
作者&投稿:俎疫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

here is some informations对吗
你好,很开心为您解答 单词information是一个不可数名词,所以它不能加s 所以这句话只能说成是:Here is some information 希望对您有用,顺祝您学习进步,天天开心 望采纳谢谢


你好。填bananas。here is some bananas for you翻译成中文是:这里有一些香蕉给你。———希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

为什么是here is some nice tea不是here are?
因为tea是不可数名词,here …这个句子是倒装句,正常语序应该是some nice tea is here,所以be动词用is

Here ___ some coffee.填什么?翻译
Here __is_ some coffee.coffee是不可数名词,谓语动词要用单数形式 翻译:这儿有些咖啡。

Here (is)some salad and apples括号内应填什么?
谓语动词的单复数形式需要根据就近原则,这是一个倒装结构,如果名词作主语,谓语动词要和紧挨着的名词在数上保持一致。如:Here is a letter for you.这儿有你的一封信。Here are some balls.所以填is

Here is some advices! 对吗?是病句吗?
Here is some advice.advice当忠告讲不可数,但也有advices的形式,不过意思就变了,表示情报、战报等。

here is some rice for yow.为什么"here is"后面是"is
因为some rice是不可数名词,默认为单数。根据谓语be动词就近原则,距离be动词近的是复数用are,如果是单数就用is。例如:Here is your bag and coat.Here are your bags and coat.Here is your coat and bags.第一句话是就近原则bag是单数,所以用is,第二句话的是your bags 最近所以谓语动词...

Here is some fish for you.这里的be为什么用单数?

Here is some noodles for you.这句话哪里错了?
is 改为 are,这里实质主语是noodles。noodles 英 [ˈnuːdlz] 美 [ˈnudəlz]n.面条 noodle的第三人称单数和复数 Noodles every meal! can't we vary our menu a bit?顿顿吃面条,就不能换个(花)样儿?be动词的用法:be为连系动词,中心词义是"是",句型为"主...

犁勤19767309465问: There' do 和doing的区别
南丹县双将回答: There' do 表示有什么要做(还未做)There's......doing表示“有....在做...”如:There is much work to do. 有许多工作要做.There is a man standing behind the tree.有个人站在树后面.

犁勤19767309465问: 用there is sb /sth doing sth, stop sb (from) doing sth造句 -
南丹县双将回答: There: There is a dog catching a cat in the garden . There's a man sitting behind the bus-stop. 公共汽车站后边坐着一个男人. stop : I only just managed to stop myself from shouting at him. 我极力控制住自己没对他喊叫起来.You can't stop our going/us (from) going if we want to. 假若我们要去, 你是阻止不了的.

犁勤19767309465问: There be+sb+doing sth -
南丹县双将回答: 有正在做某事的某个人 There is a boy reading book 那有一个正在看书的小男孩 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

犁勤19767309465问: there is与 It's 有什么固定句型 一直不知道表示可能性的词possible之类的词应该用哪个 -
南丹县双将回答: there be +名词+介词短语 (如果名词是并列的,那要遵循就近原则.就是靠近be的是单数, 就用there is; 复数,就用there are) there be +名词 +doingit's +形容词 (of /for sb.)to do 形容词如果是表示人的品质,就用of 例如 It's nice/ clever of ...

犁勤19767309465问: there be结构的用法 -
南丹县双将回答: There be 结构是一常见的表示“存在”的句型,但是,该结构不表示“存在”意义的现象又广见于书面语及口语,它以否定句的形式出现,用于对某一具体行为和抽象概念的否定.其惯用结构一般有以下三种: 一、There is + no + Noun + in ...

犁勤19767309465问: 用there is+doing 造句 -
南丹县双将回答: There's a man sitting behind the bus-stop. 公共汽车站后边坐着一个男人.

犁勤19767309465问: There be 结构 用法 -
南丹县双将回答: there be 就近原则.离它近的是单数用is,复数用are 举例: There is some juice and some cakes on the table. There is a pen and some books on the desk. ( 不可数名词或者可数名词单数用 there is ) There are some cakes and some juice on the table.( 可数名词复数用there are ) 【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答,请及时采纳,祝您开心~

犁勤19767309465问: There is no ……+ to do/doing, It is no ……+doing/ todo -
南丹县双将回答: 1.的确是固定句型.2. 用法嘛 我觉得都可以 譬如There is no time /need "to care"或者 “caring “ about the trifles . 都是可以的,当然根据一般的规律用ing分词形式当然更强调动作的实时性和进行性啦 ,这个要自己判断.3.正如我刚刚举例中所说的 可以是 time /need/ energy/point 都可以 分别表示 没 时间/需要/精力/意义 去做某事~希望能够帮到你~

犁勤19767309465问: there's no evidence +doing..there's some evidence+ to do? -
南丹县双将回答: 都可以的,但是表达的意思略有不同there be + to do,,这个不定式表达的是,即将做某事 there be +doing,这个doing 现在分词,表达这件事请正在做,或已经做好比如,there is a girl crying 有个女孩正在哭there is a girl to cry 这个女孩,快哭了

犁勤19767309465问: 用there is/are ab. doing sth造句 -
南丹县双将回答: There is a man sitting on the chair There is a girl reading a book in the library There is a student asking a question There are some boys playing foodball on the playground There are some man swimming in the river There are some boys learning a dragon dance

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