
作者&投稿:林具 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


i do think 怎么可以这样用

求一篇关于健康的英语作文 70词
关于健康的英语作文 70词 Everyoneknows a good eating habit is very important for us .But not many people havetime to think about what to eat .In many places, fast food is very popular. Becausepeople don't have time to cook even to eat, and they think fast food is very...

4) The old man walked 50 fast that his children found it hard to keep up with him. 5) The man was so badly injured that they took him straight to the hospital. Or: The man was badly injured and was taken straight to the hospital. 6) I don't think he is so stupid as to give...

求关于Do you like fast food?Why or why not?的5人英语对话,每人5句...
B I think I will not go eat there as often as I did before, upon hearing this, I really think I need to eat healthier foods to make up what I lost.E I am really glad that you too are starting to realize the danger of eating fast food.D not that I am promising not...

A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终。A bad thing never dies.遗臭万年。A bad workman always blames his tools.不会撑船怪河弯。A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.吹牛与说谎本是同宗。

think quick 脑子转得快 5、用法:quick的基本意思是“快的,迅速的”,表示天生的迅速反应能力,多指单一动作的突然或短促、迅速或敏捷,较少形容动作的速度,用来指短暂事件时,它往往有“匆忙的”含义,也可表示出色的学习或接受能力,可译作“短时间做成的”“灵活的,灵敏的,伶俐的,机警的”“聪明的,有...

as fast as i could在句中做什么成分?
as... as “和……一样”,用于形容词、副词的同级比较。注意两个as的词性和用法不一样,第一个as是副词,后面接形容词或副词的原级,第二个as可用作介词(后接名词或代词) 或连词(后接从句)其基本结构为:as + adj. \/ adv. + as.如:This dictionary is as useful as you think. 这...

run can fast supercat连词成句
她待我好极了。We had a super time in Italy.我们在意大利过得十分惬意。He's been super understanding.他特别体谅人。' I think I could find you something. '—'That would be super.'“我想我可以给你找到点儿什么东西。”——“那太棒了。”We had a super time 我们玩得很痛快。

英语作文“heathy problem”70词
Everyoneknows a good eating habit is very important for us .But not many people havetime to think about what to eat .In many places, fast food is very popular. Becausepeople don't have time to cook even to eat, and they think fast food is verydelicious. In fact, I also ...

郎启13143791822问: what do you think of fast food ? 英文作文.100词
琼结县气滞回答: In recent years, there are many foreign fast food restaurants appeared in China. Now, it is even hard to find seats in some fast food restaurants. Why can they draw so many persons' attention? Firstly, just as its name suggests, fast food is very fast ...

郎启13143791822问: Thinking fast and slow是什么意思? -
琼结县气滞回答: 翻译..思维快和慢 TOWARDS the end of “Thinking, FastandSlow”, Daniel Kahneman laments that he and his late collaborator, Amos Tversky, are often credited with showing thathumans make “irrational” choices.在《思考,快与慢》这本书的末尾处,Daniel Kahneman感叹道,大家常常认为自己与最近的合作者Amos Tversky发现的是人类的“非理性”选择行为.

郎启13143791822问: 英语原级、比较级的用法(深入) -
琼结县气滞回答: 英语的比较级 口诀:一者比较用原级,比较级限二者比,三者三者往上比,最高级的用法起;若甲乙程度相同,as…as 结构体;若甲某方面不及乙, not so/as…as来担起;中间形、副连接要切记! 例:1、--our English is very good. ——But my...

郎启13143791822问: (初中语法问题)I don't think you run as fast as I为什么结尾要用I而不用me呢?看语法书上看到的 -
琼结县气滞回答: 1、这里是as引导的比较状语从句的省略.补充完整为as fast as I run,状语从句缺少的是主语用主格I,而me是宾格,不用做主语.2、coin是可数的,应该就是用many.可以举个例子,How many coins do you have?而和much的搭配是表示硬币...

郎启13143791822问: think for -
琼结县气滞回答: think of 想起 think about考虑 think out (1) 仔细考虑,思考;通过思考把…理出个头绪 (2) 想出,设计出 think for 为...考虑 去学习我们想学的东西,为我们自己考虑

郎启13143791822问: 在英语中,像“fast and loose"这类的词组(adj +and+ adj)应该为何种词性,或者它可以放在何种词之后
琼结县气滞回答: 还是形容词,可作表语.或者定语. 比如He is tall and handsome.他又高又帅.(表语) He is a tall and handsome boy.他是一个又高又帅的男生.(定语)

郎启13143791822问: think后面加todo还是doing? -
琼结县气滞回答: think后面加to do.think不能直接加doing,think后面加doing只有两种情况,1、think about doing考虑做某事;2、think of doing想起,想到要做某事. 1、think的用法一、think+宾语从句 认为……例如:1. I think you should phone Jenny and say ...

郎启13143791822问: think a fast I can swim dog,连词成句
琼结县气滞回答: 连词成句:think, a ,fast, I, can ,swim, dog 正确答案: I think a dog can swim fast.

郎启13143791822问: 复合句常用关联词语的作用 -
琼结县气滞回答: 单句与复合句 从句与主句共同组成的句子被叫做复合句.按照从句与主句的关系,从句主要分为名词性从句,它在句子中起名词的作用即作主语,宾语;形容词性从句,它在句子中起形容词的作用,用来修饰名词,代词或全句;还有状语从句,...

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