
作者&投稿:鄢穆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

agree to sth和agree in sth有什么区别?
agree to sth. 同意做某事 例如: I agree to go hiking. 我同意去徒步旅行。同意“做”某事,重点在是否做。去徒步旅行,还是不去?agree in sth. 在……方面一致 例如: We agree in go hinking. 我们一致同意去徒步旅行。重点在做“什么”。是去徒步旅行,还是去野炊?另外,agree to的...

hinking back, thinking of you 远足回来,想起你 (这里是不是应该是hiking back?)summertime think it was june 夏天让人以为那还是六月 yeah think it was june 对,认为是六月 laying back, head on the grass 躺在草地上 chewing gum having some laughs 嚼着口香糖笑着 yeah having some ... the mountain.A.hikeB.go go hiking_百...
一楼错误。在此更正:答案:C hiking 解释:have fun doing sth 表示“做某事很开心”,have fun后面接动词的ing形式,并非动词不定式结构。祝您学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)……

...cartoon character” 80~100字。写多啦A梦好了~
I like Shrek very much,because he is a tender monster.He loves his wife,his friend and his children.He helps his friend to find his confidence,even though there are many difficult things in front of him.During his trip to find the king,he learns how to make himself to ...

go hinking 是做运动吗

动词变名词的变化规则如下:动词变名词时,加-or或-er 的情况取决于动词本身的词尾规则。1.如果动词以字母e结尾,则通常在后面加-r,例如: create - creator, manage - manager.2.如果动词以一个重读的辅音字母结尾,则通常在后面加-er,例如: visit - visitor, invent - inventor 3.如果动词以两...

...pass)the exam if you __(work)hard2.a fish __(die)if you...
1、You will pass the exame,if you work hard.(虚拟语气,注意时差)2、A fish will die,if you take it out of water。(will表示习性)3、if it is sunny tomorrow,we wiil go hiking。4、the glass vase will be broken,if it is dropped to the ground(被动语态)5、he has‘...

室内种植好吗 你不得不知道的一些花烟草的功效与作用
花烟草的功效与作用 我们知道,现在很多家中都会养殖一些盆栽植物,二花烟草是很多人的最爱,不仅可以用来做观赏,还可以用来进化空气哦,但是花烟草就真的只有这些作用吗?其实不然,下面就跟着小编一起来了解一下吧。1、观赏价值 我们知道,花烟草的品种非常多,而且植株的高低度也不尽相同,花朵紧凑且...

求Blind Guardian的A Night at the Opera专辑中所有歌曲的歌词!_百度...
Fear the heat of passion, father kingDon't let him inDon't let her inDesire, lust, obssessionDeath they'll bringWe can't get outOnce they are inShe's like the sunriseOutshines the moon at nightPrecious like starlightShe'll bring in a murderous priceIn darkness grows the seed of ...

http:\/\/\/f?ct=335675392&tn=baiduPostBrowser&sc=11231554920&z=991052546#11231554920 这个帖子的16L有春晚的视频 http:\/\/\/hinscheungkinghin 张敬轩新浪BLOG

坚广17285017826问: that is preventing it from developing by thinking ahead ...the solution to this problem is anticipation,that is preventing it from developing by thinking ahead and ... -
盐边县安理回答:[答案] 这个问题的解决方法需要未雨绸缪,也就是说,通过超前思维和提前行动来防止问题的发展. the solution to this problem(解... “通过做某事防止某物.”可以直接当做短语记下 think ahead :ahead 是前面,也就是'超前思维"的意识 take action 采取行...

坚广17285017826问: 思想超前用英语怎么译好 -
盐边县安理回答: 如果是形容词的用法,建议用forward-looking(具有前瞻性,也就是思想超前的意思)

坚广17285017826问: 英语翻译有一篇short talk标题是Thinking Ahead of the Speaker------Anticipation Helps这个怎么翻译比较通顺一些? -
盐边县安理回答:[答案] 想在演讲者前面 - 预期帮助

坚广17285017826问: think ahead act ahead什么意思/ -
盐边县安理回答: think ahead 提前打算 想在前作在前,也就是未雨绸缪的意思,英语也许可以这样表达 没有见过土耳其语就不说了

坚广17285017826问: 用think ahead造句 -
盐边县安理回答: It's good to think ahead about what you might do and how you may feel.

坚广17285017826问: 认为的英文单词是什么? -
盐边县安理回答: 认为的英语单词:think、consider、deem. 1、think 英[θɪŋk] 美[θɪŋk] vt. 想; 以为; 思索; 看待; vi. 考虑; 思辩; 构想; 回忆; adj. 深思的; 供思考的;I certainly think there should be a ban on tobacco advertising我确实认为应该禁止...

坚广17285017826问: feed your mind的意思 -
盐边县安理回答: Feed Your Mind: 充实你的思想 ;别让你的脑子挨饿 Feed Your Mind: 别让你的脑子挨饿希望能采纳,谢谢了

坚广17285017826问: 请问 thinking和thought 做名词时可不可以通用 -
盐边县安理回答: 不可以,例如:Thats what im thinking那正是我(在)想的(事情). Thats what i thought.那是我的想法./那是我(那时,过去)的想法.

坚广17285017826问: 什么情况下,think后面的单词要加ing -
盐边县安理回答: 其实你是想问动词什么时候加ing吧? 1.表进行时, Be + Ving. 如: He is thinking about it. 他在思考这个事情. 2.Ving 做主语的时候,如:Thinking of those terrible memories makes him sick. 想起那些恐怖的记忆让他很恶心. 3.Ving 做分词,...

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