
作者&投稿:佟郊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




拥有读心术的超能力少年朴修夏(李钟硕饰)十年前遭遇到人为故意车祸,亲眼目睹父亲朴朱赫被杀,而意外拥有可以听见他人心声的能力。面对满口谎言的犯人,想要揭发谋杀真相却没有人相信他的话,此时惠成战胜胆怯在法庭上勇敢作证,才得以抓住真正犯人。6、皮诺丘 因为患有皮诺丘症候群、而不能说谎的女...

This mound of dirt and the summer are heirs to transfer from what lies before and what lies behind,pinch by pinch. Of the mound, she keeps a record.The point, the students have been assured,is not to find objects. Their object is to understand the ground.What water did ...

a noble family whose lineage extends to the time of William the Conqueror. It is useless knowledge, really, as the family lost its land and prestige when the male heirs died out. The parson merely thinks Durbeyfield might like to know his origins as a passing historical curiosity...

the partners, their heirs, successors and assigns control and management of the partnership applicable laws, regulations, decrees, directives, and rules 5. 拉丁词 在国外合同中,拉丁词仍然是很常见:比例税率:用pro rate tax rate要比proportional tax rate多 从事慈善性服务的律师:pro bono ...


And their friends, the loitering heirs of city directors; 180 Departed, have left no addresses. By the waters of Leman I sat down and wept . . . Sweet Thames, run softly till I end my song, Sweet Thames, run softly, for I speak not loud or long. But at my back in a cold blast...

Many a person would have been as unique as a phoenix if he had been the first of the sort. Those who e first are the heirs of fame. The others get only a younger brother’s allowance; whatever they do, they cannot persuade the world they are anything more than parrots.倘...

再奔15161465505问: theirs怎么读 -
明水县小儿回答: 英语的拼音是:[ðeəz] (普通话的谐音是:“爹阿思”,后面的阿思轻声就很接近了) 希望帮到你.

再奔15161465505问: theirs怎么读 -
明水县小儿回答: 读音:英 [ðeəz],美 [ðerz]. 1、释义: pron.他们的,她们的,它们的(所有物). 2、固定搭配: theirs pron 他们的东西 ; 他们的. rat theirs 有理输入. 3、例句: Theirs had been a happy and satisfactory marriage.他们的婚姻曾经一直...

再奔15161465505问: theirs的音标 快
明水县小儿回答: theirs : [英] [ðɛəz][美] [ðɛrz]

再奔15161465505问: theirs这个怎么读? -
明水县小儿回答: 勒尔斯

再奔15161465505问: theirs 和 there's 读音如何区分 -
明水县小儿回答: their's是表示“他们的”比如:Their's apples are on the table.他们的苹果在桌子上. theirs也表示“他们的”只是两者用法不同 比如:Are those apples ours or theirs?这些苹果是我们的还是他们的? Are those apples ours or theirs?=Are those ...

再奔15161465505问: with theirs如何变音 -
明水县小儿回答: 在英语的口语中,很多时候两个相连的词如果前一个的尾音和后一个首音一样,连读时两个音就只读一个,with以[ ð ]结尾, theirs以[ ð ]开头, 连在一起读时就变成了[ wiðєəz ],失去了一个 [ ð ]音.

再奔15161465505问: There 's怎么读 -
明水县小儿回答: 读音:嘚啊死

再奔15161465505问: th的发音规律快,有关英语的 -
明水县小儿回答:[答案] 辅音字符 th 有 清与浊 两种读音: 1 当位于词首时,可以从词性上判别其应有的读音.请看: 第一类:在以下 4种 词类 th 读 ... 第二类:在以下 两种 词类 th 读 浊音: a. Pronoun 代词:they, them, their, theirs, this, these, that, those, there, thy[旧时用法]...

再奔15161465505问: th的发音规律 -
明水县小儿回答: 辅音字符 th 有 清与浊 两种读音: 1 当位于词首时,可以从词性上判别其应有的读音.请看: 第一类:在以下 4种 词类 th 读 清音,即国际音标的 θ : a. Noun 名词:thing, theatre, thumb大拇指, thunder雷, thermos热水瓶, Thursday, theory, ...

再奔15161465505问: 英词中的th到底是怎么发音的?? -
明水县小儿回答: (1) th位于词首时,可以从词性上判别其应有的读音.在名词、动词、形容词和数词中th发清辅音.如:thing, theatre, thunder, thermos, Thursday, theory, theme, throat, thread, think, thank, thrive, thicken, thirteen, thirty, third, thousand, thick, thirsty, ...

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