
作者&投稿:父鸦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He usually follows up his donations to see how th
英文的从句是how the money was used.监督是follows up,虽然原意是"跟踪、追踪"的意思,但是根据句意,明显是监督防止乱用捐款。这种译法叫意译,符合中文语法习惯,如果直译,多少会有些别扭。

...populated beach area in the Los Angeles, and I love th求...
我住在一个非常密集的海滩面积在洛杉矶,,我喜欢美丽的风景。 但是因为 很多人,很多事情是容易坏了,有时也很容易变色。今天一天我希望我没有起床。 我的意思是,如果我没有醒来,处理所有 我每天需要处理的事情,就好了。我今天早上喝了一杯咖啡,早餐是我的饭,我知道不健康。 不管怎么说,我的胃是听...

Someone really do harm to me,I am fed up with her ,however she sti...

i usually get up at half past six and even th

th in k up 和 think of的区别
think up想出 think of考虑,思考

i often get up 填介词 7:30 填介词 th

高中英语短文改错 I grew up in a small village, in that th...
1.第一句“in that”错,应为where 2.第二句“And”错,应为“and”3.第二句“house”错,应为“houses”4.第二句“repairing”错,应为“repaired”5.第四句“vailliage”错,应为“villiage”6.第五句“relative”错,应为“relatives”7.第六句“got of ”错,应为“got off”8....


这道题的解题过程是?—I'm fed up with th

His whole school education added up to no more th
答案是 他所接受的学校教育加起来不超过一年的时间。

居羽19339388921问: it's time to turn the heat up on him.什么意思 急!turn the heat up on这个词组如何解释 -
湘乡市穿金回答:[答案] 再加一把劲,再接再厉,温度调高, 是时候再给他加一把劲了.

居羽19339388921问: turn up their nose at是什么意思 -
湘乡市穿金回答: turn up their nose at 中文释义:嗤之以鼻;瞧不起; 傲视;轻视;看不起;极不愿意 英文发音:[tɜːn ʌp ðer nəʊz æt] 例句:The chinese traders I've met in the middle east are just as likely to turn their nose up at arab food.不过反言之也是...

居羽19339388921问: turn on the heat是什么意思 -
湘乡市穿金回答: 【turn on the heat】意思是【努力完成; 激起热情; 穷追罪犯; 向... 施加压力】. 英 [tə:n ɔn ðə hi:t] 美 [tɚn ɑn ði hit]双语例句 1. Mr. Grant, he promised to turn on the heat, but he never did. 也就是Grant先生, 他都允诺把暖气打开, 但他根本就没去做. 2. The children are shivering -- turn on the heat! 孩子们冻得直发抖, 快打开暖气吧. 3. Turn on the heat. 打开暖气.

居羽19339388921问: turn it up? -
湘乡市穿金回答: it是代词,只能用在turn it up,介词短语之间 如果是名字,可以混合使用.turn the radio up / turn up the radio 一般介词后可跟名词.此处,turn it up中up为副词 turn up the radio中up为介词

居羽19339388921问: turn up one's nose at是什么意思 -
湘乡市穿金回答: turn up one's nose at 瞧不起; 傲视; 例句 1.You should not look down your nose at him. 你不应该瞧不起他. 2.Mary looks down her nose at people in business. 玛丽瞧不起做生意的人.

居羽19339388921问: turn up中文什么意思呢
湘乡市穿金回答: turn up: vt. 朝上翻(出现,来到,,卷起,找到,被找到,出现,发生) 例句与用法: He turned up his coat collar against the chill wind. 他竖起大衣领抵御寒风. I can't hear the radio very well; could you turn it up a bit? 收音机我听不太清楚, 你把...

居羽19339388921问: turn的汉语意思(多种)及短语(翻译成汉语!) -
湘乡市穿金回答: turnvt., vi. 旋转,转动 Turn the desk end for end. 把办公桌转个向. Turn the lid clockwise if you want to fasten it tightly. 如果你想把盖子旋紧,就按顺时针方向拧. The wheels were turning. 轮子在转动. 使改变方向 She turned left at the end of the...

居羽19339388921问: turn out (to be)+名词\+THAT从句\形容词?什么意思 -
湘乡市穿金回答: 是的,这个词组是比较难翻译,但里面的意思和was不一样,这个turn out有种我原来觉得应该不难,结果验证为"难",有一种 being easy turns to being difficult的感觉在里面.翻译的话,可以翻译成居然很难或做下来发现很难,有种没预料的感觉在里面.

居羽19339388921问: 两句话的中文翻译1.You have been turning up the heat to 70º every day.2.You know I get sick every single time the temperature goes below 68º. -
湘乡市穿金回答:[答案] 1.你曾每天都把暖气开到70度 2.你知道的我每次温度只要低于68度就要生病的. 看来这个是华氏温度啊.

居羽19339388921问: Turn up the bass是什么意思? -
湘乡市穿金回答: turn up the bass 打开低音 bass[英][beɪs][美][beɪs] n.低音歌唱家,低音乐器; [鱼]欧洲鲈鱼; [植]椴树,椴属树木,美洲椴木; adj.低音的; 复数:basses

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