
作者&投稿:沈邓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

There's \\Here'a\\That's\\怎么用?明确的回答
There's 这儿有... Here's 在这里... That's 那儿有...用法①由于某地有某物,根据意思来用 ②That's可用于打电话 eg:HI! This is xiahua.That is xiali 作主语后接名词单数 就这些吧,希望对你有用。

Here's a postcard from Lingling?这是一个由here引导的倒装句,Here's=Here is,系动词调到主语前面,所以,本句主语是 a postcard。

here's a coke for you 这是给你的可乐 例句 1 I'm just trying to look out for you.我只是想要为你着想。2 I shall be calling for you at seven o'clock.7点钟我来接你。

这句话从语义上判断,显然是错误的。第一点:Here is 句型的结构是:Here's sth for sb. 表示有什么动词送给某人。物品在前,人在介词之后。第二点:可数名词marker单用时,必须有冠词。这里是第一次指,而且是泛泛而指,因此用不定冠词a合适。改正:正确的应该是Here's a marker for Lily.翻译...

Here is a s___ of keys. Is this your ID c___. His books are in hi...
Here is a set of keys.这有一串钥匙。Is this your ID card?这是你的身份证吗?His books are in his green schoolbag.他的书在他的绿色书包里。You can call Ms.Green at 678-8751.你可以拨打678-8751找格林夫人。You can take notes in your notebook.你可以在你的笔记本做笔记。

OK.Here'sabigbody 意思如下 好的。这里有一个很大的身体

英文原文:here's a dog 英式音标:[hɪəz] [ə; eɪ] [dɒg]美式音标:[hiːrz] [e] [dɔɡ]

here is什么意思?
here通常置于行为动词之后,但有时为了加强语气,也可放在句首。here置于句首时,若主语为名词,句子通常要倒装;若主语为人称代词,则不倒装。注意此时往往用一般现在时。1、Here's a man who has brutalized his own people 这是一个残暴对待自己的人民的人。2、Here's a way of barbecuing corn-on...

如:Here comes a taxi! 有辆出租车来了!There goes the last train! 最后一班火车开走了! (注意这里不可用进行时)Down came the rain and up went the umbrellas. 下雨了,伞都撑了起来。当我们给人东西或确定位置时,这种倒装常用在be之后(主语往往是复数)。如:Here's a cup of tea for ...

here's 应该是口语中比较常用的说法。比如说here's the book.意思是把书给你;而here只是地点指示代词,若是单独适用,通常用于句尾(不用逗号隔开),如come here,please,the book is here.

乾荆17734283816问: kind后跟什么 kinds of后跟什么 akind of后跟什么 -
鄂城区唛金回答: kinds 后面跟可数名词复数;如果是kind,那后面接名词单数(可不可数都可以) kinds of+可数名词复数 There are two kinds of clothes for you to chose.kind of 是有点的意思,跟a little差不多.I am kind of tired. = I am a little tired. a kind of“一种,一类”接名词,可数,不可数都可以…

乾荆17734283816问: kind of,kinds of和a kind of的语法区别 -
鄂城区唛金回答: 1.kind指品种,说“一种”事物常用a kind of 作定语.a kind of animal一种动物,a kind of car一种小车.animal和car前不再有冠词.说“各种各样”用various kinds of animal,various kinds of animals,animals of various kinds均可.kind侧重指“...

乾荆17734283816问: there are - --flowers in the garden.A.all kinds of B.kinds .C.kinds of D.a kind of -
鄂城区唛金回答: 应该选A a kind of 是指很多数量里面的一个 后跟单数 kinds of是指一个种类 一个种类里面有很多个数量 所以跟复数 kind of 有一点,有几分 all kinds of 多种多样的

乾荆17734283816问: There's a kind of hush 中文是什么意思
鄂城区唛金回答: 美国乡村音乐... 一首歌名, 翻译中文是 爱的细语

乾荆17734283816问: kind of 、kinds of和a kind of 的用法?详细一点 第三人称单数kind of加s吗? -
鄂城区唛金回答: kind of有一点 i am kind of tired.我有点累.kinds of各种各样的There are kinds of animals in the zoo.动物园有各种各样的动物.a kind of一种 It is a kind of way to solve it.这是一种解决的方法.kind在此是名词,所以第三人称谈不到加不加-s

乾荆17734283816问: there - -- - a kind of books. 是is 还是are?????? -
鄂城区唛金回答: is a kind of 表示 一种…… is 是与 a 对应的,而不是后面的books there are some kinds of books 这句要用are 希望对你有帮助

乾荆17734283816问: kinds of a kind of kind of many kind of的用法和区别 -
鄂城区唛金回答: 种类:kinds of (three kinds of cake三种蛋糕);many kinds of(There are many kinds of cars in the shop这店里有许多种类型的车) 以同样的方法或手段:a kind of(表示不确切)某种,几分,隐约(I had a kind of feeling this might happen我当时就隐约地感到会出这样的事)kind of稍微,有点儿(That made me feel kind of stupid那使我觉得有点儿愚蠢)

乾荆17734283816问: It+is+a+kind+of+mood+your+happiness中文是甚么意思
鄂城区唛金回答: 意思是:你的快乐是1种感情.

乾荆17734283816问: 一个英语知识关于kind of,a kind of和kinds of的区别
鄂城区唛金回答: i am kind of confused (这里是有点的意思)this is a kind of conditions we could accept(种类)many kinds of new application are keeping emerging(也是种类 不过是复数)

乾荆17734283816问: 谁能告诉我KIND的用法?
鄂城区唛金回答: 名词 n. 1. 种类[C][(+of)] There are all kinds of animals in the zoo. 动物园里有各种各样的动物. 2. (动、植物等的)类,族[C] 3. 特定种类的人[the S] She is not the kind to tell lies. 她不是那种撒谎的人. 4. 性质,本质[U] They differ in size but not ...

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