
作者&投稿:利纯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Starter Us1-31.Good morning\/afternoon \/evening, Bob!早上\/下午\/晚上好,Bob!2.Good morning to you.祝你早上好。3.--How are you?你好吗?—I’m fine, thanks. How are you?我很好,谢谢。你好吗?---I’m OK.我还好。4.---What’s this in English?用英语表达这是什么?—It’s an orange....

It is very important for us to share our time with our family and friends.7.我们经常在城中心到处逛,尽可能的见到我们的朋友。we often stroll around the centre of the town to see our friends as much as possible.8.毕竟我们是手表之都。we are the centre of making watches after ...

it pron. 它 it's = it is 它是 card n. 卡;卡片 ID card 身份证 family n. 家;家庭 family name 姓氏 Unit 2 this pron. & adj. 这;这个 pencil n. 铅笔 pen n. 钢笔 book n. 书 eraser n. 橡皮;铅笔擦;黑板擦 ruler n. 尺;直尺 case n. 箱;盒;橱 pencil case ...

You've made it to Friday. Glad to have you along for CNN Student N...
昨晚我的手表被偷了。Mind you. It's easy to have your pocket picked in a big crowd."请注意,在人群中你衣袋内的东西是很容易被人扒窃的。"had better应该;最好have to不得不,必须"'You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said.""`你得在这里下车了,'售票员说。"I have to go now....

Time is very important in our lives. But it never had any importanc...
Time is very important in our lives,but it never had any importance in my life until I received a watch from 时间在我们的人生中很重要,但是直到 我从父亲那得到一个使我负责任的表,时间才变重要了。my father that made me responsible .It told me the importance of time in my ...

汉译英文 谢谢大家 相近意思也行
Dear buyers,the brand of this watch is Omega.If you like it ,please show me your price.120 US dollars for a watch each time.And the watch is in high-class quaility.

cousin \/5kÃzn\/ n.表兄弟;表姐妹 family \/5fQm«lI\/ n.家庭 doctor \/5d kt«(r)\/ n.医生 teacher \/5ti:tS«(r)\/ n.老师 policeman \/p«5li:sm«n\/ n.警察 nurse \/nÎ:s\/ n.护士 job \/dZ b\/ n.工作 Unit 3 we \/wI;wi:\/ pron.我们 classmate \/5klA:smeIt\/ n.同学 how...

(微软) to me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color. 对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却一直是彩色的(轩尼诗酒) every time a good time 更多欢笑更多欢乐就在麦当劳 1.Time is what you make of it.(Swatch) 天长地久。(斯沃奇手表) 2.Make yourself heard.(Ericsson) ...

二、当陈述部分的主语是everything, something, anything, nothing时,疑问部分的主语采用it。Everything is all right, isn't it? 一切正常,不是吗?Nothing can stop us, can it? 没有什么可以阻挡我们,对吧?三、当陈述部分的主语是everybody, everyone, somebody, someone, nobody, no one等合成代词时,...


载辉19441175794问: 铁时达TITUS手表价格是多少?
昭平县桂附回答: 铁时达TITUS手表 ,属于比较差的表,国产(在瑞士注册,香港时间廊专卖)06系列的价格1100-3000铁达时是杂牌表,不可以算中等牌子,没有讨论的价值!硬要分类的话,我个人认为只可以属于5或6类表,但价格不低,主要针对大陆的买家建议购买瑞士原装机械表 0

载辉19441175794问: 瑞士手表TITUS 06 - 1855价格多少 -
昭平县桂附回答: 香港是2300左右,国内专柜大约2300-3000满意请采纳

载辉19441175794问: TITUS手表型号06 - 2363 - 002多少钱
昭平县桂附回答:铁时达TITUS手表 ,在瑞士注册,香港时间廊专卖. 06系列的价格:1100-3000元左右/每款.

载辉19441175794问: titus手表型号06 - 2064 的价格是多少

载辉19441175794问: 铁时达TITUS手表型号06 - 2177的价格是多少? -
昭平县桂附回答: 标价1280人民币

载辉19441175794问: 我有一款TITUS手表,问问大家多少钱.. -
昭平县桂附回答: TITUS手表款式种类繁多 .价格 从100到上万的都有 .

载辉19441175794问: titus手表型号为06 - 1784002的手表多少钱
昭平县桂附回答: 铁时达TITUS手表 ,属于比较差的表,国产(香港时间廊的)06系列的价格1100-3000铁达时是杂牌表,不可以算中等牌子,没有讨论的价值!硬要分类的话,只可以属于6类表,但价格不低,主要针对大陆的买家建议购买瑞士原装机械表

载辉19441175794问: 想知道TITUS 06 - 1723这款瑞士手表的价格是多少?
昭平县桂附回答: 1100-3000元左右

载辉19441175794问: titus铁达时手表型号06一2595价钱多少 -
昭平县桂附回答: TITUS/铁达时 白色陶瓷 手表 06一2595 市场价格¥1800 如果打折的话可能会便宜很多

载辉19441175794问: titus铁达时手表型号06 - 2353 - 002价格多少 -
昭平县桂附回答: 在香港尖沙咀时间廊 标价 $3680(港币),会员9.5折,买两块表会员优惠8.8折,店铺有时会有现金优惠劵$150,算下来人民币2500左右.

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