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狄忠17732675546问: 英语中所有的双关语. -
卢龙县多力回答: 2、语义双关 语义双关是利用某个词语的多义性在特定环境下形成的双关,在字面上只有一个词语,而实际上同时关顾着两种不同的意义,言在此而意在彼,从而造成一种含蓄,深沉委婉,耐人寻味的意境,增强了语言的表达效果.[3](66)这种...

狄忠17732675546问: 英语中所有的双关语.可以给我一个列表吗?越多越好! -
卢龙县多力回答:[答案] 2、语义双关 语义双关是利用某个词语的多义性在特定环境下形成的双关,在字面上只有一个词语,而实际上同时关顾着两 clean for keeping an oral cavity,get up thereby to in advance tooth-decay-preventing danger,advertisement exactly is to set ...

狄忠17732675546问: “虫牙”用英语怎么说?很急呀. -
卢龙县多力回答:[答案] 虫牙 decayed tooth scolecodont cariesrotten tooth 长虫牙Make Way for Tooth Decay

狄忠17732675546问: "蛀牙"的英语怎麽说 -
卢龙县多力回答: 蛀牙: . . cariosity decayed tooth 蛀牙 : 1. tooth decay . . . 生物科学词汇 ...tooth crown 齿冠 tooth decay 龋齿; 蛀牙 tooth neck 齿颈 ...2. Dental cavity . . . 有关社会福利的常用词汇 ...Deed(property) 契据,契约 Dental cavity 蛀牙3. Cavities . . . 吸...

狄忠17732675546问: 英语词汇趣谈:智齿怎么说? -
卢龙县多力回答: Go to see a dentist!!! I had all 4 of them taken out.The reason why they call it a " wisdom tooth " is because they start coming out at around maturity age. That is when people considered to be of a " wise age ".

狄忠17732675546问: 蛀牙 洗牙 英文怎么说 -
卢龙县多力回答: 蛀牙: cariosity 或 decayed tooth 或 bad tooth 或 decayExamples:昨天他把蛀牙给拔掉了.He had a bad tooth pulled out yesterday.(昨天他把蛀牙给拔掉了.)The dentist could detect no decay in her teeth.(牙医检查了她的牙, 未见有龋...

狄忠17732675546问: “漂亮的蛀牙” 英文怎么说
卢龙县多力回答: Beautiful cavity cavity 蛀牙 『如有疑问 欢迎追问』蛀牙 也译作 decayed tooth 或者 tooth decay 北美一般用的是 cavity 欧洲我不知道 不过 都是 蛀牙的意思没错 那用 pretty cavity 好了

狄忠17732675546问: tooth的过去式 -
卢龙县多力回答: 名词,哪有过去式,有复数形式teeth

狄忠17732675546问: 蛀牙用英语怎么说 -
卢龙县多力回答: 蛀牙: 1. cariosity2. decayed tooth Tooth decay; urban decay.蛀牙;城市的衰落 I have three cavities.我有三颗蛀牙.I think I have a cavity.我想我有蛀牙.Brushing your teeth regularly helps to ward off tooth decay.按时刷牙有助于预防蛀牙.My bad ...

狄忠17732675546问: 蛀牙 洗牙 英文怎么说
卢龙县多力回答: 蛀牙Tooth decay洗牙teeth cleaning, to clean one's teeth

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