
作者&投稿:竺胞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

tortoise的意思是乌龟,形容行动缓慢的人,具体英文单词介绍如下:1、基本释义:Tortoise,英文单词,主要作为名词,作名词时意为“龟,[脊椎] 乌龟(等于testudo),迟缓的人”。2、单词用法:林斯英汉双解大词典tortoise \/ˈtɔːtəs\/ CET6+ TEM4 ( tortoises ) N-COUNT A ...

是的,tortoise可以指龟,也可以指行动迟缓的人,只有名词词性;turtle在作为名词时指海龟,也可以做动词,意思是捕海龟、捕鳖、(船等)翻没、倾覆。拓展内容1.tortoise 【音标】英 [ˈtɔ:təs] 美 [ˈtɔ:rtəs]【释义】n.乌龟;行动迟缓的人(或物)。【...

(骂人用的):bastard 王八(鳖):tortoise

tortoise turtle 区别
tortoise和turtle的区别:意思不同、词性不同、用法不同。tortoise作为名词,中文翻译为陆龟、动作缓慢的人;而turtle可作名词和动词,作名词时,含义为海龟、水龟等,作动词时,含义为捕海龟、捕鳖、翻没。一、tortoise的中文含义及用法介绍 tortoise作为名词,含义为陆龟;龟。复数形式为tortoises。例句:A...

"Tortoise" 是一个名词,表示乌龟,是一种爬行动物,背部有坚硬的壳。用法:1. 名词用法:- 乌龟:The tortoise is known for its longevity.(乌龟以其长寿而闻名。)词形变化:- 复数形式:tortoises 词语搭配:- "I saw a giant tortoise at the zoo." - "我在动物园看到了一只巨大的乌龟。"...


tortoise 怎么读?
tortoise 读法 英 ['tɔːtəs] 美 ['tɔːrtəs]释义:n. 龟 词汇搭配:1、tortoise beetle[昆]龟甲虫 2、 tortoise shell龟甲 3、tortoise shell wood龟甲木 例句 He bought two small tortoises for me.他给我买了两只小乌龟。

5.Yes, I've got three rabbits and a tortoise.有,我有三只兔子和一只乌龟。6.Breeding tortoise is one of new and developing aquatic product industries in china.养龟是我国水产新兴行业之一。7.Tortoise and Snake Hills face each other across the river.龟蛇二山隔江相望。8.A tortoise...

乌龟用英语表示用turtle或tortoise都可以。1、tortoise 读音:英[ˈtɔːtəs],美[ˈtɔːrtəs]。释义:n.龟,[脊椎]乌龟(等于testudo);迟缓的人。例句:The tortoise will go into hibernation in half a month.乌龟即将在半个月后开始冬眠。...

turtle和tortoise都是可数名词,可以用于单数和复数形式。在句子中,可以使用冠词、形容词和其他修饰词来描述它们。不同之处及例句(区别):生活环境:turtle通常生活在水中或近水的地方,而tortoise则生活在陆地上。例句:I saw a turtle swimming in the ocean.(我看到一只海龟在海里游泳。)The ...

再广15648045809问: 龟兔赛跑的英文是什么 -
温泉县可元回答:[答案] Tortoise and the Hare或 the race between tortoise and rabbit (第一个更简洁) 龟兔赛跑的故事源于伊索寓言,可谓众所周知,原文如下: A hare jeered at a tortoise for the slowness of his pace .But he laughed ,and said that he would run against her...

再广15648045809问: tortoise and the hare什么故事 -
温泉县可元回答: 1.罗尔德达尔的乌龟和兔子

再广15648045809问: tortoise的同义词 -
温泉县可元回答: 楼主你好:乌龟有同义词吗??反正我是不知道~~ n.乌龟;行动迟缓的人(或物) 复数: tortoises 派生词:tortoise-like1. The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping.兔子正睡觉时,乌龟赢得了比赛.(来自《简明英汉词典》)2. ...

再广15648045809问: 乌龟的英文介绍,短,加翻译 -
温泉县可元回答: The tortoise refers broadly to collectively terrapin. The narrow sense refers to the Emydidae species under. Turtle ( Chinemys reevesii ) called the tortoise, tortoise, tortoise and turtle, mud, in animal taxonomy is part of Reptilia, Testudines, tortoise ...

再广15648045809问: 龟兔赛跑英语作文40词 六年级下册知识以内 -
温泉县可元回答:[答案] The Race Between Tortoise And Rabbit A rabbit is walking in the forest , and singing loudly.Suddenly . he see a tortoise is coming slowly from another road .The rabbit said:Let's have a race.I must first. The tortoise noted.The rabbit runs like an arrow....

再广15648045809问: tortoise怎么读 -
温泉县可元回答: tortoise[英]['tɔːtəs] [美]['tɔːrtəs] 生词本 简明释义 n.乌龟;行动迟缓的人(或物) 复数:tortoises 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义1.N-COUNT陆龟;(乌)龟A tortoise is a slow-moving animal with a shell into which it can pull its head and legs for protection.以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 例句 A little boy caughts a very beautiful small tortoise.一个小男孩抓到了一只非常漂亮的小乌龟.

再广15648045809问: 我要9个人的英文童话短剧 -
温泉县可元回答: 英语短剧: The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑) 旁白:Good morning everyone. Now, I will tell you a story about Mr. Tortoise and Miss Hare. In a very big forest, there lives many different kinds of animals, like monkeys, chicks, a Hare and an ...

再广15648045809问: 求《龟兔赛跑》的英文对话? -
温泉县可元回答:[答案] 龟兔赛跑 中文:【汉译英】 这是乌龟和兔子的首次比赛.乌龟在赛前加紧训练,做好了充足的准备;兔子则不以为然,根本... 最终的结果想必大家非常熟悉,乌龟坚持到底赢得了胜利. 英文:(这是上面的翻译) This is the tortoise and the hare's first ...

再广15648045809问: 帮忙写一篇英语作文,最好是个小故事的,附带中文 -
温泉县可元回答: Mr.Tortoise and Miss Hare had a race.Mr.Tortoise ran very slowly,but Miss Hare ran very fast.When Miss Hare arrived at Center Street,she didn;t see Mr.Tortoise.So Miss Hare wanted to have a rest,then she slept under the tree.At that time,Mr....

再广15648045809问: tortoise什么意思? -
温泉县可元回答: 简明英汉词典 tortoise [5tC:tEs] n. 龟, 迟缓的人 美国传统词典[双解] tortoise tor.toise AHD:[t?r“t1s] D.J.[6t%8rtis] K.K.[6t%rt!s] n.(名词) (1) Any of various terrestrial turtles, especially one of the family Testudinidae, characteristically having ...

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