
作者&投稿:戏疫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Touri *** vacation,旅游度假英语作文300字
It's a country in southern Asia. My parents and I spent some time in Thailand, and we spent our holidays here in Bangkok. Bangkok is a tourist attraction where there are many shops selling jewelry and clothes, and I bought a beautiful skirt there. My parents and I bought som...

With the opening and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. Touri *** brings China a lot of benefits. First, it enablesitheChinese people to know more about the outside world and promotes frlendship and understand...

旅游过度开发对环境有害 Over Touri *** Brings Harm to the Environmen...
此外,过度开发旅游业会占用大量的耕地,导致土地短缺。,Ina word, touri *** will be harmful to our environment if it is over , I do not advocate that we development touri *** without considering theenvironment. And we should keep the balance beeen touri *** development andenvironm...

touri *** and other industries, the investment is a *** all, effective, non-polluting the industry, at the same time, touri *** can promote other industries Development, which makes the region for touri *** revenue of the national economy is of great significance. Eco...

Touri *** Yalong Bay (牙龙湾), Sanya City, southern Hainan: 7-km beach. Miscellaneous ics Hainan is a sister province of Jeju island-province of South Korea. 求一篇用英语介绍海南三亚千古情的文 Sanya historic scene area hidden in the thick forest and flowers, there are large song and da...

the living standard of the average Chinese is still not high enough to be able to afford the many different sorts of expenses during long distance travels. Therefore, there are still a lot of obstacles hindering the expansion of touri *** in our country. As for me, with the d...

Hotel Development level is the level of touri *** development and socio-economic and civilization level of mark 饭店 (或酒店,旅馆) 是一个主要为游客提供短期住宿的地方,酒店通常在提供住宿之余,亦为住客提供餐厅、游泳池、或照顾幼儿等服务。 一些酒店亦提供会议设施,吸引商业机构举行会议、面试或记者会等...

Work hard for steam lootive touri *** !没有哪个需要创新的重要奋斗是在没有风险的条件下完成的。And no important endeavor that required innovation was done without risk.为实现共和党的基本宗旨而进行的奋斗 A struggle for the soul of the Republican Party 为公正、民主和宽容奋斗不息的斗士...

如果我能说好英语,我就可以和世界各地的人交流了。 Nowadays, English is widely used in news, business, munication and touri *** . Especially after China enters WTO, our country needs more genius who is good at English. Mastering English can help us find more job opportunities. 如今,英语在新闻...

rourai ra zu kanka no koto 老来 识 ら ず 干戈 の 事 tada wa ru haru kaze touri no 只 把 る 春 风 桃李 の 巵 这是政宗在元和七年(1621年)54岁时,再一次喝醉了酒以后所写的。这首和歌充分反映了当时政宗年老时的心境,也许这就是人们所说的“德川康家死后,政宗已经没有...

藤费19390532998问: tourism,tourist,travel,tour 区别 -
寿宁县畅泽回答: JOURNEY具体/抽象都可以(指长途跋涉) TRAVEL 旅行(过程/动作)例如:he spent most of his time travelling abroad. TOUR旅游/比赛(到各个地方) TRIP访问/行程(如往返round trip) journey主要指单程较远距离的海、陆、空“旅行”,...

藤费19390532998问: tour tourist touristy的区别 -
寿宁县畅泽回答: tour 1.旅游 n. 2.旅游v.tourist 游客 观光者 touristy 名胜古迹

藤费19390532998问: travel trip tourist sightseeing 的用法有什么区别 -
寿宁县畅泽回答: trip, journey, travel, tour,voyage (1)trip是非正式用语,一般指有目的(出差或者旅游)的短距离的旅行,并且会返回. We went on a pleasant trip to the nearest seaside during our vacation. 在假期里我们到最近的海滨作了一次愉快的旅行. ...

藤费19390532998问: tour的意思?有几个问题.1.tour的意思? 2.旅行者是tourer tourist.? 3.关于tour开头的单词有哪些?(就是关于它的几个基本变形) -
寿宁县畅泽回答:[答案] 您好、tour的意思是:旅游,旅行;巡回演出 旅行者的意思是:travelers 单词有: tour arrangement 意思是 旅游安排;旅行安排 tour group 意思是 旅行团;旅游团队 touring 意思是 游客的;游览的 touring bus...

藤费19390532998问: Tour,Tourism,Tourist,Travel.这四个单?
寿宁县畅泽回答: Tourism是旅游业,Tourist是游客,相对来说,Tour是短途旅行,Travel是长途的旅行

藤费19390532998问: tour的形容词性是 -
寿宁县畅泽回答: 动词tour的名词形式是tourist,其形容词形式是:touristy.意为:观光的、旅游的、旅客多的.

藤费19390532998问: travel trip tourism tourist visitor journey tour 的区别和用法如题 -
寿宁县畅泽回答:[答案] JOURNEY具体/抽象都可以(指长途跋涉)TRAVEL 旅行(过程/动作)例如:he spent most of his time travelling abroad.TOUR旅游/比赛(到各个地方) TRIP访问/行程(如往返round trip) journey主要指单程较远距离的海、陆、空...

藤费19390532998问: tour——tourist,类似的词tour是旅游的意思tourist是旅游者,还有类似的词吗? -
寿宁县畅泽回答:[答案] art--artist 艺术家

藤费19390532998问: tour的词性转换有什么 -
寿宁县畅泽回答: tourist tourism

藤费19390532998问: 谁知道traveller与tourist区别
寿宁县畅泽回答: Traveler旅客与Tourist旅客,表面是一字之差,内涵却大有区别, Travel一字在古英语时期与法文的Travail同义,源自拉丁语系,原是「困难」、「工作」、「折磨」之意.由此可见,一个真正的旅行的人,本来就是风尘仆仆,饱受舟车劳顿之苦. Tourist又怎样呢? 词根来自希腊文(指画圆环的一种工具),定义是外出游乐的人,所以,那些旅游团都称作tour,也可以解作一周,一圈,一转.嗄嗄~~我们这些tourists也只不过是走马看花,眼睛旅行而已.

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