
作者&投稿:謇金 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我不要任何别的桔子。 8. I have some more. 我有更多一些。 some more 更多一些,后加可数或不可数名词。 much more 后加不可数名词 many more 后加可数名词复数 I want many more books. 我想要更多的书。 9. It's a man who can ride his bicycle backwards while playing the violin. 那是一个能...

there is some milk,cakes and hamburgers on the tabie.因为离系动词最近的some milk是不可数名词,不可数名词前的There be句型be通常是is.their bedroom is (on the second floor.)【对括号部分提问】这是对卧室的位置提问,要用where my jacket is yellow,( )[he]is blue.答案是his,因为he...

二者没有关系啦!the 一般是冠在前面出现过的东西前面来特指。例如:I dropped my pencil on the floor,he picked up the pencil and gave it back to me.

(4)Oil is essential for the manufacture of plastic. 石油是塑料生产的基本原料。(5)Capitalism is a by-product of free enterprise. 资本主义是自由企业的副产品。2、但是,如果不可数名词在句是表特指意义,则要在其前加定冠词。如:(1)The money was dealt out fairly. 钱分配得公平...

疑问句中,不可数名词前用“some”还是“any”? 例句:Does he like have...
一般疑问、否定句一般用 any 但在希望得到肯定回答(Yes)时用some

名词变复数的规则:1.一般名词复数是在名词后面加上“s”,如map→maps,bag→bags等;2.以s,sh,ch,x等结尾的词加“es”,如bus→buses,watch→watches等;3.以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y为i加es,如baby→babies等;以元音字母+ y结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数,如monkey→monkeys,holiday...

不可以。each一般加可数名词单数,如:each student each apple ,each person.如果要说每一个人就要用each person而不能用each peple.



5.以字母o结尾的词加es或s:photo—photos, tomato—tomatoes,等。6.不规则变化。如:a.特殊的复数形式:child—children, mouse—mice,等。b.变oo为ee:foot—feet, tooth —teeth,等。c.含有man 或woman词语的复数是将a改为e:man—men, Frenchman—Frenchmen,等。如果man或woman作另一名词...

琴狗17740628592问: this that可以接不可数名词么 -
灵宝市喜炎回答: this that可以接不可数名词. 例如: We're getting married this June 我们准备今年6月结婚. What a pity to see all that water running to waste!眼看那些水白白浪费掉多可惜!不可数名词是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态...

琴狗17740628592问: this is后面可以直接加不可数名词吗比如说This is water.但是后面应该加单数啊,不可数名词不分单复数吧.还是说应该说成This is a glass of water. -
灵宝市喜炎回答:[答案] 可以的 这要分开来讲.如果你只是想表达水这样物质,那就说This is water,and that is air;如果你特指一杯水,就用This is a glass of water

琴狗17740628592问: 不可数名词前可以加this吗 ? -
灵宝市喜炎回答: 当然是可以的,this,that什么的跟名词的可不可数是没关系的.但是these,those就不行.

琴狗17740628592问: this和that后可否加不可数名词 -
灵宝市喜炎回答: 可以修饰不可数名词,但是这时当”这种(类)/那种”.实际上种类可以算可数.

琴狗17740628592问: this和that后可加不可数名词吗? -
灵宝市喜炎回答: 可以加的,就是指 “这个”“那个”.如:this rice. 但是这里的不可数名词就是表示一类的了,这种大米. 如果指某一碗饭 就是this bowl of rice. 名词前加量词.

琴狗17740628592问: these 能修饰不可数名词吗?this呢? -
灵宝市喜炎回答: these是代词.没修饰数名 these代复数名词 例: These are my friends. this代单数名词或不可数名词 例: This is my friend. This is milk.

琴狗17740628592问: this、those、that、these可以修饰不可数名词吗 -
灵宝市喜炎回答: this,that可以修饰不可数名词.但是these和those修饰名词复数,所以不能修饰不可数名词.

琴狗17740628592问: this和that后可加不可数名词吗? -
灵宝市喜炎回答:[答案] this 和 that 是 the 的强调形式,属指示代词,特指“这个”和“那个”,可带不可数名词,也可带可数名词单数.these 和 those 是他们的复数形式.these 和 those 后不可以带不可数名词.

琴狗17740628592问: this that可不可以修饰不可数名词 -
灵宝市喜炎回答: 可以,例:This enthusiasm is contagious That determination will ultimately prove farsighted

琴狗17740628592问: 不可数名词前用this is 还是用 these are例如water ,tea,rice等等这些单词. -
灵宝市喜炎回答: this is用于不可数或单数

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