
作者&投稿:解眉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Here is some white sheep.(改为复数)?
here is a white sheep.这里有一只白羊。原句那个some不能够用在单数句子中。改成复数句如下: here are some wise sheep.这里有一些白羊。here are many white sheep.这里有许多白羊。here are\/is 是倒装句,为了避免句子主语和宾语头重脚轻,就换过来。本来是说: some white sheep are here....

Here is some rice for you这句话有错吗?
here is some rice for you没有错,是对的,some rice是不可数名词,默认为单数。重点词汇:rice n. 稻;米饭 vt. 把……捣成米糊状 n. (Rice)人名;(瑞典)里瑟;(塞)里采;(英)赖斯 短语 Rice University 莱斯大学 ; 赖斯大学 ; 美国莱斯大学 Tim Rice 蒂姆·赖斯 ; 蒂姆·莱斯 ;...

here is some milk for you.

Here is some advices! 对吗?是病句吗?
Here is some advice.advice当忠告讲不可数,但也有advices的形式,不过意思就变了,表示情报、战报等。

Here is some noodles for you.这句话哪里错了?
is 改为 are,这里实质主语是noodles。noodles 英 [ˈnuːdlz] 美 [ˈnudəlz]n.面条 noodle的第三人称单数和复数 Noodles every meal! can't we vary our menu a bit?顿顿吃面条,就不能换个(花)样儿?be动词的用法:be为连系动词,中心词义是"是",句型为"主...

为什么是 here is some advise 而不是he re are some advis_百度知 ...
主谓一致啊 谓语要与主语保持一致,主语是here所以用is ,和后面的无关。`(*∩_∩*)′并且 advice 是不可数的名词哦

小学英语填空Here___some jam for you .1.have 2. is 3.are 为什么...
is jam 不可数哦,后边不可以用are的 Here is 就是说 这是 不能用have,因为,here 不能有。have指的是拥有,只有人才能拥有 【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问


Here is some imformation 还是Here are some imformation?_百度知...
information是不可数名词,people是集合名词,表复数概念 Here is some information.Here are some people.

Here is some information.这句话正确吗?

伍钞18124946277问: 如何用“There is some”造句? -
东营区骁悉回答: There is some后面加不可数名词就行了`

伍钞18124946277问: there is/are ...some....some.... 造句 -
东营区骁悉回答: There is some water and some paper on the ground. There are some old chairs and some new desks in this room

伍钞18124946277问: there is/are ...some.some.造句5个 -
东营区骁悉回答:[答案] There is some water and some paper on the ground. There are some old chairs and some new desks in this room

伍钞18124946277问: 用there is/are+some造五个句子 -
东营区骁悉回答: 如果是加some的话前面只能用are,句子很好造啊, 如果是简单句的话 There are some points in the textbook. There are some apples in the table. There are some books in the bookshelf. There are some students in the playground. There are some visitors in the museum.

伍钞18124946277问: there is/are...some...some...造句 2个 -

伍钞18124946277问: 用there is、there are造句 -
东营区骁悉回答: 一、there is造句 1、There is a football behind the door. 在门后面有一个足球. 2、There is some water in the glass. 有一些水在杯子里. 3、There is a bag on the chair. 有一个包在椅子上. 4、There is a flower in the bottle. 瓶里有一朵花. 5、...

伍钞18124946277问: 用therearesome造句 -
东营区骁悉回答: There are some books on the desk. There are some students in the classroom.

伍钞18124946277问: 用therearesome造句 -
东营区骁悉回答:[答案] There are some books on the desk. There are some students in the classroom.

伍钞18124946277问: stream water there in is the some.(连词成句) -
东营区骁悉回答: There is some water in the stream. 小溪中有水.

伍钞18124946277问: 用there is造5个句子 五年级上册的 很简单特别简单 并把意思写出来 -
东营区骁悉回答: There is a book on the desk. 书桌上有本书. There is a dog under the tree. 树下有条狗. There is a man near the door. 门附近有个人. There is some water in the bottle. 瓶中有些水. There is a bird in the sky. 天空中有一只鸟.

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