
作者&投稿:盖具 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

this is my story英语演讲稿
I like Ben john. I think his best song is “it is my life”. When I headed it, this song concert blew me away. (这是英语的再送你一篇中文的 ) 记得那是一个冬天…… 冬天的太阳总是能给人带来莫名的喜悦和感动。今天又是一个有太阳的日子。 推开窗,我我沐浴在暧暧的阳光里,...

this is (his) is my friend括号里填什么
Her name is Helen.She is English.

My friend is a boy.He is very tall and handsome.He likes singing ,dancing and lots of sport.我的朋友是一个男孩,他很高并且很帅气,他喜欢唱歌,跳舞和许多的运动。He has a sister and a brother.He always play football with his classmates and they always enjoy themself.他有一个...

She is my mother是什么意思?
she is my mother意思是:她是我的妈妈。重点词解释:mother 读音:英 ['mʌðə] 美 ['mʌðɚ]n. 母亲;大娘;女修道院院长 vt. 生下;养育;像母亲般关怀或照管 adj. 母亲的;出生地的 相关短语:THE MOTHER 母亲 ; 母亲的春天 ; 神圣母亲 ; ...

his(他的)——复数:their(他们的)。her(她的)——复数:their(她们的)。my和mine在用法上的区别 my和mine在用法上有什么区别my(我的)是形容词性;形容词性物主代词在句中作定语修饰名词,一般不单独使用。例:My parents are both office workers.My name is Jack.mine(我的)是名词...

所有格又分形容词性和名词性两种:my是形容词物主代词,用在名词前作定语的;mine是名词性物主代词,相当于“形容词性物主代词 + 名词”,可用作主语、宾语或表语。This is my book. (这是我的书) ——my 是 book 的定语 His book is on the desk and mine is in myschoolbag. (他的是在...

...yours,his,hers,theirs,ours填空。 1.This is my sweater. It is...
1.mine 这是我的毛衣。 这是我的(毛衣)。2.yours 那是你的书。 那是你的(书)。3.his Sam拿走了我的T恤。 它不是他的(T恤)。4.hers 这是Kate的帽子。 它是她的(帽子)。5.mine 你的钢笔在哪? 我的(钢笔)在书包里。

用所给词的正确时空太填空 1.__is my brother.__name is Jack.These p...
This is my pen. Yours is on the desk.The bike is his. It’s not mine.2,to try 解释:would you like doing sth.3,going 解释:How about doing sth.4,carry 解释:help sb. do sth.5,tell 解释:don't 已经表示时态tell用原型。6,are 解释:two glasses o...

my family作文带翻译怎么写?
my family作文带翻译如下:I have a happy family. There are three people in my family, my father, mother and me. My father is a businessman. He is always busy with his work and he often goes to business trips. But when he is free, he stays with us. My mother is a ...

his的意思是他的(专指男性的)his属于物主代词(Possessive Pronouns),也叫人称代词的所有格。物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种。物主代词有人称和数的变化。第三人称单数的物主代词还有性别的变化,如his和her。具体的可以参照下图:...


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