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我在游民星空下载的圣安地列斯 装好游戏进入游戏的开始...
回答:om asked what Lucy wanted.时态倒移:一般现在时变过去时(want变wanted)。ask后要么加给谁说的,要么加从句(从句应是陈述句语序:主语+动词) 2.He said he had not seen her today.时态倒移:现在完成时变过去完成时(have not seen变had not seen),I变人称为he 希望能够采纳,不对的地方请...

for det skulle nu lade ligesom om han ret betragtede sin stads. Kammerherrerne, som skulle bære slæbet, famlede med hænderne hen ad gulvet, ligesom om de tog slæbet op, de gik og holdt i luften, de turde ikke lade sig mærke med, at de ingenting kunne se. S...


om was sitting in his English class. It wa...
汤姆正坐在他的英语课堂上。这是一个炎热的 下午,他感到昏昏欲睡。这是一个语法课和汤姆也很无聊。他16语法。他想离开学校和工作。汤姆看了17。他看着树木和鲜花。然后他开始做白日梦。十分钟后,老师停了18。他要求学生们在他们的书做语法练习。学生拿出19本练习本和铅笔,开始写。老师看了看,汤...

求sj-happy 的爱的料理王的中韩歌词
eo rin ae cheo reom ma gu ha neul nop i ddwi eo yo像个小孩一样 蹦蹦跳跳《이특》신나게[Lee Tuek]sin na ge【李特】开心地《예성》그러다가 지치면 괜히 분위기 잡혀[Ye Sung]geu reo da ga ji chi myeon paeng hi bun wi gi jab hyeo【艺声】这样...

dota 单中solo上下路不出兵、禁符、禁野命令:单挑1V1,一般输入命令为-apomnpdu。-AP:可选所有英雄;-OM:仅中路出兵;-NP:禁止神符;-DU:可以选择相同英雄。 参考资料: http:\/\/\/view\/56241.htm?fr=ala0_1_1 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 橥...

One day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, “Why can fish only live in water?” I thought about it, then I gave him the answer, “Because there are some cats on the bank.” My father laughed when he heard that. Then he said, “You are smart!” I was ...

英语翻译Mr.Black gave his wife money every Friday evening,but sh...
Mr.Black gave his wife money every Friday evening,but she always spent it before the next Wednesday,For the next three days she had none.Every Tuesday evening Mr.Black asked her,“But what did you spent all that money on?”and she always answered,“I don’t know”.One ...

she asked. “I did, Mum.” All the five girls said together. 根据短文内容,判断正T误F。10分 46. Mr. Smith wanted to cook a good dinner for his friends.F 47. There are five women in Mr. Smith’s family.F 48. All the girls were free that day.F 49. Mary put some salt...

When I was 6 years old, I started my pri mary school life. At school I learn a lot f rom teachers. And I learn knowledge fr om my textbooks. I learn to be good st udent at school and good child at home . I have made great progress in my sch ool life. My school ...

陟宣15333793729问: 用so+助动词+主语怎么写我也去 -
门头沟区清脑回答:[答案] SO+主语+助动词:是对一件事的内容加以证实或肯定.意为"的确如此". 例如, Tom asked me to go to play football and so I did. SO+助动词+主语:是倒装结构.倒装有全部倒装,也有部分倒装,而SO 在表示"也"的意思的时候是部分倒装. 例如,...

陟宣15333793729问: so+主语+助动词和so+助动词+主语的区别及意思 -
门头沟区清脑回答: SO+主语+助动词:是对一件事的内容加以证实或肯定.意为"的确如此". 例如,Tom asked me to go to play football and so I did.SO+助动词+主语:是倒装结构.倒装有全部倒装,也有部分倒装,而SO 在表示"也"的意思的时候是部分倒装. 例如,---Tom can speak French.---So can I.

陟宣15333793729问: 祈使句的变法 -
门头沟区清脑回答: 一、直接引语是一般疑问句时的变法:用asked sb. if (whether) + 陈述句语序来表达.如: 1).My teacher asked me, “Do you like American country music?” → My teacher asked me if (或whether) I liked American country music. 2).She said, ...

陟宣15333793729问: Tom asked me to - ---you his best wishes.请问填send还是g
门头沟区清脑回答: give

陟宣15333793729问: “ask”最基本的一些语法,例举几个,谢谢啦!!! -
门头沟区清脑回答: ask vt.1. 问;询问[+wh-][O6][O1] She asked him his name.她问他叫什么.He asked me where Tom was.他问我汤姆在何处.2. 请求;要求[+to-v][O2][O1][+that] He asked that they (should) be allowed to use a dictionary.他要求准许他们用词典.I ...

陟宣15333793729问: tom+come+to+ask+me+to+help是什么句式
门头沟区清脑回答: come to do sth开始做某事ask sb to help 固定短语,寻求帮助,另外ask sb to do sth 是要求某人做某事或者让某人做某事

陟宣15333793729问: Tom said'Don't speak to me '.Tom asked me - ---- - ----- - ----- - to - ----- -
门头沟区清脑回答: Tom asked me not to speak to him.

陟宣15333793729问: 主 + 谓(及物动词)宾 + 宾补 的例句有什么?? 急啊!!! -
门头沟区清脑回答: 答案是: 1.we found him crying in the corner of the street2.Tom asked me to help him with his English~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

陟宣15333793729问: A man -- himself Tom asked you to go for a hoilday.为什么用calling 而不是called? -
门头沟区清脑回答: call sb sth 称某人为…….所以a man 和call 之间构成主动关系,也就是说:一个自称为汤姆的人.因为题上多了一个宾语himself .a man called Tom也是对的,一个名叫汤姆的人.

陟宣15333793729问: 英语的主+谓 主+谓+宾 主+系+表 主+及物动词+双宾 的列句 -
门头沟区清脑回答: 主谓: Time flies!主谓宾: I have a pen.主系表: You are beautiful.主 及物动词 双宾语: He gave me a book.

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