会...

2三种交流方式 交流在人们的生活中越来越重要,信件、电话和电脑是最常用的三种途径。人们经常写信来交流感情、方法、观点。虽然信非常慢 ,但是这是最便宜的沟通方法。第二种方法是电话。通过电话,即使相隔很远的人也能听见彼此的声音。随着现代科学技术的发展,电脑也逐渐开始应用。用电脑交流非常快捷和...

Christian A witch is a person who practices the black arts and possesses supernatural powers due to a pact with the devil -also known as Satan. The origins of this definition came from the medieval period circa 1500 when it also included heretics, eccentrics, lepers, Jews and ...

郑泉18626261840问: twice as much as是2倍,那么twice more than是3倍. 那4倍怎么说? -
莘县苯妥回答: twice as much as表示的是......两倍多.twice more than表示的是比......多两倍,也就是......三倍多.4倍可以用两种表达方式:three times than ...或four times as much as ....

郑泉18626261840问: 英语倍数的表达 -
莘县苯妥回答: 不对,应该是twice the width of...倍数表达你掌握三种就可以了:1.倍数+as+形容词原型+as 2. 倍数+形容词比较级+than 3. 倍数+the+表示单位的名词+of你的句子是第三种用法,如果用第一和第二种,还能改为:twice longer than the old one/twice as long as the old one

郑泉18626261840问: Twice as much as还是twice as large as -
莘县苯妥回答: 根据句型:twice/基数词+times+as+adj+as“两/N倍的那么adj”,因此: twice as much as,译为“两倍那么多”, twice as large as,译为“两倍那么大”, 究竟用哪个,看你的句子定.

郑泉18626261840问: twice as many as /twice as many/ as many as twice/ twice more than的区别? -
莘县苯妥回答: 这么理解吧,虽然不一定地道:2 is twice as many as 1.3 is twice more than 1.和中文里相当于什么的两倍 比什么多出两倍 是一样的

郑泉18626261840问: 英语语法:twice more than 和twice as much as 的区别.请举例说明, -
莘县苯妥回答:[答案] twice more than A比B多两倍 twice as much as A是B的两倍 小学数学经常有这种问题

郑泉18626261840问: twice more than the length不对吗 -
莘县苯妥回答: 应该是more than twice the length .要死记倍数表达的三个句型: 1)倍数词 + 形容词比较级 (+ 名词) + than... 倍数词 + 副词比较级 + than... 2)倍数词 + as + 形容词原级 (+ 名词)+ as... 倍数词 + as + 副词原级 + as... 3)倍数词 + the ...

郑泉18626261840问: 三次与三倍都是three times吗 -
莘县苯妥回答: 是的,time可以做时间,这时候是不可数的,当它表示次数的时候则是可数的 once 一倍 twice两倍 three times 三倍 倍数表达: 1、“A+be动词/谓语动词+倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as+B”,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”.例如: Asia is four ...

郑泉18626261840问: 一道高中英语题,关于倍数表达方式的. -
莘县苯妥回答: 选C数1.倍数+as+形容词+as...2.倍数+形容词比较级+than...3.倍数+the size(length,width,height,depth)of...此句中twice为倍数,两倍,根据选项,可结合成第一种表达方式

郑泉18626261840问: twice as much是什么意思 -
莘县苯妥回答: 通常说twice as much as,两倍于,比如:He earns twice as much as I do. 他挣的(钱)两倍于我.

郑泉18626261840问: twice 表示两倍时语法怎么用 -
莘县苯妥回答: 倍数+AS+形容词+AS He is twice as tall as the kid. (他身高是那个孩子的两倍)

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