
作者&投稿:柏牲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语翻译:亲们,又来问题了! pending or threatened litigation 是什么诉...
pending ['pendiŋ]adj.待定的, 即将发生或来临的 threaten [ˈθretn]vt.威胁;预示,是…的征兆 所以,threatened 是预示着将来临的, 这里的threatened 就等于这个单词= impending impending [im'pendiŋ]adj.即将发生的, 迫在眉睫的 所以 意思是:正在进行中或将要进行...

be threatened by和be threatened with的区别
在表达威胁的两种不同方式中,"be threatened by" 和 "be threatened with" 区别明显。"be threatened by" 强调的是主体直接面临或感受到来自外部的威胁,如同例子所示:在保护客人时,虽然令人痛心,但我的客人并未处于随时可能遭受武器攻击的状态,"It breaks my heart, but my guests can't be ...

frighten 与 threaten的区别
frighten 恐吓,吓唬 原义是使胆怯,现代英语中这个词的含义是由于别人施加暴力或采用强迫手段而受到恐吓,被恐吓者“屈服”是这个词的内涵 threaten 威胁 “扬言将以伤害或惩罚迫使某人去做(或不做)某事”

·threaten, intimidate 都指预先告知或给出即将到来的危险、灾祸或伤害的迹象 ·Threaten 常指不安或不祥的征兆,有计划地或特意阻碍的外表或行动, 或危险的来源 “a crack that threatened to become a split” (Booth Tarkington).“一条有裂开危险的缝” (布斯·塔金顿)。“No future peace ...

He said army officers had threatened to destroy the town.他说陆军军官们曾威胁要摧毁那座小镇。He tied her up and threatened her with a six-inch knife.他把她捆起来,拿着一把 6 英寸长的刀子威胁她。If you threaten me or use any force, I shall inform the police.你要是威胁我,...

Gre blank ,空格为什么要填threatened

·threaten, intimidate 都指预先告知或给出即将到来的危险、灾祸或伤害的迹象 ·Threaten 常指不安或不祥的征兆,有计划地或特意阻碍的外表或行动, 或危险的来源 “a crack that threatened to become a split” (Booth Tarkington).“一条有裂开危险的缝” (布斯·塔金顿)。“No future ...

There's no snake known that will attack human beings unless【threatened】with its life 其实这个问题的难点在于:省略.句子的完整结构是:There's no snake known that will attack human beings unless【(it is)threatened】with its life 状语从句中,如果主语和主句的主语重复,且谓语动词是【be...

scare of ,fear of, threaten of的区别
threaten 侧重预先告知或给出即将到来的危险、灾祸或伤害的迹象,但不与介词 of 搭配使用,常用短语是 threaten sb. with(以…进行威胁)或 be threatened with(受到…威胁)短语。如:The people fear not death; why threaten them with it. 民不畏死,奈何以死惧之。I was threatened with a...


於裘15991564986问: threaten to do 是威胁去做某事,还是“防止某事发生”? -
紫金县朝阳回答: 威胁要去做某事

於裘15991564986问: threaten to do表示什么意思 -
紫金县朝阳回答: threaten 的意思是 “威胁着警告”, 后面跟不定式表示警告时提出要做的事情.例如: ~He threatened to punish us. 他威胁说要惩罚我们.

於裘15991564986问: threaten sb to do sth这个用法对吗? -
紫金县朝阳回答: ◆threaten sb to do sth 意思是【威胁某人做某事】,用法正确. ◆例如:他威胁我交出3000元. He threatened me to hand over 3000 yuan.

於裘15991564986问: 一个词的用法threaten的用法是什么? -
紫金县朝阳回答:[答案] 及物动词 vt.1.威胁,恐吓;扬言要[(+with)][+to-v][+that]He threatened to call the police.他威胁着要叫警察.2.预示,是...的征兆;有...的危险[+to-v]Dark skies threatened rain.天空发黑预示要下雨.不及物动词 vi....

於裘15991564986问: 带有威胁的 形容词,英语单词? -
紫金县朝阳回答: 威胁英语单词1: threaten 威胁英语单词2: menace 威胁英语单词3: intimidate 威胁的英语例句: 他们威胁将他驱逐出他的移居国. they threatened to expel him from his adoptive country. 男友威胁说要和我分手. my boyfriend was ...

於裘15991564986问: be threaten to什么意思 -
紫金县朝阳回答: be threaten to 这个说法有点错误把,应该是be threatened to (do sth) 被威胁(做某事)的意思 如对您有所帮助,请采纳.

於裘15991564986问: 用threaten造句子 -
紫金县朝阳回答: The gas charged by human has became a threaten to the environments. 人类排放的废气已经构成了对环境的威胁.

於裘15991564986问: threatened和threatening的区别(最好有例句,请讲的详细一些,万分感谢~) -
紫金县朝阳回答: 能猜到你的疑惑, 不在于interested和interesting主动和被动的区别, 而是两者作【被威胁的、受威胁的】之意时的使用区别 区别是: 作前置定语时:用threatening,如threatening animal【正在受威胁的动物】(不是吓人的动物) 作后置定语和标语时:用threatened,如animal threatened、animal is threatened 希望帮助到你!

於裘15991564986问: 用threatened to do sth.造句 -
紫金县朝阳回答:[答案] As a result,google threatened to shut down its website. 作为对此事的回应,谷歌威胁要关闭网站.

於裘15991564986问: "使.......暴露"的英语短语 -
紫金县朝阳回答: expose oneself(v.+pron.) 1.使自己面临危险 leave oneself open to danger ▲expose oneself by v-ing The politician exposed himself by attacking the government's plan.这位政治家攻击政府计划,使自己身临险境. It is unwise to expose yourself by ...

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