
作者&投稿:撒冰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Once a fore igner travling in France c
not knowing what to do. Suddenly he found 11 in front of a post office. He quickly ran inside and said 12 an excited voice. "Give me a telegram form, please." "Here you are," a man answered, giving him a form. It did not 13 !~hg to fill it in. A m...

用trace...back to,available,have an impacton,at the forefromt...
1. The old temple can be traced back to 1090.2. Clean water is available to every one of us here.3. The accident had a big impact on the family of the injured.4. Stowe is at the forefront of a revolution .5. be careful not to expose babies to too much smoke.你...

I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. ...of those in high office, but because we the people have remained faithful to the ideals of our forebears, and true to our founding documents....

跪求Eminem的Lose Yourself(歌词)
LoseYourself 歌手:Eminem Look'ifyouhadoneshot'oneopportunity 嘿!如果你有一次机会 Toseizeeverythingyoueverwanted…Onemoment 只有一瞬间的机会去抓住你想要拥有的一切 Wouldyoucaptureitorjustletitslip?你会紧紧攥住,还是就让它这样溜走?Hispalmsaresweaty'kneesweak'armsareheavy 他双臂沉重膝盖发软...

他的名言是“我思故我在”--I THANK FHEREFORE I AM ,这是哲学的第一原理,按字面理解,是强调思考的重要性,如果我思考则我存在。从哲学上理解,就是认识事物不能靠感官,必须靠精神去认识。 (四)“人是一根会思想的芦苇。” “人是一根会思想的芦苇”是法国哲学家帕斯卡尔(……年)提出的。他认为:思想形成...

急需《lose yourself》的歌词
作者: 艾及 2005-4-21 06:13 回复此发言 --- 5 回复:【吧里出现过的阿姆歌词中文翻译的集合】But hold your nose cuz here goes the cold water


...from”“because of”“tham even befe fore”“even if”造5句...
1.The web play a important part in our life. 2.His pen is different from mine. 3.He arrive at here than even before we gone. 4.I decided leave, even if you give me much more.满意请采纳

...from”“because of”“tham even befe fore”“even if”造5句...
1.The web play a important part in our life.2.His pen is different from mine.3.He arrive at here than even before we gone.4.I decided leave, even if you give me much more.

...from”“because of”“tham even befe fore”“eve...
1.The web play a important part in our life.2.His pen is different from mine.3.He arrive at here than even before we gone.4.I decided leave, even if you give me much more.

丙竖18359177562问: 用“therefore”造句 -
界首市罗荛回答: You informatin is inaccur ate and you conclusion is therefore wrong. 你的信息不准确,所以你的结论是错误的.

丙竖18359177562问: 简单英语造句1.用Therefore造句2.用except造句3.用feel depressed because造句4.用which造句(定语从句)5.用who造句(定语从句)6.用Will you造... -
界首市罗荛回答:[答案] 1 Therefore he gave away all his money to charities2 I think no one can help me except you.3 If you could choose a place to live,which city or country would you choose?4 He laughs best who laughs last...

丙竖18359177562问: therefore是什么意思 -
界首市罗荛回答: therefore[英][ e f :(r)][美][ erf :(r)] adv.因此; 所以; 故; 乃; 网络释义同反义词1. 因此,所以2. 故此3. 为此4. 因此5. 因而6. 所以例句:1.Beijing must therefore be forced to revalue the yuan. 因此北京不得不被迫重新考虑人民币的价值.祝你英语学习成功!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!

丙竖18359177562问: therefore什么意思中文翻译 -
界首市罗荛回答: 你好! therefore 英[ˈðeəfɔ:(r)] 美[ˈðerfɔ:(r)] adv. 因此; 所以; 故; 乃; [例句]Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore burn lots of calories. 肌肉细胞需要很多能量,所以会燃烧大量卡路里.

丙竖18359177562问: MAKE SENTENCES用Therefore 造句用including造句 -
界首市罗荛回答:[答案] He was ill,and therefore could not come. 他病了,所以未能来. There are 3 pens in the box,including the one I bought yesterday. 包括我买的那支笔,盒子里共有三支笔

丙竖18359177562问: therefore 怎么用?
界首市罗荛回答: therefore有两种用法,一在整句中,一在分句中. 一、整句中时一般不放句末,句首后要有逗号,句中1、按一般副词使用2、做插入语(这两个分得清吧) eg.1、Therefore,we must learn English well. 2、They therefore can learn English well. 3...

丙竖18359177562问: Therefore和Thus的区别 -
界首市罗荛回答: Therefore和Thus的区别: 一、词义不同: therefore=因此,所以;用于对某事物进行推论,或结果; thus=如此,这样,以此方式;强调用什么方式或达到某种程度或范围; 二、用法不同 1、Therefore:会用在句子的开头,或通常都会用在总结...

丙竖18359177562问: therefore的意思是什么? -
界首市罗荛回答: 因此, 为此, 所以 例句:They therefore can do nothing good of themselves. 所以他们靠自己是什么好事也做不成的. 故…; 由此得出 例句:I think, therefore I am. 我思故我在.

丙竖18359177562问: 因此,我不会翻译一些句子的英文 -
界首市罗荛回答: Therefore, I can't translate some sentences.therefore 英[ˈðeəfɔ:(r)] 美[ˈðerfɔ:(r)] adv. 因此; 所以; 故; 乃; [例句]Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore burn lots of calories

丙竖18359177562问: 英语中 therefore 和 therefor 有什么区别吗?如果有请说明下,有例句最好,谢谢. -
界首市罗荛回答: 意思,用法都一样. therefor 是个古词汇,仅见于正式文体中.therefore adv. 因此, 为此, 所以 They therefore can do nothing good of themselves. 所以他们靠自己是什么好事也做不成的.故…; 由此得出 I think, therefore I am. 我思故我在.therefor adv. [古]因此; 由于这样 He will be paid therefor. 他将为此而得到报酬请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 ) (*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!

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