
作者&投稿:漕萧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In round figures, you have $2000 left in your bank account. 以整数来计算,你银行里的存款还有2000美元。The plan calls for a round sum of money. 这个计划需要一笔很可观的钱。My father gave me a round thrashing. 我父亲把我痛打了一顿。用作副词 (adv.)He stood there looking all...


...Question: Using example of the urn plant, explain how_百度知...
(1)urn plant's special shapes enable them to reside high in the trees so that they can get the sunlight.(2)urn plant's have long stiff spiky leaves wrapping themselves up to form the shape of balls so that water can be stored.(3)some dead leaves are left on the leaves ...

two-point turn和 three-point trurn什么意思
两点转向和三点转向(调头) ,指在狭窄场所把车子前驶、后退、再前驶以转向的方法一,检查前方及后面是否安全 二,打开左转灯,同时看左侧盲点 三,向左转动方向盘,直到接近且垂直于对面路沿 四,换后退挡360度检查,向右转动方向盘后退。五,当看到前方有足够空间转出后换前进挡向左转出 ...

Young Lycidas, and hath not left his peer.Who would not sing for Lycidas? he knew Himself to sing, and build the lofty rhyme.He must not float upon his wat'ry bier Unwept, and welter to the parching wind,Without the meed of some melodious tear.Begin then, Sisters of the ...

I lived in England for three years, and I noticed that boys and girls left their parents’ homes and lived in dwellings of their own. There ...A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man’s life is, for the...

puscifer的《Horizons》 歌词
歌曲名:Horizons 歌手:puscifer 专辑:Conditions of my Parole Puscifer - Horizons .Dust devil swept you away It''s still not real Ash and urn and silence Talk to me Dust devil swept you away My recollections are all that''s left of you Swirl and sway Without me .Dust devil ...

战神2 XP金手指
P1 Press R2+Left to Disable Enemies Die Instantly D032F45C 0000FD7F 2036B5C0 0000003C Max Combo Hits 2036B0F4 0000270F Have Power-Up Codes Poseidon's Rage 70335834 00000001 Crono's Rage 70335834 00000002 Typhon's Bane 70335834 00000004 Atlas Quake 70335834 00000020 Spear of Destiny...

14 P1 Press R2+Left To Disable Enemies Die Instantly 0CA57784 1456B28C 1CA136E8 1456E7C9 15 Max Combo Hits 1CA1331C 1456089C Have Power-Up Codes 16 Poseidon's Rage 6CA6DB5C 1456E7A6 17 Cronos' Rage 6CA6DB5C 1456E7A7 18 Typhon's Bane 6CA6DB5C 1456E7A1 19 Atlas ...

白球,不管摸出来黑球是几个都会被扔,而白球只有2个一起摸出来才会被扔,因为白球一共是21个,是奇数个,所以最后会剩下1个白球无法被扔掉 你先别管黑球,影响因素太多,看看白球,只有2个白球同时拿出才会被扔掉对吧?如果同时拿到一黑一白,那么白的会被放回盒子,所以要2个白球才能被扔,白球一...

将贫13336534770问: turn left后面加on还是at, 为什么 -
博望区泽通回答: 大地方用on,小地方用at,与turn left 无关 e.g.Turn left on First Avenueturn left at that street

将贫13336534770问: turn left后面加on还是at,为什么 -
博望区泽通回答:[答案] 大地方用on,小地方用at,与turn left 无关 e.g.Turn left on First Avenue turn left at that street

将贫13336534770问: 用“turn left on…”造句(简单的,初一的程度) -
博望区泽通回答: You can turn left on the first turning. 不是 ,此处可以用on ,并且为常用表达.

将贫13336534770问: 课本中有turn left into ,turn left on 请问有何区别?agree with 与 agree to 有何区别?next to 与 beside 与 near 有何区别? -
博望区泽通回答:[答案] turn left into 指的是拐进那条街 注意是拐进去 turn left on 后面也是加街道 和turn left into意思差不多 Agree的用法 agree后面接介词法比较复杂,常见用法有: (1) 涉及讨论的题目用about. They never agree about politics.关于政治问题,他们总是意...

将贫13336534770问: 英语中,turning on the left和turn left有什么区别??给句子不给翻译都是脑残! -
博望区泽通回答: turn left,是向左转. turn on the left.在左边处转弯.

将贫13336534770问: Turn right at Center Street.这句话正确吗?左转右转向前后这些都是填at吗?那on呢?求详解, -
博望区泽通回答:[答案] Turn right at the second turn/the first crossroad 向左转 向右转 指的都是在 一个 点 上发生的事情 on 是一个面 on *** street 在什么街上 位置不够精确 Turn right/left 后面不能接on

将贫13336534770问: turn left.turn on和turn right那个是不同类的 -
博望区泽通回答: turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转 turn on 打开(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等); (使)感兴趣; (使)兴奋; 发动turn on是动介词组,其他两个不是.

将贫13336534770问: 翻译英语: 1.turn right 2.on foot 3.go straight 4.turn left -
博望区泽通回答: 答案:turn right 【向右转】 on foot 【走路】 go straight 【直走】 turn left【向左转】 原创回答,欢迎采纳【你的10分满意,我们团队的无限动力】

将贫13336534770问: 在xx街左、右转是什么短语?turn right/left() the street 用on 还是at -
博望区泽通回答: 在xx街左、右转不是短语是一个句子,短语是相对于单个动词、从句而存在的英语句子成分.后边的用at

将贫13336534770问: turn right on the bookstore如何改
博望区泽通回答: 把 on 改为 at turn right at the bookstore 在指路时,turn 这个动词 后面可以搭配不同的介词. 如果给的是街道公路名称,那么用 turn (right / left ) on 合适 例如:turn right on highway 101, turn east on Jing Tong Expressway 但如果以标的物作为指引,车站、酒店、书局 ... 这些,就必须用 at 才正确.

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