
作者&投稿:穆翟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

名词动词都可以,具体如下:1.N-UNCOUNT Rain is water that falls from the clouds in small drops. 雨 例:I hope you didn't get soaked standing out in the rain.我希望你站在外面雨里没淋得浑身透湿。2.N-PLURAL In countries where rain only falls in certain seasons, this rain is...

1.rain 是不可数名词,所以要用单数does,不能用do 请看剑桥英语英英词典对名词rain的解释:drops of water from clouds examples:Rain is forecast for tomorrow.Come inside out of the rain.We had heavy\/light rain all day.(注意这个,并没有加a)We got caught in pouring\/torrential (= a...

rain、rainy、rains、raining主体间区别只有词性和读音不同。一、词性不同 1、rain作动词意思是名词意思是雨;作动词意思是下雨。是动词原形。2、rains是动词第三人称单数形式,表示一个地区常常下雨,用来形容一个地方气候多雨。3、raining是动词现在进行时,表示正在下雨。4、rainy是形容词,意思是多雨...


It seems to be clearing up. 天似乎要转晴了。It's getting warmer (and warmer). 天气越来越暖和了。I think there'll be a storm soon. 我看很快就会有场暴风雨。I don't think the rain would last long. 我看这雨不会下很久的。I think the rain is going to last all day. 我看这...


It rains 和it is rains在句中有何区别?
It rains 和it is rains在句中的区别为:It rains 为主谓结构,rains为动词;it is rains为主系表结构,rains为名词。

倾盆大雨英语为Rain cats and dogs。因为传说在古老的伦敦,一场倾盆大雨后常常是汪洋一汽,淹死了许多迷路的狗和猫,因此,雨停,水退后,满街死狗死猫,似乎天上落下了众多的狗和猫似的,后来人们就把Rain cats and dogs比作倾盆大雨。重点词汇解释:Rain n. 雨;下雨;雨天;雨季 vi. 下雨;降雨 ...

春雨贵如油英语翻译是:Spring rain your such as oil!春雨贵如油,释义:春天的细雨像油一样可贵,形容春雨宝贵难得。出自宋·释道原《景德传灯录》、 明·解缙《春雨》。宋《景德传灯录》卷一道:"春雨一滴滑如油。"明《春雨》诗曰:"春雨贵如油,下得满街流,滑倒解学士,笑坏一群牛。"北方...

There is going to be rain.
rainy是形容词。这句话其实是rain is going to be there。你换成rainy试试?呵呵

鄂饼15157658418问: 培训的这个英文怎么拼.单词是什么
白城市赛法回答: train美音:[tren]英音:[trein] train的中文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 名词 n. [C] 1. 列车,火车 She came by train. 她是乘火车来的. 2. (行进中的)长列,队列 3. 下摆,裙裾;后拖物 4. 一连串,系列[(+of)] The sudden noise from ...

鄂饼15157658418问: 英文火车怎么读 -
白城市赛法回答: 火车的英文:train 1、读音:英 [treɪn] 美 [tren] 2、翻译: n. 火车;行列;长队;裙裾 v. 培养;训练;瞄准3、词组:rain of thought 一连串的思想或思路 by train 乘火车 train station 火车站 on the train 在火车上;在列车上 in train 准备就绪 ...

鄂饼15157658418问: 火车以两百公里的时速运行 英文翻译 the train is going - __________200 km an hour. -
白城市赛法回答:[答案] at the speed of

鄂饼15157658418问: He wants them to come to china.(改为同义句)He wants to - __ - ___ - to china.翻译句子:火车就可以A train is - __ - ____. -
白城市赛法回答:[答案] He wants them to come to china.(改为同义句) He wants to invite them to china. 翻译句子:火车就可以 A train is all right.

鄂饼15157658418问: 火车来了翻译成英语 -
白城市赛法回答: 你经常搭地铁没听到最恰当的翻译吗?the train is approaching..比起come这种高档多了

鄂饼15157658418问: 火车就要到了 翻译成英语 the train is arriving 对吗,有些动词的现在进行时可以表示将要发生的动作可书上是 the train is going to arrive.哪一个对? -
白城市赛法回答:[答案] 都对,现在进行时是可以表达将要发生的动作的. 比如 The train is arriving in 5 minutes.中文意思:火车将在五分钟以后到达

鄂饼15157658418问: 英语翻译The train is leaving the station,while he is still not on abroad.希望字面解释和寓意都能翻出来. -
白城市赛法回答:[答案] The train is leaving the station,while he is still not on board. 火车离开了车站,而他还没有上车.意指--错失良机

鄂饼15157658418问: 汉语翻译 A train comes into the statetion. Many peopie are getting on it.汉语翻译But the tow men are still stall the is staraing.A guard is ,“The train... -
白城市赛法回答:[答案] 火车进站,很多旅客开始上车

鄂饼15157658418问: station、train、this、a、is重新组成句子并说出中文意思 -
白城市赛法回答: This is a train station这是一个火车站

鄂饼15157658418问: 火车(翻译成英语) -
白城市赛法回答: train 吹恩念快点

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