
作者&投稿:羿师 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

除了软管的一端出现问题,现在更有水泄漏的问题。软管出售后几乎不到两个月,便出现这种种状况,也正因此,上千的产品被退回,建筑商们都索取赔偿。They want us to pay the technicians who had changed the hoses!他们要我们缴付工资给那些更换了软管的技术人员。参考资料:自己译的。意思上不尽完美...

那个跳舞的女孩儿穿着连裤袜。2、Gill: Oh no, look! I pantyhose, the left leg.琪尔: 啊,糟糕,看,我的裤袜钩破了,在左腿处。3、Ellen: Just forget about it. I'm going back to L. A, No more boring suits. No more pantyhose. No more trying to be something that I'm ...

定期清洗出水口过滤网 Clean the outlet filter regularly.不能用刷子刷洗 Do not scrub with brushes 不能使用去污粉或抛光粉 Do not use household cleanser or polishing powder 淋浴时请勿用力拉伸软管 When taking a shower do not force and stretch the soft hose.使用龙头时不可用力过猛 Do ...

拿走手绢和衣服并亲吻男假人模特(恶心……)往屋里看时你会发现模特站在窗前 我就是喜欢吃迷幻剂的流氓,然后迷幻自己 大脑又陷入迷幻开始切和擦伤自己皮肤 剃刀,剪子还有笔,上帝什么时候才能结束 我开始迷茫 那天我也不知道谁给了我这些迷幻剂 我!我要浪子回头 我会杀死我心中那些邪恶的恶魔(坏...

英语:1.Amy got the least scores . 请问此处scores是可数的呀,为什么...
1.Amy got the least scores 【THE LEAST 意思是,最低的分数\/最槽糕的分数】2.which of you has made the fewest mistakes .请问which of 能换成which吗?The answer is that "which of " can not be replaced with "which"【表示在你们这个特指范围进行筛选,不能去掉OF YOU 】3.the bus ...

翻译谚语:as goes the first line, so goes the fire
There is a saying in the fire service with regard to hose advancement: “As the first line goes, so goes the fire!” This means that if we are able to advance the initial hose line correctly and efficiently from the beginning, then the fire will follow suit.这是消防队员用的...

connect造句:1、You can connect the speakers to your CD player.你可以将这些扬声器与你的激光唱机连接起来。2、I connected the wires for the transformer.我给变压器接上了电线。3、...the long hallway that connects the rooms.…连接这些房间的长长的过道。4、A pedestrian bridge now connects...

jumped on the water hose,跳到了水管上。

The structure of Teflon Hose Assembly 特氟隆软管总成由接头组件、扣压外套、聚四氟乙烯软管组成。Teflon Hose Assembly is consisted by joint assembly, press wrap and Teflon hose.接头组件由接头和外套螺母组成。接头外端的连接方式与航空航天标准一致,接头的另一端(与软管相连端)内部与软管之间有两...


关健17095453173问: 代词ones和those和the ones区别 -
阿瓦提县木瓜回答:[答案] 团队今天刚刚创立,希望得到您的支持! 以下是回答参考: those 特指,替代前面出现的同类名词,但不是同一个物体.相当于the+可数名词复数. 此时those后通常要用介词短语或分词做后置定语.可与the ones互换. one 1)泛指,替代前面出现的单数...

关健17095453173问: the ones和those用于代替句子成分时二者的区别是什么,具体一点,有例句更好、、、 -
阿瓦提县木瓜回答:[答案] ONE ,这里是代词,而those这里也是代词.而one一般放在句尾,加了S就是复数 如could you have another one ?这里就是说你还需要 一 个吗?\...

关健17095453173问: one/the one/ones/the ones/that/those作为代词的用法及区别, -
阿瓦提县木瓜回答:[答案] 泛指一个用one,泛指几个用ones特指一个用the one,特指几个用the ones在指代可数名词单数时,that=the one; those = the ones但是指代不可数名词时只能用that例如:i lost my English book this afternoon.I must buy ...

关健17095453173问: those和ones区别. -
阿瓦提县木瓜回答: 含义解释:"吵和Those"是指"那些",是指代复数名词或可数名词复数形式,用于表示离说话者和听者都较远的事物或人."Ones"是指"那些"或"它们",是指代可数名词复数形式或不可数名词,用于代替前文提到的特定事物或人,或...

关健17095453173问: the ones 和 those的区别如题 -
阿瓦提县木瓜回答:[答案] the ones里的ones是一个不定代词.不定代词one可以代替前面刚提到过的名词,以免重复.仅用于可数名词,复数用ones,指人指物均可.如:I don't have a pen. Can you lent me one?I prefer red roses to white ones.但是,...

关健17095453173问: 怎么区分that ,the one,those,the ones -
阿瓦提县木瓜回答:[答案] 1.that=the +单数可数名词=the one 2.that=the +不可数名词 3.the one仅指代单数可数名词 4.those=the + 复数名词=the ones

关健17095453173问: the ones&those的区别? -
阿瓦提县木瓜回答: 区别: 1)The ones替代的是可数名词的复数(roses)以避免重复. I planted a lot of roses in my garden. The ones in white I like the best. 我在花园里种了很多玫瑰花.那些个白色的我最喜欢.2)those这里指可数的复数.Those students are really smart. 那些学生真聪明. 后面也可不跟名词. 直接说:Those are really nice!

关健17095453173问: the ones和those除了后置定语还有什么区别(据说the ones=the+可数名词,those=the+复数名词)举个例子 -
阿瓦提县木瓜回答: 复数

关健17095453173问: ones和those的区别? -
阿瓦提县木瓜回答:[答案] ones :那些 .一般是前文所提到的事物,为了避免重复就用the ones 替代.或者也可表示你特指的某物,是已知的. 如果所比较的内容是复数时,则用代词those代替前面的复数名词.

关健17095453173问: the ones 和 those的区别 -
阿瓦提县木瓜回答: the ones里的ones是一个不定代词. 不定代词one可以代替前面刚提到过的名词,以免重复.仅用于可数名词,复数用ones,指人指物均可.如: I don't have a pen. Can you lent me one? I prefer red roses to white ones. 但是,不定代词one是不...

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