
作者&投稿:仪万 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

young年轻的意思,所以题目中句子翻译过来就是他很年轻。此句是一般疑问句,is 放到句首,is he young?他很年轻吗?否定回答就是no,he isn't。不,他不是。肯定回答就是yes,he is。是的,他是。问句:问句通常分为一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,选择疑问句和反意疑问句四种。一般疑问句以be 动词作...

is he young or old怎么回答
ishe young?他年轻吗?is是be动词,此处是be动词提前的一般疑问句。he是人称代词,他。young,形容词,年轻的。针对一般疑问句的回答有两种:肯定回答yes,he is。是的,他是。否定回答:no,he isn't不,他不是。拓展:young年轻的,小的。形容词,比较级形式为younger更小的,更年轻的。最高级...

Is he young是什么意思 No,he isn't. he's old是什么意思
Is he young翻译为:他年轻吗?No,he isn't. he's old翻译为:不,不是的。他老了。本句是一般疑问句的问答。回答一般疑问句时有肯定回答和否定回答两种方式,肯定回答以Yes起句,否定回答用No开头。但对一般疑问句的回答也不是一成不变的。肯定回答还可以用OK.\/Certainly.等;否定回答可用Sorr...

Young一词的读音为[j??],是一个形容词,意为“年轻的,年少的”。Young通常用来描述一个人或事物看起来很年轻或有一种年轻的气息。这个词在年轻人中比较常见,也经常被用来形容年轻人的风格或态度。Young这个词通常用在以下几个方面:1、年轻的人或动物。例如:“He is so young”,即“他很年轻...

英文是:Is he young?No,he's not young.重点词汇:young 英[jʌŋ]释义:adj.年轻的;初期的;没有经验的 n.年轻人;(动物的)崽,仔 n.(Young)人名;(中)杨(广东话·威妥玛);(柬)永;(英、葡)扬 [复数:young;比较级:younger;最高级:youngest]短语:Er...

i's he young的肯定回答
He is young.他很年轻\/他是新手。(根据上下文,可以有不同的翻译)“young”adj. 年轻的;初期的;没有经验的 n. 年轻人;(动物的)崽,仔 eg.They have retrained a number of young technicians for our factory.他们为我厂再培训了一些年轻的技术员。The story my mother told me when I ...

He is young . 这是个主系表结构的句子,意思是 他 年轻。主系表结构的句子变否定句在be 动词后加 not ,也就是在 is 后加not He is not young.他不年轻。

年轻人是the young还是the youngs?
the young指的是一类年轻人 像the old指老人 the disabled指残疾人一样。the +adj 指一类人的意思

3.Young people today face a very difficult future at work.如今的年轻人面临着充满困难的工作前景。4.Many young people are out of work.很多年轻人失业。5.The government plans to create more jobs for young people.政府计划为年轻人创造更多的就业机会。6.He's too young to understand the...

Oliver, Is he young?意思是:奥利弗,他很年轻吗?满意还望采纳

侯新13327164902问: The young man a blue shirt is my brother. -
乐昌市丙酸回答: 看下列各种说法,意思不变! 比说道理直白得多!!The young man【in】a blue shirt is my brother The young man【who is in】a blue shirt is my brother The young man【wearing】a blue shirt is my brother The young man【who is wearing】a ...

侯新13327164902问: The young man broke his arm in the accident and had to - ------ - his job. -
乐昌市丙酸回答: 答案C C(send up“发射”put up“举起;张贴”give up“放弃”get up“起床”)

侯新13327164902问: A) before B) while C) as D) afterThe young man lost his job last month ,but it wasn't long - ____ - he found a new position in my company . -
乐昌市丙酸回答:[答案] The young man lost his job last month ,but it wasn't long ______ he found a new position in my company .A) before B) while C) as D) after 问:while不行吗 答 A. 译:那青年人上月失去了工作.不过,没过多久,他就在我公司谋得了一个新的职位. 这可...

侯新13327164902问: 1, The young man used to - ------to work, but he -
乐昌市丙酸回答: ●答案:The young man used to (drive)to work, but he is used to (walking)to work now.●解析:used to do表示“过去常常做某事”;be used to doing表示“习惯于做某事”.本句的意思是”这个年轻人过去经常开车去上班,现在习惯于步行去上班.” 以上.希望可以对你有所帮助,谢谢.

侯新13327164902问: 英语题:The young man - ---(make)to give his seat to an old woman on the bus, -
乐昌市丙酸回答: was made

侯新13327164902问: The young man was - ---frightened that he gave the watch to Mr Brown. very , quite,so用哪个? -
乐昌市丙酸回答: so 因为是so...that...的搭配用法 学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

侯新13327164902问: ().the breav young man lost his life in the big fire 填unlucky 还是unluckily?为什么? -
乐昌市丙酸回答:[答案] unluckily the breave young man lost his life in the big fire你好, unluckily是助动词, unlucky是形容词, 助动词可以用在句中句首尾. 而形容词只能放在名词前面.

侯新13327164902问: the young man was brave enough to save the boy from the cold water.是什么意思?详细~ -
乐昌市丙酸回答: 这个年轻人很勇敢地从冰冷的水中就出那个男孩.

侯新13327164902问: 那个青年人从水里救出了一个小男孩 The young man - _ - a boy - _ - __ - the river -
乐昌市丙酸回答:[答案] helped out of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,有疑问可追问,希望能及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

侯新13327164902问: The young man and the young woman paid____attention to the writer(a) none; (b) any ; (c) not any (d) no单选题,请问选哪个答案?请说详细一些 -
乐昌市丙酸回答:[答案] (d) no C不可以. pay__no__attention to 不理睬,词组.

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