
作者&投稿:关阁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系) do two things: share great coffeewith o

英语作文I want to be a ...
position in the international accounting firm and to serve as an accountant there!I want to be a headmaster when I grow up. I think that’s a good job. My school is in the forest. It’s very beautiful. I go to work by Benz at eight o’clock in the morning. The teach...

How to be a good teacher in future 为题 写一篇英语作文50_百度知 ...
在将来如何成为一名好老师 How to Be a Good Teacher in futureTeachingis the greatest profession under the sun, because nothing is more importantthan education to a nation. Sometimes, it seems easy to be a teacher, but Ialways find it’s difficult, because only knowledge can’t make us a go...

以to be a friend of the Earth写一篇至少5句话作文
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My food and Lifestyle Hi! My name is Pauline. I am 14 years old. I want to be a teacher or a doctor when I grow up. To be a doctor, I must be healthy. It is important for a doctor to be healthy.Before, I seldom ate vegetables. Because I disliked vegetables. I ...

巩固练习答案6:1.There was only a well in the village.2.Among the guests there were two Americans and two Frenchmen.3.The weatherman says there’ll be a strong wind in the afternoon.4.The light is on. There must be someone ion the office.5.There used to be a cinema here before the...

with you. If It's possible, each group is going to take a couple of cameras along so that you are going to take some pictures o f the beautiful sights. We are to meet at the school gate at 6∶50 a.m. The buses are going to start at 7∶00 a.m. Don't be late....

go on a trip to和be on a trip to的区别是什么
go on a trip to和be on a trip to的区别为:读音不同、含义不同、用法不同。一、读音不同 1.go on a trip to 读音:英 [ɡəʊ ɒn ə trɪp tu] 美 [ɡoʊ ɑːn ə trɪp tu] on a trip to 读音:英 [bi &#...

MY DAILY LIFE 我的日常生活 Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country. I get up at six o’clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth...

You can play brand new, to all the other chicks out there 你可以向外面的那些女人们玩新招 But I know what you are 但我知道你是什么东西 What you are, baby 你是什么东西,宝贝 Look at you 看看你 Gettin' more than just a re-up 就像要再当兵一样 Baby, you 宝贝,你 Got all...

迪弦14747658571问: 形容男人很爷们的英语 -
德格县再握回答: 形容男人很爷们的英语有:Man、Tough guy、Masculine、Macho、Hardy,以下为解析: 1、Man 平日里你也许听过“真的很man”一类的表达,man这个词常被借来赞帅锅够酷、够男人!英文里的man不仅指“男人”,还有彰显男儿本色的意...

迪弦14747658571问: 我很坚强 这句话用英语怎么说? -
德格县再握回答: 在美国口语中,这种一般是说:I'm a tough guy. 如果是女的,I'm a tough girl/woman.我在美国十年了.但是你要知道,口语和书面语却又有区别.书面语这么说就不特别合适.就好象中文里面,我说北京话:“我这人皮实.”普通话就要说:“我是个坚强的人.”书面语用strong是可以的,但还是要看你要表达什么意思.参考上下文.一般可说成:I'm a strong man/guy/girl/woman. I have a strong mind. I'm strong in mind. 记住中英文不要对号入座式的翻译.虽然I'm strong听起来对,跟“我很坚强”对号入座了,但是未必是表达这个意思的常用方式.

迪弦14747658571问: tough guy是贬义的吗? -
德格县再握回答: 其实不能说是褒义还是贬义,纯粹看你针对的是什么人. 如果你说的是纽约警察,tough guy就是tough cop,代表不畏惧黑金,那当然是好的. 如果你说的是街头流氓,tough guy就是tough mobster,代表不怕死更不怕法律,那当然是恶的.只是既然用到了Guy,就代表对于对象没有太高的尊敬,有点调侃对象的意思,(即使是善意的,也不是太尊敬的,就说纽约警察tough guy好了,可能也是指的是不拘小节满口粗话的英雄警察)就你所问,是不是有粗鲁的人的意思?答案是肯定有,但不仅仅只有粗鲁的意思. 善意的形容别人或者自己适用吗?绝对善意的话就绝对不适用.

迪弦14747658571问: He who has ability to be such a naughty guy and can be stronger more as well. -
德格县再握回答: 这句话大家都以为是从暮光之城转的.其实完全不是.原话根本没有and和more这两个字.不要纠结more为什么在后面了.根本没有more stronger或者stronger more的说法.给你看看别人的评价.下面这些是从腾讯网上转载来的.微博英语,错误不是一般...

迪弦14747658571问: It can be tough. it can be strong.什么意思 -
德格县再握回答: tough guy 的意思是硬汉,所以tough在指人的时候有坚硬,硬朗,硬气意思,tought指物或事情的时候也有棘手,困难意思,但我不知道你这里面的it指代的是什么就没法正确译出来,strong就是强壮的意思.tought和strong在一起用,我想应该是指人的吧!大众化翻译这句话就是:可以使之变得硬朗强壮!希望我的回答能够帮助你,谢谢采纳!

迪弦14747658571问: 高一英语..一课一练 求解释......急~!!!! -
德格县再握回答: 1. see sb doing sth 表示看见某人正在做某事. 此题 and前后的成分是并列的,都用ing.固定搭配另外see sb, do sth 也有这个搭配,这个短语不强调正在做. be to blame for sth.某人对某负责 高中阶段blame是只能这么用的.will blame 是...

迪弦14747658571问: A tough guy 这个英语的音译是什么 求解答 .............. -
德格县再握回答: A tough guy 硬汉 汉语谐音近似于:额 踏夫 噶唉 我回答从简,希望帮到你 有疑问欢迎追问,或点击我头像向我求助 为表公平,【如有帮助】请采纳【正确】的【最快回答】 注:点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮即可,万分感谢!O(∩_∩)O

迪弦14747658571问: In+this+world+just+want+to+pretend+to+be+a+great+guy.+甚么意思
德格县再握回答: 缺少主语.回答:在这个世界上,我只是想伪装自己是个很好的人!~

迪弦14747658571问: tough guy是贬义的吗?
德格县再握回答: 不是.是褒义,tough有坚强之意,tough guy一般翻译成“硬汉”

迪弦14747658571问: tough guy 什么意思 -
德格县再握回答: 硬汉

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