
作者&投稿:毓俊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Where___Mike and his father___this morni
is going

读音:英 [stɪl] 美 [stɪl]例句:I'm average for my height. But I still feel I'm fatter than I should be.从身高来看,我算是中等身材。但我还是觉得自己胖了点。二、speak 读音:英 [spiːk] 美 [spiːk]例句:In the book she speaks of his “...

“Being good is must; successful, however, is plus.” Father adopts the idea of his father. Especially in military service, I realized it more precisely. People said: Military service makes a boy to man, I agree that. I realized the importance of English and began to study diligently when...

1. My good friend I have a good friend. His name isTom. He is tall and handsome . He likes playing basketball and table tennis. He is good at swimming,too. He is kind and friendly. He is always ready to help others. So he can always get on well with us. He is int...

86. killing me softly with his song--roberta flack 由于年代久远,这首歌不可避免地带上了留声机时代遗留下来的贵族味道,一遍遍地重复“killing me softly with his song”,她已经醉了,已经无力逃脱了,她更象是自言自语,捧着胸口喃喃自语而脑子里眼睛里全是他全是他全是他啊... 87. can you feel the ...

...teacher tomorrow morning? (tomorrow morni

Mike is the youngest in his class. He runs fastest.初一英语上册专题重点动词 一、be动词 1. 根据人称的不同,be动词有三种基本 形式,分别为am,is和are。am用于单 数第一人称(I);is用于单数第三人称(he ,she,it);are用于第二人称和复数第一 ,二,三人称(we,you,they)。例:I am fifteen years old... cream(变否定句) 2.My brother has bananas every morniy...
his sister doesn't like ice cream does your brother have bananas every morning? No,he doesn't they like broccoli we don't like oranges. do you like oranges?Jane doesn't have ice-cream. Does Jane have ice-cream?My grandparents don't like vegetables. Do your grandpare...

He goes to school in his father's car every morni
His father drives him to school by car every morning.~~祝您学习进步~~~如果你认可我的答案,请点击“采纳为满意答案”~~~如果你还有其他疑问,请点击“追问”~~~我将尽全力帮您解答~~

whether I would like to write or rather come back the day after tomorrow had I seen that marvelous documentary on TV last night that he would tell me there the same time wasn' t so foggy yesterday as it was the day before yestrday.whether I was leaving ...

本葛17038308917问: This morning 在句首和句末表示的时态有什么区别 -
砀山县凡乐回答: 时间状语this morning 可以放在句首,也可以放在句末.没有影响

本葛17038308917问: this morning用于哪个时态?理由 -
砀山县凡乐回答: this morning用于哪个时态需要结合具体语境判断: 1、当this morning表示已经发生的时间,用过去时. 例句:The conference was inaugurated this morning. 大会今天上午开幕了. 2、当this morning表示还未发生的时间,用将来时. 例句:I'll ...

本葛17038308917问: this morning是什么时态的标志 -
砀山县凡乐回答:[答案] 看情况 通常是过去 因为说今天早上表明时间已经在早上以后了

本葛17038308917问: 英语的 this+时间 表示什么时态? -
砀山县凡乐回答:[答案] 你说的这两个,比较典型. this sunday是 指这个星期天,我们平常说话一般说这个星期天 都是以将来时的时态.认为星期天是这个星期的最后一天.因此this sunday 一般是将来时, 而this morning 就是今早 了 ,一般来说,说这句话的时候,都是过了早...

本葛17038308917问: thismorning用什么时态(过去时还是现在完 -
砀山县凡乐回答: 都可以的.一般过去时:I went shopping this moring.(说话时已经过了早上了,描述早上发生过的事性) 过去进行时:I was reading a book this moring.(说话时已经过了早上了,描述早上正在发生的事性) 一般将来时:I am going to have class this moring. (现在是早上,说早上的打算) 现在完成时:I have finished my homework this morning.(已经完成,对现在有影响)

本葛17038308917问: 英语的 this+时间 表示什么时态? -
砀山县凡乐回答: 你说的这两个,比较典型. this sunday是 指这个星期天,我们平常说话一般说这个星期天 都是以将来时的时态.认为星期天是这个星期的最后一天.因此this sunday 一般是将来时, 而this morning 就是今早 了 ,一般来说,说这句话的时候,都是过了早上了,所以一般用过去式.

本葛17038308917问: this morning用什么时态 -
砀山县凡乐回答: 根据语境,可以用现在时,过去式,未来时

本葛17038308917问: this morning用现在完成时还是一般过去时 -
砀山县凡乐回答: 是一般过去时 如果是since this morning,才能用用现在完成时.

本葛17038308917问: 现在完成时与过去式中都有与现在时间在内的时间状语连用(this moring/just)那怎么区分呢?
砀山县凡乐回答: this morning有两种可能,若在12点之前说,就是现在时间.若在12点以后说,就是明确的过去时间.比如现在是11点,你说今天上午我去过学校了.I have been to school this morning.就可以使用现在完成时,其含义为去过了,影响为可以不用再去了,或有什么问题你问我,因为我去过学校了.若此刻为下午1点钟,你说今天上午我去过学校.I went to school this morning.就只能用过去一般时态.表示过去的事实.与现在已经没有关系了.

本葛17038308917问: this morning ,this afternoon,this evenning分别是什么时态呢 -
砀山县凡乐回答:[答案] 过去,将来,将来

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