
作者&投稿:郦咐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一首歌名race and后面那个英文词是什么?
Race And Escape-Georges Delerue

race意思是:种族、赛跑 race解析如下:一、音标 英式读音 [reɪs],美式读音 [reɪs]二、释义 n. 种族, 人种, 赛跑, 比赛, 急流, 人类, 同道, 姜根 vi. 赛跑, 竞赛, 疾走 vt. 与...赛跑, 使疾走, 使猛转 三、词形变化 复数: races 第三人称单数: races 过去式: raced...

赛跑英文:race。例句 1、David:Well,but my son did take a race three daysago大卫:但是我儿子三天前参加了一个卡丁车比赛。2、For women love is a race track venturesome and deathful.对女人来说,爱情是一条致命跑道。3、It is too early to say whether such an arms race would take...

6. Discrimination by employers on the grounds of race and nationality was illegal.雇主以种族或国籍为由歧视员工是非法的。7. A national poll shows the presidential race in a dead heat.一项全国民意调查显示总统竞选相持不下。8. The ball was bobbled momentarily, allowing Holloway to race...

race是比赛偶尔也有赛跑的意思。1、race词义分析:比赛;种族; 赛跑;人种;竞争;速度竞赛;角逐;赛马会;血统;v.(和...)比赛;参加比赛;使比赛;让...参加速度比赛;(使)快速移动,快速运转。2、race例句:Hes saving his strength for the last part of the race.他保存体力,以便在比赛最后阶段发力...

race的读音:英 [reɪs] 美 [reɪs]【意思】1、n. 属,种;种族,人种;家庭,门第;赛事,赛跑 2、vt. 使参加比赛;和…竞赛;使急走,使全速行进 3、vi. 比速度,参加竞赛;全速行进 4、n. (Race)人名;(英)雷斯;(塞)拉采 【短语】1、thiopid race 埃塞俄比亚人种 ;...

One day a hare saw a tortoise walking slowly along and began to laugh and mock him.The hare challenged the tortoise to a race and the tortoise accepted.They agreed on a route and started off the race.一天,一只兔子看到一只乌龟慢慢地走着,开始嘲笑他,兔子向乌龟挑战比赛,乌龟接受...

The race is on to find a cure for the disease.人们开始争相寻找这种疾病的疗法。This custom is found in people of all races throughout the world.这一习俗在全世界各种族中都有。He admired Canadians as a hardy and determined race.他敬佩加拿大人,因为他们是勇敢坚定的民族。The women'...

It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. The race gave everyone a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. 【课文翻译】 旧式汽车的比赛每年举行一次。去年有很多汽车参加了这项比赛...

Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality
Ethnicity ,民族,是从 文化 上定义人群,比如建筑、食物、衣着等有形文化,以及语言、宗教等无形文化。Race ,种族,是从 生物学特征 上定义人群,常见的依据是肤色。Nationality ,国籍,是从一个人与国家的法律关系上定义人群。按生物学特征划分人群,这本书认为很不靠谱,因为即便是同一肤色的人群...

傅婉13298037194问: trace match and color是什么意思 -
闻喜县氨基回答: 你好!trace match and color跟踪匹配和颜色

傅婉13298037194问: follow,trace,and color是什么意思 -
闻喜县氨基回答: follow 跟随 trace 跟踪,踪迹 color 颜色,给什么上色

傅婉13298037194问: Trace it and colour it怎么翻译 -
闻喜县氨基回答: Trace it and colour it 直译:跟踪它并涂上颜色. 请根据具体语境灵活理解. trace 英[treɪs] 美[tres] vt. 跟踪,追踪; 追溯,探索; 探索; 查找; vi. 沿着一小径或道路前进; 可以追溯的; n. 痕迹; 痕迹,踪迹; 微量,极少量; [植] (脉) 迹...

傅婉13298037194问: follow,trace,and -
闻喜县氨基回答:[答案] follow 跟随 trace 跟踪,踪迹 color 颜色,给什么上色

傅婉13298037194问: 翻译一下:trace it and colour it -
闻喜县氨基回答: 继承并发扬

傅婉13298037194问: 英文children trace and color the table,chair and b -
闻喜县氨基回答: 孩子们临摹桌子、椅子和书,并为其着色.

傅婉13298037194问: color,trace,andwrite是什么意思 -
闻喜县氨基回答: boolean tag = true; configure:3527: error: in `/Users/niko/memcachedbuild/libevent-1.4.14-stable': configure:3531: error: C compiler cannot create executables See `config.log' for more details.

傅婉13298037194问: trace your name and color the border.麻烦翻译一下中文意思. -
闻喜县氨基回答: trace your name 找到你的名字 and color the border 并在上面用颜色做记号/并将你的名字描边.意译是:找出你的名字并做记号.

傅婉13298037194问: trace.color.draw是什么意思 -
闻喜县氨基回答: 1、trace [treɪs] n. 痕迹,踪迹;微量;[仪] 迹线;缰绳 vt. 追踪,查探;描绘;回溯 vi. 追溯;沿路走2、color ['kʌlə(r)] n. 颜色;肤色;颜料;脸色 vt. 粉饰;给...涂颜色;歪曲 vi. 变色;获得颜色3、draw [drɔː] n. 平局;抽签 vi. 拉;拖 vt. 画;拉;吸引

傅婉13298037194问: Trace the correct words and colour the picturs.是什么意思 -
闻喜县氨基回答: 从图中找到正确的单词和颜色

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