
作者&投稿:盛汤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

i t()jack is at school
i t(hink)jack is at school



英语 的问题 7个
I f(eel) like part of the group now.现在我感觉是这个小组的一部分了 I will t(hink) of you when we win the footbal match.当我们赢了这场足球赛时,我会想起你的。First l(ook) through the paper,and then do it carefully.首先浏览一下试卷,然后细心地做。My mother is writing a...

I t hink you _are so cute. 翻译

1. expect so \/ not 的用法 在动词think,expect,believe,suppose,fancy,fear,hear,hope,imagine 等词后面可以用 so 代替上文所提及的名词、形容词或从句,如:I think \/ believe\/ suppose \/ imagine \/ expect \/ hope \/ am afraid so。否定句里也可用not。如:I don't t hink \/ ...

根据首字母完成短文 tom and helen a l
Tom and Fred are t(alking )about the year 2050.“What will our world be like in the year 2050?” asks Tom.“I don’t know,” says Fred. “What do you t (hink)?”“ Well,no one konws. But it is interesting to guess,” says Tom “In the year 2050 everyone ...

tihink of 是什么意思?
(1)think of与think about这两个短语表示下列意义时,可以互换.①考虑 eg:Don't think of\/about me any more.不要再考虑我.②对……有某种看法 eg:What do you think of\/ about the film 你认为那部影片怎么样 (2)think of表示下列意义时,一般不和think about换用.①想要;打算 eg:For a ...

1.What do you t() of the movie?-It's r()interesting.
1.What do you t(hink) of the movie?-It's r(eally) interesting.2.My speech is a(bout) the differnces between English and Chinese names.

联想T hinkpad E15如何加装移动固态硬盘

柘灵18776004523问: think doing还是think to do 还是都可以? -
安化县益肾回答:[答案] think后面一般接that从句不过think后面也可以接不定式,即think to do sth. 你说的think doing是that从句省略中that 的情况,这里的doing是动名词,不是动词

柘灵18776004523问: i think 加不加that经常看见很多句子:i think you are good还有的句子就是i think that.问:到底i think 后面什么时候要加that 什么时候不加啊 -
安化县益肾回答:[答案] I think that 后面是宾语从句,that 完全可以省略,没有任何区别, 顶多加了that正式一点,不加that随便一点

柘灵18776004523问: 问两个英语句式!有没有句式是think+句子find+句子最好在给我个例句,think后一定要加that吗 -
安化县益肾回答:[答案] 有 I think that you are a good student.我认为你是一个好学生. I find maths is very difficult.我觉得数学很难.

柘灵18776004523问: think doing sth对吗 貌似没有吧 好像只有that从句后面从句动词作主语为动名词吧 有think to do sth吗? -
安化县益肾回答:[答案] 这两种搭配都是对的. think后面一般接that从句 不过think后面也可以接不定式的 think doing sth用的比较少,一般加介词.比如 think about doing sth, 建议如果考试作文还是多用THAT从句.而且大部分think (that) doing sth.(that)可省略,高中语法应该讲...

柘灵18776004523问: think后面动词用什么形式 -
安化县益肾回答: think是不及物动词,后面要有介词才能跟宾语!例如:think about think of +动词的现在分词形式. think: 【发音】英 [θɪŋk] 美 [θɪŋk] 【解释】 1,vt. 想;认为;想起;想像;打算 2,vi. 想;认为 3,n. 想;想法 4,adj. 思想的【短语】 1,think of ...

柘灵18776004523问: i think 直接加句子还是 要有that -
安化县益肾回答: 一般来讲要加that,但宾语从句中可以省略that

柘灵18776004523问: I think … 后面一定要有that吗 -
安化县益肾回答: 不一定,书面表达中一般会考虑到接一个that让读者读起来比较有层次感,但口语当中基本是省略的.比如:I think you're right. 这句是平时很常见的,或者:I think I've been here before. 这都是think 之后接比较简单从句的情况,这些情况下that一...

柘灵18776004523问: I think什么时候后边加THAT什么时候不加捏```明天考试了就 -
安化县益肾回答: 要接一般的名词、代词宾语的话加about或者of,要接宾语从句的话加that,当然that可以省略.

柘灵18776004523问: think 后面接动词什么型 -
安化县益肾回答: playing 这里是宾语从句 I think 是主句,中间省略that 后面是从句,动词作主语,要用动名词,就是playing

柘灵18776004523问: i think 加不加that -
安化县益肾回答: I think that 后面是宾语从句,that 完全可以省略,没有任何区别,顶多加了that正式一点,不加that随便一点

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