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句中的时间状语通常为last month(week, year...), yesterday, before...,in those day(years, months...),(a year, two weeks...)ago, once等。注意一般现在时与现在完成时的区别,比较:His father was an English teacher all his life.他父亲当了一辈子老师。(其父已死)His father has been an ...

用his favourite march month is连词连词成句用英语怎么写
The month after March is April

In the 40s BC, Julius Caesar instituted a new calendar that made up for astronomical discrepancies in the old, and after his death the month of Quintilis, his birth month, was renamed Julius in his honor, hence July.August Sextilis was the original Latin name for the sixth ...

always, usually, often, sometimes, every day, on Sundays, at weekends, once a week, twice a month, etc.二、一般过去时:基本结构:动词的过去式 基本用法:1、过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态 Eg. I got up late yesterday.2、过去习惯性、经常性的动作 Eg. When I was in the ...

His pictures ___in London this month. [ ]
C 他的照片(绘画作品) 本月在伦敦展出。因为是his pictures 作主语,所以需用被动语态,A、D可以排除,B的语法错。C:be on show,展出 希望对你有帮助

一般现在时 经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况。 often, usually, always, sometimes, every day(week, month),once a week, on Mondays, etc. 1.be动词 2.行为动词 1.把动词be放于句首。2.用助动词do提问,如主语为第三人称单数,则用does,同时还原为动词原形。\/is\/are+...


There are 3 people in my family:my parents and I.My father is a teacher.His favourite colour is blue and red.His favourite month is March.My mother is a housewife.Her favourite colour is red. Her favourite month is June.And I'm a student.My favourite colour is winter.My ...

his favorite month is february (对话线部分提问)
What's his The ability to take a joke,not make one, proves that you have a sense of humor. ​幽默并非在于调侃他人,而是能否经得住调侃

His father cleans his car every month改为否定句?
His father doesn't clean his car every month.

梁毓15554102775问: this month是什么意思中文翻译 -
咸阳市鲜竹回答: 本月 希望帮助你

梁毓15554102775问: in this month 和this month 意思一样吗? -
咸阳市鲜竹回答:[答案] 他们是不一样的,从词性上来说,in the month 是时间状语,直接翻译成“在这个月”,但是有时翻译会把在省略,在不影响句意的情况下.例子如下:My birthday party is in this month.我的生日在这个月.I'm leaving in thi...

梁毓15554102775问: java中this.month=month>0?month:1;什么意思
咸阳市鲜竹回答: 这是条件语句.boolean?a:b 如果boolean为true,则执行a语句,否则执行b语句. this.month=month>0?month:1;此语句的意思是:如果month变量为正数,this对象的month变量赋值为month变量,否则赋值为1.

梁毓15554102775问: 这个月的英文怎么翻译 -
咸阳市鲜竹回答: this month

梁毓15554102775问: this day month什么意思 -
咸阳市鲜竹回答: 上月的今天, 下月的今天 例句 Sentences They will be in Boston this day month.下个月的今天他们就在波士顿了.It has rained every day so far this month.直到现在这个月每天都在下雨.There wasn't a day but what it rained this month.这个月没有...

梁毓15554102775问: this month.last month.他们后面用加S吗? -
咸阳市鲜竹回答:[答案] 这个月,下个月,上个月.后面不用加S

梁毓15554102775问: this month是一般现在时吗? 这题怎么做:They - ----(are,were)onange this month. -
咸阳市鲜竹回答: this month 相对现在来说是过去式, They _were____(are,were)onange this month.

梁毓15554102775问: 英语中this week,this month,this year 一般表示什么时态啊? -
咸阳市鲜竹回答: 你这个问题问的有问题. 他们本身于时态无关. 要看前面的主句的意思. 我今天很累:I am very tired today.(this week,this month,this year ) 我今天什么也没做:I did nothing today.(this week,this month,this year )是不是这个道理啊. 当然我懂你的意思,你是想问他们一般用于什么事态.如果你非让我说出一个答案的话,以我的经验来看,在长期阅读报纸刊物来看,一般过去时,多一点.

梁毓15554102775问: By the end this month 什么时态 -
咸阳市鲜竹回答: 首先,你打错了:应该是by the end of this month然后用一般将来时,将来完成时自然也适用!this month是这个月,说明还没有到,所以用将来时系列!将来时态1I reckon she'll be back by the end of this month.我估摸着她月底就能回来.2by the end of this month, we shall have carried out production plan.到本月底我们将完成生产计划

梁毓15554102775问: 今年和去年的英语单词怎么写 -
咸阳市鲜竹回答: 您好 !this year 今年 iast year 去年 ,英语中 ,this term 这学期,this week 这个周,this month 这月,last term / week / month 望采纳 !谢谢!

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