
作者&投稿:成王马 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Here is ___(一张吉姆的家庭照)。
Here is a family photo of Jim,

As far as I'm concerned, riding bicycles is a good solution. For one thing, bicycles don't need any petrol and they are energy-saving. For another, bicycles are environmentally friendly because they won't give off waste gas. What's more, riding bicycles is a good way f...

one\\that\\it 的区别?怎么用
一、意思不同 “one”意思是:num. 一,一个;pron. 一个人,任何人;adj. 唯一的;n. 一 “that”意思是:pron. 那, 那个;conj. ……可能是;由于;adv. 那样,那么 “it”意思是:pron. 它,这,那 二、词性不同 one:可作名词、介词和形容词。that:可作介词、连词和副词。it:只...

some of和 one of 后加名词复数吗
some of 后面也可以加不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。one of 后面必须加 可数名词复数,谓语动词用单数。例如:Some of the boys are playing football.一些男孩在踢足球。Some of the bread has gone bad.一些面包已经变质了。One of the girls is singing .其中一个女孩正在唱歌。希望能帮到你,祝...

4、Here is one more example…还有一个例子…5、Take … for example. 以...为例。6、However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is... 然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即 …...用于引言段的句型 1、 My argument for this view goes as follows. 我对这个问题...

This is one of Tianjing's shopping center built in 1926. also all the buildings surround it are over hundreds of years history which is not so good.这个年代就久远了。始建于公元636年的独乐寺8 this one really has long long years. it is started from 636 AD named Du Le Temple....

2、用来避免重复已提到过的或是听者已知的事物:I’d like an apple. Are you having one? 我想吃个苹果,你要一个吗?3、表示某个不确定的人或物,相当于“不定冠词+名词”:I’d like one with a garden. 我想要一座带花园的。4、表示“其中一个”:Here are two apples. One is for...

leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases...

here is和this is的区别
2、What we have here is a crisis situation.我们在这里所面临的是一个危急局面。3、You won't need much soap ─ the water here is very soft.你不必多打肥皂——这儿的水很软。4、It's not exactly fun city here is it?这里并不是好玩的地方,对吧?5、One of the ...

在这些例子中,"one" 用于代替不特定的人或物。它通常用于形容词性从句中,或者作为主语或宾语出现。二、"it""it" 是最常见的代词之一,可以用于代替一个特定的名词或一个不确定的事物。例如:- The weather is nice today. It's sunny and warm.- I can't find my phone. ...

利律18412876189问: There is only one 还是There are only one -
康平县鼻窦回答: 前面问句:How many boys are there? 答语:There ( ) only one. 括号里填is 还是are 不要搞复杂了!!! 提问者的问题很清楚,我们只回答a 或是 b 我的回答是 a 即:How many boys are there?There ( is ) only one.

利律18412876189问: There is only one thing( ) I can do.A. what B.that C.all D.which答案选择C 为什么 -
康平县鼻窦回答: 这个选C 解析:语法有规定,当前面语句中出现 “only”时,后用从句必须用that作连词或者省略不填. 翻译:这是我唯一能做的事情. 相关语法补充:当先行词之前有the only, the same, the very, the first, the last或all, only, any, no, every, some, ...

利律18412876189问: there be 句型 -
康平县鼻窦回答: There be 句型1. 定义:There be句型表示某处存在某物或某人. 2. 结构:(1) There is +单数可数名词/不可数名词+ 地点状语. (2) There are +复数名词+地点状语. there是引导词,在句中不充当任何成分,翻译时也不必译出.句子的主语是...

利律18412876189问: there is only one success to be able to spend your life in your own favorite way,什么意思 -
康平县鼻窦回答: there is only one success to be able to spend your life in your own favorite way 只有一个成功,你可以用自己喜欢的方式度过你的一生 there is only one success to be able to spend your life in your own favorite way 只有一个成功,你可以用自己喜欢的方式度过你的一生

利律18412876189问: there is only one me in this world有语法错误吗 -
康平县鼻窦回答: 严格讲,不行.应该要写成 There is only one "like" me in this world.当然,如果是口语完全无所谓,可以通过语调变化来突出 “me".

利律18412876189问: There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: 为什么后面还要加个one?one在这里是什么意思啊? -
康平县鼻窦回答: 这句话的意思是“老年人和年轻人之间只有一个区别!” ONE 是个代词,指代MAN. 如果没ONE,a young 是形容词,而AND 前是个名词, AND 前后两个词的词性应保持一致,你知道吧. 再如,i have a red pen, and you have a blue one.一样的道理,你懂了吗?欢迎继续交流!

利律18412876189问: 翻译There is only one thing in the world worse than being -
康平县鼻窦回答: 在这世上只有一件事比被人议论还要糟糕,那就是被忽略.——奥斯卡·王尔德

利律18412876189问: 用there is句型说明有必要的 -
康平县鼻窦回答: 常见结构:“There + be + 主语 + 地点状语(或时间状语)”.存在句的“there”要弱读.存在句的句型7a64e58685e5aeb931333332623336转换:一. 肯定陈述句 例:There is a dictionary on the desk.(桌子上有一本字典.) 二. 否定陈述句...

利律18412876189问: there is only a teacher's desk, there is only one book in my bag.两个句意一 样为什么前一句only后是a -
康平县鼻窦回答: 你好.only one book 与 only a book 意思一样,没有区别.严格地说, 1 only a teacher's desk == nothing but a teacher's desk 2 only one book == just one book, not two or three books ,but there is something else like a pencil or a pen or a make-up morror.

利律18412876189问: There,is,only,one,me,in,this,wor以上英文转中文是什么意思,谢谢回复 -
康平县鼻窦回答: There is,only one me in this,world. 这个世界上只有一个我.

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